Healthy Weight Loss Tips

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Cant Lose Weight

I know it is frustrating, but did you know there are so many reasons a woman can t lose weight it is like the whole world, and our bodies, is working against us. I am not kidding, with so many things not in our favor it is amazing that any woman can lose the weight she wants to.

It’s just not fair, I mean, men can seemingly eat what they want and if they should put on a few extra pounds all they have to do is think about it and the extra weight is gone, right? Ok, maybe not all of them but I know a guy who just recently lost 35 pounds in about 7 weeks. It took me 6 months to lose that amount of weight then as soon as I stopped working hard at it, I put it all back on and then some.

On average women carry 6 – 11 percent more body fat then men do. This is necessary for the regulation of certain hormones and regular menstruation not to mention having all the curves in all the right places. But if you have too much body fat and can t lose weight don’t you think you deserve some answers?

One of the reasons is that sometimes we think that if we do not eat we can lose weight. This is so far from the truth that when you read this you will probably kick yourself. Skipping meals is the number one reason why women GAIN weight. That’s right, I said gain weight.

Why? Because our bodies enter into what I like to call starvation mode and instead of burning off the excess it holds on to it because it doesn’t know when it will be getting more fuel. Your metabolism actually slows way down almost to the point of not working at all. So the fix is to eat five or six small meals a day to keep your metabolism stoked. Make those meals as low carb as you can get, too.

Another reason is lack of exercise. Did you know that all you need to do is walk for thirty minutes a day to lose those extra pounds? Who can’t do that? Ask a friend to do this with you or record some favorite music on your mp3 player and just get moving. This along with your new eating plan should be enough to start losing some significant weight.

If you have not yet reached the age for menopause or even perimenopause you might want to do all you can to lose the weight before the time comes. Once you reach this age losing weight will become even more difficult. Menopause comes at different times for every woman so talk to you mother and find out the age she went through it. This is as good a starting point as anything.

Other reasons a woman can t lose weight include stress, lack of significant restful sleep, and ineffective blood sugar metabolism. Which does not mean that you have diabetes, so don’t worry, it could just mean you eat too many carbs and you are keeping your insulin production at a high rate. When this happens your body automatically converts the carbs you eat to sugar and when that sugar doesn’t get burned up, your body converts it and stores it as fat, usually around your middle section.

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Best Workout To Lose Abdominal Fat

You may think that you know what the best workout to lose abdominal fat is but I would wager that what you are thinking is incorrect. If you are thinking that doing a thousand crunches everyday or running on a treadmill or other cardio exercises will get rid of your belly then you need to keep reading to change your thinking.

Cardio exercises and crunches really have little to no effect on losing your flabby belly. Not for nothing though, cardio exercises and crunches can be an effective part of an overall strength training program.

Lean muscle burns more calories and fat than all the cardio and crunches you can do. Building lean muscle, or strength training, is the best workout to lose abdominal fat, not to mention fat all over the rest of your body.

I am not saying that you can’t incorporate some cardio into your workout but you do not have to spend mind-numbing hours on end on the treadmill. Use the treadmill as your warm up and then when your muscles are warm concentrate on resistance training and really work your muscles.

Test yourself first and figure out how much weight you can safely lift without causing yourself injury. When you have the heaviest weight then do one slow set of about 10-12 reps. You should be barely able to even lift the last two reps. If this is not the case then you should increase the weight you use.

If you are able to work your muscles to fatigue in one set then your muscle is working at it’s peak. You can significantly reduce the amount of time you spend working out with this system. One set, at maximum weight, for all the major muscles of the body is the best way to build the lean muscle you need to burn the excess fat you have.

With toned, lean muscle you will be able to better burn fat and calories even when you are resting you will burn more than you did without the lean muscle. Your metabolism will be stoked all the time, especially if you are eating healthier, too. Decreasing your carbohydrate intake and increasing your protein intake will help lose the weight quickly.

Now, ladies, building lean muscle does not mean you have to bulk up. You will get toned and look better than you have in years. Lean muscle just keeps burning calories and fat. In fact you may be surprised at how easily it will seem that not only your belly fat disappears but that you slim down all over.

Do not try to spot lose, this is impossible. You either have to lose weight all over or not at all. You can do individual resistance exercises that target each muscle system at different times in your workout, this is different than spot reducing. You are still getting the best workout to lose abdominal fat, you just are also including the rest of your body, as well.

