Healthy Weight Loss Tips

Healthy Diet Tips And Much More

Having A Good Diet Can Lower Cholesterol

James just had a blood test as part of the annual physical examination. This person exercised moderately and loved to eat but this was all about to change when the results came in.

The results showed that the LDL commonly known as bad cholesterol was much higher than the good cholesterol. The doctor said if some changes are not done, this individual will soon suffer from high blood pressure, a heart attack or a stroke.

Being a father of 2 children, this person had to take the situation very seriously to be able to continue providing the needs for the family.

Since James was working out twice a week, the doctor advised the individual to do it more often. This means working out four times a week and engaging in other activities to help lower the cholesterol.

There is no point in exercising more often if the intake of food does not change. The doctor told James to make some changes in the diet because nothing will happen if the food being burned is just resupplied into the body.

The doctor referred James to a dietitian. The two had a long talk about the food that was bad and this should be cut down. These should be replaced with those that are much healthier so the level of bad cholesterol can be lowered.

The plan on paper looked very simple. James will have to eat food that is low in fat and no longer that rich in carbohydrates. During breakfast, this person can eat the yellow portion of the egg but not the white one.

Instead of having coffee in the morning, this should be changed with unsweetened tea. There are times that James likes to eat cereals with the kids but the milk this individual will consume is not the regular one but is non-fat.

During lunchtime, something heaver can be eaten. Chicken can only be consumed without the skin. The portion of steak should be reduced and mixed with a lot of vegetables and side dishes.

It will take some time to adjust to the new regimen and people like James who are new to this will feel hungry in the late afternoon. Having some carrot sticks or an apple is much better than having a donut that has a lot of sugar.

Instead of having a cola with the snack, this has to be changed with either water or fruit juice and not the artificial one but made of real fruits.

The program continues on to dinner, which can be fish or pasta with some sidings. The person will be sleeping for the next 6 to 8 hours after the meal so there is no need to fill it up.

Drinking a glass of red wine is safe. This is better than drinking beer, which is something James had to give up.

James to follow the plan even when dining out in a party or eating in a restaurant. There is no day offs for someone who is at risk of heart disease or high blood pressure and this wasnt only for himself but also for the family.

The next checkup with the doctor showed significant results. The LDL was much lower than the HDL, which was good for someone at that age. The diet program chosen by James is just one of many out there in the market. It takes some time to find the right program to be able to lower the cholesterol and be healthy again.

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Obesity Can Cause Heart Disease And Stroke

Obesity is on the rise and the number of people with too much body fat is higher than ever. A human body consists of fat, water, carbohydrates, protein, vitamins and minerals. When the amount of fat is too high then you are at higher risk of serious medical problems like heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes.

When you have excess fat in your body it raises your cholesterol and triglyceride levels. It can also raise your blood pressure and increase your risk of diabetes. The risk of heart disease is significantly higher when you are obese. In fact a person that is obese may have double the risk of having a major heart attack or a stroke.

When a person consumes more calories than they burn then those calories turn into stored fat. This causes a person to become overweight and may lead to obesity. When there is too many calories consumed that contain a lot of cholesterol and saturated fats the cholesterol levels in the blood increase. This increase of cholesterol will increase the risk of heart disease.

How do you know if you are obese?

Body fat is measure by both body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference. If your waistline is more than 35 inches for women and more than 40 inches for men then you are at a high risk of becoming obese.

The BMI is the body weight in comparison to the persons height. This is calculated by taking the body weight (in pounds) and dividing it by the height (in inches) squared then multiply this by 703.

Here are the levels of body mass index calculations:

18.5 or less is considered as being underweight

18.5 to 24.9 is considered a healthy weight range

25.0 to 29.9 is considered as being overweight

30.0 or higher is considered as being obese

40.0 or higher is considered as extreme obesity.

How to reduce or prevent obesity:

1. Add some exercise into your daily routine, even if you start out with something simple such as walking for 30 minutes a day. If you can’t exercise every day then try to exercise at least three to four times a week.

2. Reduce the amount of time you spend doing activities sitting down, such as watching TV or time on the computer.

3. Make fitter choices, such as taking the stairs instead of the lift.

4. Eat a healthy, nutritious diet that is low in fat. Include lots of fruit and vegetables in your diet.

5. Reduce the amount of food consumed each day by making your proportions smaller.

It is easiest to prevent obesity but if you are already obese it isn’t too late to get back to a healthy weight range. To live longer and have a healthier and more active life, try the above tips to get yourself to a healthy weight and stay at a healthy weight. Having a healthy weight range is the best choice for avoiding those serious conditions, such as heart disease and stroke, which you are at higher risk at by being overweight.

