Weight Loss Exercise Program – Dont Shortchange Yourself
When it comes to finding the right weight loss exercise program many people make one huge mistake. They think solely in terms of doing cardiovascular exercises and either don’t do enough weight training, or worse, don’t do any weight training at all.
Some people mistakenly think that they want to burn the fat and the only way to do that is to do tons of cardio. And of course, you do need a full cardio workout in your overall exercise plan, but if you neglect the weight training aspect of your workouts you will really be shortchanging yourself and your overall fitness goals.
A lot of women also make the mistake of thinking that they can only lift very light weights and / or only do a few repetitions of each exercise or they will get bulky. They are so afraid of getting big that they neglect this extremely important aspect of working out.
Let’s set the record straight, while it’s true that women have both estrogen and testosterone in their bodies naturally, the levels of testosterone are only about one seventh of what men have. For a woman to “accidentally” get bulky just by lifting weights would be impossible. The women body builders you see don’t get that way on accident, they work hard at it and treat is like what it is… a full time job.
So, make sure you lift weights as part of your routine. The more lean muscle mass you have the more calories your body will burn all day every day, no matter what you are doing. That is a great side effect. Having nice muscle tone will also make you look trimmer and slimmer, no matter what your weight is.
So you will look thinner at 125 lbs if you have a lot of toned muscle than you would if you didn’t have good muscle tone. When first starting out (after you get your doctors ok) find someone to teach you how to use the proper form, then start with a weight that makes it challenging to finish a full set, one set is between 8 – 12 individual repetitions of the exercise.
The general rule of thumb is that you should be able to finish the set, but just barely. That is how you know that you are using the proper amount of weight. Once you can easily do all reps of one exercise at a certain weight, move up to a higher weight. At first you may not be able to do a whole set at the higher weight, that’s ok. Just do what you can and build on that.
Make each repetition slow and controlled and don’t forget to use proper breathing techniques. If you have never done this before you really should have someone show you the proper techniques in order to avoid injuries.
To get the most out of all your weight loss exercise plans, make sure that you eat right, get plenty of water and rest and incorporate a full weight training routine. You won’t get bulky but you will burn more calories and that may just make you hot.
Tags: Calories, Cardio Workout, Cardiovascular Exercises, Estrogen, Exercise Plan, Fitness Goals, Full Time Job, Lean Muscle Mass, Lifting Weights, Light Weights, Losing Weight, Mistake, Muscle Tone, Repetitions, Rule Of Thumb, Testosterone, Weight Loss Exercise, Weight Loss Exercise Program, Weight Training, Women Body Builders, Workouts —
Exercise To Lose Weight And Save Time
Many of us have very busy lives, even though we know we need to lose weight, and we are willing to do the work, we still only have limited time. For that reason you need to focus on the best exercise to lose weight so you can get the maximum results in the shortest amount of time.
Workout routines are usually broken up into two main components: cardiovascular (Cardio) and weight training. Both forms of exercise offer great benefits to your body and your overall health.
Cardio is a great way to get your heart rate up which can lead to a healthier heart and lung capacity. Weight training will help you build muscle tone and can lead to increased metabolism rates and a stronger body. Effectively combining the best elements of both forms of exercises is usually a good way to go.
But the downside to that approach is that it takes more time. If you go to a gym, any gym, you will see people who spend 20 -30 minutes on a treadmill, elliptical or exercise bike. Then they will go over to the weight machines or free weights and spend another 30 or so minutes lifting weights.
There is nothing wrong with that type of routine if: you have time to do it consistently, and you don’t find it boring. If either one of these issues is an issue for you than what you need to do is concentrate only on the weight training.
Why? Because you can get a cardio benefit out of the weight training too. This actually can happen in two ways, for one thing, if you do each repetition in a slow and controlled manner (which is what you should be doing anyway) than you will find that you are sweating and breathing heavy. In other words, you are getting a cardio workout.
But, unlike many forms of cardio exercises, you are also benefiting from the weight training too. You are building a lot of lean muscle tone. That will help you appear thinner since the muscles will “hold you in” kind of like a girdle, but more importantly, the more lean muscle mass you have the higher your metabolism will burn.
That increased metabolic rate isn’t going to just happen when you are at the gym working out, it will be happening all day everyday! Think of what that will do to you to your weight loss efforts if you are actually burning more calories every single day no matter what you are doing (yes, even while you sleep or sit on your rear on the couch).
So, if you want to know what the best exercise to lose weight is, it is a combination of cardio and weight training. If you need to shorten the time you exercise each week but don’t want to miss out on any of the benefits than your best bet is to do weight training. As I explained above, if you do it right you will get a cardio benefit too and that will last long after you leave the gym for the day.
