Healthy Weight Loss Tips

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Tummy Tuck Scars – Yes – But Great Abs

Hey, I know you’re worried about tummy tuck scars, I mean what’s the point of undergoing such a major surgery if you won’t be able to show off your abs because you have some ugly scar, right? Well, relax , the scar is usually big, but there are a few things that you should know.

First things first, make sure that before you have your tummy tuck that you have realistic expectations. It’s always best to invest the time to get in shape before the tummy tuck, don’t think of this surgery as a ‘diet’ plan. It really should only be used as a ‘finishing touch’ to tighten skin and repair torn muscles that no amount of diet and exercise can repair.

It’s also important to realize that a lot of people subconsciously think that once they look good everything will go great for them in life. Not so. Sure, you’ll look great and that will make you feel great, but life can still have it’s ups and downs so be prepared. The weird thing is that many people feel this way but few are aware they feel that way so it can blindside you after the surgery. Just be on the lookout for it.

Now, on to the tummy tuck scars, yes the scar will usually go from hip to hip, but if you have a qualified surgeon the scar will be so low that you can still wear that skimpy two piece you’ve had your eye on. Another thing to remember is that the scar will fade over time.

How long it takes for the scar to fade to the point where you can’t hardly see it will depend on your skin type. There are some people who claim that certain creams can help lessen the redness of the scar more quickly but you should talk to your doctor first to get his opinion.

You will also be bruised and swollen for weeks after the procedure. This is another common misconception. The swelling will go down after several weeks but until it does you’ll probably look bigger than you did before the surgery. Don’t let this bum you out, it’s only temporary. When everything fades and the swelling goes down you’ll love the way you look.

Some people also believe that tummy tucks are temporary. You’ll have to ask your doctor about that, but in my experience (yes, I’ve had one) the only way to go back to the way you were before is if you gain back all the weight you lost. So, don’t!

Do yourself a favor, take time to get in shape by eating right and getting plenty of exercise. Once you’ve done that honestly access the way you look. Once you’ve done all that you can do it might be time to see a plastic surgeon if you’re still not quite ‘there’. Don’t worry about tummy tuck scars they are very low and will fade over time so you’ll be able to show off your hot abs!

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Making a Six Pack and Losing Weight

Studies have shown that there are more people who are overweight now than ever before. To counter this threat, health professionals have come up with various ways to lose weight.

Some programs recommend the person eat products that are rich in carbohydrates while cutting down on protein and the other way around. A few examples of these are the south beach diet, protein power and the Aitkins diet.

One program that could make the person have great abs and lose weight is called the Abs diet.

Mr. David Zinczenko is the person who designed the abs diet. Thos who want to try this should commit to the program over a 6-week period. After which the individual will see a dramatic change such as flatter abs and weight loss.

This dietary plan was initially designed for men but some women have also tried it and have reported to show positive results.

Studies have shown that a pound of muscle gained helps the person burn more than 50 calories per day. So, if after extensive work in the gym the individual is able to develop 10 pounds of muscle, this translates to burning 500 calories daily.

People who follow the program consistently are able to lose twelve pounds in the first two weeks with about five to eight in the succeeding weeks.

Everybody normally eats three square meals a day. This diet program involves eating small servings six times a week. The food consists of eggs, whole grain cereals or bread, poultry, lean meat, low fat dairy products and certain fruits.

Aside from only eating those in the list, the person will also have to endure a 20-minute workout three times a week that is designed to help in the fat burning process.

The abs diet is fairly new compared to other programs that have been around for more than 10 years.

The abs diet is available in the bookstore or in the Internet. It is best to read up on it and do some research so the person will be able to understand what will happen should the individual decide to try it out.

It is also advisable to consult with the doctor to make sure the food to be taken in and the exercises to be done weekly are safe.

Losing weight will not be easy. The person should be serious about it and follow all the directions in order to achieve the desired results.

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