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Exercising is the Best Way to Lower Cholesterol

Cholesterol is something that is in every human being. This is just one of the many things that are produced by the person in order to function properly.

Unfortunately, eating food and drinking alcohol that is high in sugar, fat and oil may do more harm than good to a person. The individual will soon suffer from high blood pressure, diabetes, heart attack or a stroke.

The good news is there is a way to prevent this before it happens. It will take a lot of sacrifice and hard work on the part of the individual because the body will not be able to sustain the effects because of aging.

Apart from eating less and making changes in the diet, the best way to lower cholesterol is by exercising. This will increase the heart rate and metabolism in the body allowing it to expel the harmful oils, which are detrimental to ones health.

Those who have not exercised before should first consult with a physician to find out which is safe. Those who have a heart condition may not do something rigorous and will have to rely on something that is low impact such as walking, weight lifting or stretching.

Should the physician say the patient can participate in high impact exercises; there is running, swimming, aerobics and bicycling. The type of exercise will depend on several factors and not only medical history. This will also depend on gender, age and weight.

The doctor can make a plan then the person should relay this to the fitness instructor as to what is safe or not. From there, an exercise program can be made and all the patient has to do is follow it.

After a week or two, there will be improvements in the levels of good and bad cholesterol in the body as well as reduction in the current weight of the person.

Exercising is also considered to be the best way because the use of drugs has known to cause side effects when the person takes this.

If the individual does not have time to enroll in a gym, there are other ways to pump those muscles and increase the heart rate. For starters, men and women can go brisk walking early in the morning or before going to work.

Some offices and hospitals encourage people to walk up one or two flights of stairs instead of using the elevator to go up or down a few floors. If the company where one works in has a big parking lot, the individual can try walking a few yards more instead of taking the space near the door.

During any exercise, it is best to drink lots of water. This will prevent the body from dehydration that often leads to exhaustion. Instead of going to the fountain every few minutes, it is best to bring a water bottle.

This will save a lot of time and keep the person at pace with the group activity or the work being done on the machine.

Someone once said that health is wealth. By exercising, one will be able to lower the bad cholesterol in the body and live longer than those who choose to do nothing but are aware of the dangers of not making some lifestyle changes.

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Calories Burned Counter

By now there’s a good chance that you know 3,500 calories is equal to about one pound of body weight. In other words, you will lose a pound for every 3,500 calories you get rid of, and you will gain one pound for every 3,500 calories you add on. If you are serious about losing weight, then a calories burned counter is a tool you should make regular use of.

You will notice that 3,500 calories works out nicely to an even 500 calories per day for a week. Furthermore, there are only two real ways that you can have direct control over those calories: what you eat and the exercise you do. Yes, your metabolism plays a role, but that isn’t quite as easy to control directly. So, diet and exercise it is.

A calories burned counter will let you know how many calories you burn during any activities you participate in. This is critical information if you are trying to get rid of some extra pounds. Knowing how many calories you’re expending will help you to stay on track, and can also serve as motivation. After all, you don’t always see results in the mirror right away, but if you know you’re burning calories then you can assure yourself that noticeable results are just around the corner.

To get the full picture, you will also want to get a regular calorie counter which tells you how many calories are in the foods you eat. This way you will be able to know not only how many calories you’re burning, but how many you’re taking in as well.

Health experts typically recommend that losing one to two pounds per week is safe, and has the added benefit of being a more sustainable form of weight loss–you take it off and keep it off. Now that you have your calorie counters you can aim for a loss of 500 to 1,000 calories per day. Don’t worry, there’s no need to starve yourself or wear yourself out by exercising. In fact, it’s not a good idea at all.

The best way to lose weight is a combination of diet and exercise. Therefore, if you take in 250 calories less per day and burn off an extra 250 per day, you will lose one pound per week. If you want to lose two pounds per week, then eat 500 fewer calories and burn off an extra 500.

There is one catch that you should be aware of: a calories burned counter only works when you use it. If you never check it, then it won’t do you any good at all. However, when you do use it, you will have another powerful tool to help you lose weight. So, what are you waiting for? You can do it! All it takes is knowing how many calories you’re taking in and how many you’re burning.

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