Tags: Best Exercise To Lose Weight, Calories, Cardio Exercises, Cardio Training, Cardio Workout, Downside, Exercise Bike, Exercise To Lose Weight, Free Weights, Girdle, Healthier Heart, Heart Rate, Lean Muscle Mass, Lifting Weights, Losing Weight, Lung Capacity, Maximum Results, Metabolism Rates, Muscle Tone, Treadmill Exercise, Weight Training, Workout Routines —
4 Tips For Effective Weight Loss
Are you fed up with continuously seeing no measurable or long-lasting results whenever you try to lose weight? Or maybe you are sick and tired of throwing your money away on the latest fad diets, only to be let down again. Stop! That’s right, stop whatever you’re doing, you are going to want to hear this. Don’t even think about trying another diet plan or weight loss program until you read the following article. Why? Because the four tips will put you on the fast to lose weight safely and keep it off.
Each of the tips are based on science. That means they have always been around and are not fads. It’s just that a lot of people selling the latest weight loss programs don’t always like to share them, so it’s not your fault if you haven’t been able to effectively lose weight.
1. The Magic of Muscle – In short, the more lean muscle you have as you are trying to lose weight, the better. The amount of calories you are able to burn off is related, in part, to how much muscle mass you have. On top of that, more muscle allows you to exercise more effectively, and have more endurance. The fact that muscle is more attractive than fat doesn’t hurt either.
One of the best ways to build muscle mass is through strength training. You can still engage in aerobic exercise, and should, but nothing beats lifting weights and resistance training to add muscle to your body. This is important because muscle also requires more calories to stay fed, which is good, and brings us to the next point…
2. Stoke the Furnace – What we are talking about here is metabolism; that is the rate at which your body burns calories. As we have already seen, muscle tissue is excellent for burning calories and boosting your metabolism. However, there is something else you can do to keep your metabolism whirring along.
Eating smaller meals throughout the day, as opposed to three larger meals, will keep your body working at burning calories. It also has the added benefit of keeping your hunger from getting out of control.
3. Fast Feet – We’ll keep this tip short and sweet. A great way to lose weight is to take brisk walks on a regular basis. It’s not only easy enough to do, but it will also help you to lose weight safely and keep it off.
4. Cut Calories – This may be the biggest “secret” that fad diets try to conceal, but it gets right to the heart of the matter. The only way to lose weight is to burn more calories than you take in. So far we have looked at burning calories, but now it’s time to switch to reducing how many you take in. The good news is that you don’t have to religiously count every calorie that goes into your mouth. All you have to do is make better food choices, and make a conscious effort to eat reasonable portions.
Tags: Added Benefit, Aerobic Exercise, Amount Of Calories, Body Burns, Boosting Your Metabolism, Burning Calories, Calories, Diet Plan, Effective Weight Loss, Endurance, Fad Diets, Fads, food choices;, Furnace, Healthy Diet, Hunger, Latest Fad, Lean Muscle, Lifting Weights, Losing Weight, Muscle Mass, Muscle Tissue, Resistance Training, Strength Training, US Federal Reserve —
Muscle Building For Fat Loss
Many women are under the impression that any type of weight bearing exercise will bulk them up – adding too much muscle to be attractive. In fact, the opposite is true. Muscle building for fat loss is possible, and adding muscle will, in fact, help your body to burn fat more quickly. Adding muscle to your frame helps you to secure a lean, toned appearance. You’ll be stronger, and more flexible.
When practicing muscle building for fat loss, it is key to remember that you may not lose weight as quickly as with cardio alone. However, you are burning fat more quickly. Muscle has weight, too, and you are replacing fatty pounds with muscular ones. However, if you are overweight, your weight will still drop. In either case, your percentage of body fat will drastically decrease, and you will lose inches from your hips, thighs, and waist.
When you decide to add muscle building exercises to your daily routine, start with a low amount of weight and a high number of repetitions. When you see those big bulky guys in the gym lifting weights – they’re doing the opposite. For bulk, you’d want a high amount of weight, lifted a few times. Low weight, high reps will lead to long, lean muscle and an overall toned appearance.
As you practice muscle building for fat loss techniques, it is still important to eat healthfully. Working out in the gym and then going home to load up on cookies and chips is unhealthy, and unproductive. Remember, it is much easier to avoid calories in the first place than it is to burn them once you’ve eaten.
Muscle building will help you to achieve other healthful benefits, as well. Your posture will improve, as your core muscles become stronger. You’ll have more energy, and be able to do more cardiovascular exercise as your body strength grows. Working out will become easier and easier, as you become stronger and stronger.
When you begin add muscle building for fat loss into your workout, you may be sore. If this occurs, be sure to stretch before and after your workout. Remember, your hard work will pay off! You’re decreasing your body fat percentage, which improves your overall health. You’re improving your posture, and building a stronger, healthier body. It’s a proven fact – muscle building for fat loss works!
Tags: Appearance, Bearing, Body Fat, Body Strength, Calories, Cardiovascular Exercise, Chips, energy;, Fat Loss, Fat Women, Going Home, Healthful Benefits, Hips Thighs, Lean Muscle, Lifting Weights, Losing Weight, Muscle building, Muscle Building Exercises, Muscle Exercises, Muscles, Posture, Repetitions, Workout —