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Weight Loss And Sex Drive – Become A Emotional High

Weight Loss And Sex Drive – Become A Emotional High

What is the correlation between weight loss and sex drive, or is there even a correlation? We all know that sex is a very physical activity and it’s simply easier to do when you are at the proper body weight and in good condition.

It’s also common to think that losing weight will make you more attractive to your partner, which may or may not be the case.

What many people don’t realize is that weight loss can make them more interested in sex too. Beyond the physical aspect of sex there is a very strong and deep emotional and psychological component as well.

If losing weight and getting in better shape makes you feel better about yourself, it’s very likely that that will take away many of the inhibitions that you may have had and make you want to have sex more often.

It’s simple, when you feel sexy, attractive and desirable, you act more sexy attractive and desirable. You may find that you simply want to be intimate with your partner more often. This is an element that many people fail to realize when it comes to weight loss.

They often think that the only benefit is either to their partner or to themselves but only on a physical level. In reality it can simply make you desire sex more often.

Talk about a strong motivation to get in better shape: being more desirable to your partner and having a higher sex drive yourself (not to mention lessening your risk for heart attack, stroke and diabetes).

If you want to go for it and find out just how you can bring sexy back, but aren’t sure where to start, the first place you should start is at your doctors office. Make an appointment and find out what, if any, restrictions you may have for exercising.

Even if you have health issues, there is almost always a way to work around it and still get some physical (non sexual) activity into your daily life.

One of the most common, and easily avoidable,mistakes that many people make is to set unrealistic goals for themselves. They want it to happen quickly and they think that they will work really hard. The fact is that many people simply will find it hard to make major and drastic lifestyle changes right off the bat. For many, it’s better to set smaller, more achievable goals and when those have been conquered, add more.

So instead of vowing to run a marathon in a few weeks why not just park your car a little further from the entrance to the grocery store? Or, how about taking the steps more often? These are simple, small changes that anyone can make and it’s much more likely that you can stick with it. The more small goals you stick with, the more you can move on to set larger goals.

Now that you know about the relationship between weight loss and sex drive, it’s time to get started. You can make a huge difference on all aspects of your life one small step at a time.

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Follow A Low Carb Low Fat Diet And Lose Weight

Follow A Low Carb Low Fat Diet And Lose Weight Today

You can lose weight by following a low carb low fat diet. Why would you want to lose weight? Well apart from the obvious affect on your appearance, did you know that carrying excess pounds increases your risk of cancer, heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes. Not to mention the aches and pains caused by the strain of carrying the boost in weight.

Before embarking on a weight loss plan, go see your doctor and find out what your nonpareil weight is. Despite the huge number of poop celebrities, this is not a healthy look and not one that you should aspire to. Your express optimum weight will depend on your height, your build and to a lesser extent your genetics.

So what is the best way to lose weight? It is really via education. You would need to be living under a rock not to know that eating fast food takeouts every night for dinner is causing you to pile on the pounds. Yet we still do it. We go into our favorite restaurants and ask for larger meal sizes as they seem better value.

We know we should exercise more yet we sit on the couch watching our favorite TV shows. Why have sales of games like Wii fit exploded over recent years? They allow us to sit on the couch but pretend we are being active!

If you try a low carb, low fat diet today then do yourself a favour and set yourself increase for success. You cannot just suddenly change your diet habits in one day. You need to be prepared. Go shopping and undistinguished up on the types of foods you will be eating. Bin the white bread, pasta, rice, x coated cereals and juices. You will be eating wholegrain or granary breads from now on and unless it is brown pasta or brown rice it wont be part of your fresh diet.

Keeping a food memoir is a great way to keep course of your progress. You can easily see where your infirm spots are and will then know how best to avoid them. We often delude ourselves into thinking we are eating less. Writing it lone makes it harder to lie to ourselves.

When eating at home, try to cook your meals from scratch. Yes I know we are all short on time but pre – stuffed meals tend to be high in fats and sugars and low in nutrients. Even the low fat varieties contain a club of sugar and salt mainly added to make them taste better.

If time is a major factor then shot bulk cooking. When you do cook, make three times the amount you need and stay the extra portions. You can have a home cooked meal every night by taking out a dinner from the freezer prior to going to work.

Being organised and educated will help you to follow a low carb, low fat diet more successfully.

24 Hour Fitness

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