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5 Signs You May Need LapBand Surgery

The LapBand procedure is a weight loss surgery that has increased in popularity since is introduction to the United States in 2001. So, what is it that sets the LapBand apart from other bariatric procedures? It has to do with risk and convenience. With a lower complication and death rate and a shorter recovery period, the LapBand is the preferred choice of treatment for most individuals and healthcare professionals.

If you are overweight, you may be ready to jump on the LapBand bandwagon. As previously stated, the LapBand surgery does have a number of benefits, but it is not right for everyone. So, how do you know? Please continue reading on for five signs that the LapBand surgery is something you should closely examine. In the event the signs apply to you, schedule a consultation appointment with a LapBand surgeon to determine your eligibility.

1 If Your Doctor Suggests It

Those who suffer from obesity are likely to schedule more appointments with their primary care physician. Those suffering from obesity, deal with other health related complications, including asthma and diabetes. In most cases, primary care physicians recommend healthy eating and exercise. In extreme cases of obesity, the LapBand system may be mentioned.

If your primary care physician suggests the LapBand surgery, take this suggestion to heart. Your doctor has your best interests in mind.

2 If You Are Severely Obese

On average, those suffering from obesity have a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 30 or more. This usually translates to 30 pounds overweight. Although obesity has many risks and complications, LapBand surgeons are selective. In most cases, simply just being obese isnt enough to warrant a LapBand procedure. Instead, most physicians recommend patients have a Body Mass Index (BMI) rating of 40 or more. This translates into severe and morbid obesity.

If you are 100 pounds overweight or more, LapBand surgery may not only help you lose weight, but it may save your life.

3 If You Are Unable to Lose Weight

In most cases, the LapBand surgery is used as a last resort. It is considered a relatively safe procedure, but there are always risks involved. That is why most professionals opt for natural weight loss methods. Before giving the okay for LapBand, most surgeons want to see proof that their patients have tried to lose weight with diet and exercise. If not, most will try natural approaches before opting for surgery.

If you have unsuccessfully tried to lose weight with diet and exercise multiple times, weight loss surgery may be your only option.

4 If Your Health is at Risk

Health will play a huge role in ones ability to undergo LapBand surgery. For many, it is a double sword. LapBand surgery and weight loss can lessen the symptoms of asthma, diabetes, and other obesity related conditions. In fact, symptoms may completely disappear. On that same note, those who are obese due to a medical condition, such as a thyroid problem or pregnancy, are not ideal candidates. In these instances, a reduced stomach size may not cure a weight problem.

If you suffer from obesity related health problems, consider surgery. Not only will you lose weight, but your overall health and wellbeing will improve. You may feel as if you got a new lease on life with the LapBand surgery.

5 If You Cannot Complete Daily Activities

Despite being obese, some men and women are able to lead normal and happy lives. This is often the case with slight obesity. On the other hand, there are those who cannot do daily activities or needed tasks. Those who find it impossible to play with their children, walk up a flight of stairs, or leave the house, are at a serious and dangerous stage. This is the point where LapBand surgery and other extreme methods of weight loss should be examined.

If your obesity restricts your ability to go about your day, now is the time to consider the LapBand system.


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The Pros and Cons of LapBand Surgery

If you are between the ages of 18 and 60 and around 100 pounds overweight, you may be the ideal candidate for LapBand surgery. The LapBand is a successful weight loss surgery that has been used in the United States since 2001. Most patients who undergo the procedure see results. With that said, all surgical procedures have their pros and cons.

So, what are the pros and cons of undergoing LapBand surgery?

Weight loss. Weight loss is the most significant advantage to undergoing the procedure. For many patients, the LapBand system is not only used to improve their physical appearance, but their health. In many instances, the LapBand surgery is considered a lifesaving procedure. Weight loss will depend on surgeon preference, band size, healthy eating choices, and exercise.

Improvement in health. As previously stated, many patients who undergo the LapBand surgery are doing so to save their lives. With severe cases of obesity, the early onset of death is likely. When properly inserted, the LapBand should lead to a longer and healthier life. If that wasnt enough, the weight loss associated with LapBand surgery can lead to the disappearance of diabetes and other weight related health problems.

Freedom. In a way, most LapBand patients are provided with a certain level of freedom; freedom they never had before. By following all doctor recommendations, weight loss is all but guaranteed. Whether you lose 50 pounds or 100 pounds over the course of time, you will have more freedom to live your life. It will likely be the simplest things, such as walking up a flight of stairs without losing your breath, that will leave you with the most joy.

Short recovery. The LapBand system involves the insertion of an adjustable gastric band. There is no cutting or stapling of the stomach pouch. This means a shorter recovery time. In fact, most patients spend less than 24 hours in the hospital. Not only is the recovery shorter, but there are less risks of complications. The LapBand surgery is safer than gastric bypass surgery.

Adjustable. The greatest benefit of the LapBand system is that the band is adjustable. Not all bodies react to surgery or the LapBand the same way. For that reason, adjustments are common. Even better is the fact that adjustments can be made without surgery. Adjustments are made with band slippage, regurgitation, acid reflux, and no weight loss.

Reversible. Since stomach pouch cutting and stapling is not involved with the LapBand system, the procedure is 100% reversible. Unlike adjustments, surgery is required for band removal. When removed, your stomach will return to its normal size. Reasons for removal include time where the band is no longer needed to assist in weight loss or complications in which adjustments do not assist.

Eligibility requirements. Unfortunately, the LapBand system tends to come with many eligibility requirements. Qualified surgeons will not operate on just anyone. Even if you are overweight, you may not qualify for the LapBand surgery. In most cases, patients need to have a Body Mass Index (BMI) of around 40, be between the ages of 16 and 60, be in good health, and have a clear understanding of the commitment required to lose weight.

Costs. Very few medical procedures are affordable, but you may be shocked with the cost of LapBand surgery. On average, the procedure costs $15,000 to $20,000 in the United States. If you are covered by medical insurance, contact your provider. Some insurance providers cover the cost of bariatric surgery. If not, save money by cutting expenses, look for an affordable surgeon, and inquire about payment plans.

As you can see, the LapBand system has many pros and cons. In most cases, the pros easily outweigh the cons. So, if you are suffering from severe or morbid obesity, schedule a consultation appointment with a LapBand surgeon. If you are deemed an eligible candidate, a healthier lifestyle is just a few months away.


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LapBand Diet Restrictions: How to Make the Transition

Do you want to undergo LapBand surgery? If so, a consultation appointment with a surgeon will determine if you are an eligible candidate. If so, your surgeon will begin to discuss expectations. Not will he or she outline what you can expect from surgery, but they will outline what is expected from you. In terms of the LapBand system, that is diet restrictions.

Diet restrictions are important to the success of the LapBand surgery. The LapBand surgery involves inserting an adjustable gastric band around the stomach pouch. The stomach is reduced in size. This assists in weight loss, but to maximize results and minimize complications, patients must restrict their diet. Diet restrictions are necessary in the pre and post-surgery stages.

If you are severely obese and seeking help from the LapBand, this likely isnt your first time attempting to lose weight. In fact, you may have already tried healthy eating and diet restrictions. If your attempts where unsuccessful, you may be concerned about the LapBand surgery. After all, if you couldnt restrict your diet before, what would be different now? Drive and determination. If you are serious about undergoing weight loss surgery, you do not have any other options. In most instances, surgeons will not perform the LapBand procedure if you cannot restrict your diet.

So, how can you make the transition to healthy eating before surgery?

Get started early. The moment you decide to undergo LapBand surgery is the moment you should start restricting your diet. Not only will you get a healthier body with a reduced fat content around the stomach, but you lower your risk of surgical complications. Two to three weeks before surgery, you will need to eat healthy and increase protein intake. Why not get started now?

Try different foods. As previously stated, two to three weeks before surgery, patients are asked to restrict their diets to healthy foods and protein supplements. These foods may include lean means, eggs, yogurt, vegetables, and fruits. Before your doctor advises you to restrict your diet, you are provided with some forms of freedom. Experiment with healthy foods to find the foods that best curb your cravings. As long as they are healthy, these are foods you can later consume post-surgery.

Start in small steps. As previously stated, diet restrictions are difficult for those suffering from obesity. This is because many have poor eating habits. Many eat too much and opt for junk food. It is virtually impossible for most to stop these bad eating habits overnight. So, start the transition early and do so in small steps. Do you have cookies for snack three times a day? If so, eliminate one of those snacks and opt for a healthier option, such as an apple. Over time, eliminate cookies from your diet.

Plan your meals in advance. Those who suffer from obesity and eating problems are known to eat food whenever it is available. This means that meals and snacks are often last minute decisions. Instead, plan your meals each week. Use your meal list as your grocery shopping list. Reduce temptations by not buying junk food.

Remember your goal. Whether you start to curb your eating habits three months or three weeks before your LapBand surgery, you will have trouble. Those who rely on food for taste or emotional comfort can experience withdrawal and cravings. You may want to give up, but dont. Remember, your surgeon may refuse to perform the surgery if you do not show a true commitment to the procedure, which involves diet restriction.

Meet with a nutrition expert. Nutrition experts come in a number of different formats. There are those who specialize in healthy eating and weight loss. Appointments are available for free or for an affordable fee. Seek help from a professional. That professional can not only give you healthy eating ideas, but recipes and detailed meal plans.

Finally, track your progress. Have a notebook handy and record what you ate each day. At the end of the week, reward yourself. Remember no sweets, but opt for something fulfilling in a different aspect, such as a new book, watching a movie, or a new shirt from your favorite store.


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Whats Important In A Healthy Eating Program

To develop a healthy eating program to maintain a healthy weight, its a good idea to do some research on health and nutrition. If youre not trying to lose weight but just want to eat well for good health, then its important to understand how your body uses food. This makes it easier for you to choose healthy food and not be tricked when less-than healthy foods call themselves natural and healthy.

A healthy eating program should offer you much more than just a good balance of protein, fat and carbohydrates. But if that balance isnt in place to start with, the plan probably isnt all that healthy. Any plan that keeps fat at about 30% or less of the diet and stresses good fats over saturated fats probably has a healthy fat balance. There should be plenty of sources of protein other than meat, like lots of fish, healthy dairy sources like yogurt, and beans.

And carbohydrates should be mostly whole grain sources like whole grain bread and oatmeal. Whole grain pastas are better than regular pastas, and basmati rice is better than regular white rice. A healthy eating program that stresses these smart choices over things like instant white rice and instant pre-packaged sweetened and flavored oatmeal is better than one that includes too many convenience items.

A healthy eating program should follow the government food pyramid pretty closely. Whole grain carbohydrates, fruits, vegetables, beans, fish, lean meat and dairy products can all be part of a very healthy diet. But there are other things to look at, no matter what kind of diet you choose to follow.

You want to make sure your healthy eating program has enough diversity so that you dont get bored, and you get all the vitamins and minerals your body needs. Baked chicken breasts, broccoli and a whole grain roll might be a healthy lunch, but no one wants to eat that several times a week. Your plan needs to include a variety of vegetables, not just one or two. There are more lean meats than chicken breasts, and many different ways to prepare these and other dishes.

Youll also want to make sure that unhealthy things arent creeping into your meals. Some diets stress that you use margarine instead of butter, for instance, because its lower fat and not full of saturated fat like butter. But margarine is mostly trans fat, a fat that even the government now agrees is worse for you than saturated fat. Its a fat that should be eliminated, or at the very least severely restricted, from our diets. A healthy eating program that allows certain commercially packaged low-fat cookies and treats might not take into account the amount of trans fats and sugar in those foods, either.

You have to be the detective and examine all the parts of the diet you want to follow. Yes, the balance of foods and nutrition is important, but dont forget to look at all the other parts of your healthy eating program.

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