Healthy Weight Loss Tips

Healthy Diet Tips And Much More

Three Day Diets

If you could lose weight fast or lose it slowly, which one would you prefer? Most people would choose to lose it quickly, but there are those who believe slow weight loss is more sustainable. There may be some truth in that idea, but there’s no reason why you can’t do both using three day diets.

What that means is that you can get a good jump start on losing weight. That way you will see some results right away and that, in turn, can work as strong motivation to keep going. To put it another way, you can get off to a fast start and then use a more long-term approach. Of course you can always use three day diets to just lose as much weight as possible in a short amount of time; without any thought of a long-term plan. For example, if you need to fit into a dress in a few days, and can’t quite do it, then you need this kind of diet.

The experts say you shouldn’t lose more than one to two pounds per week, so three day diets should only be used once in a while, and not be used for more than three days. You should also consult your personal doctor before making any major changes to your diet.

There are several three day diets out there, and some work better than others. The real “secret” isn’t finding the “best” diet, but to rather find a three day diet that has food on it that you enjoy; or at the very least that you’re sure you can stick to. After all, you wouldn’t want to be two days into it and then decide to quit. You know yourself better than anybody else, so use your best judgment when selecting a diet (again, being sure to check with your doctor first).

How much weight can you lose in three days? Claims of losing one to two pounds per day are not uncommon for three day diets, but that’s much more than the recommended safe amount. However, if you are only going to do it once, and really have a good reason to lose weight, then you should be okay. Just don’t make these restrictive diets a regular part of your routine.

Some three day diets work by helping you get rid of water weight. The idea is that the body is made up mostly of water, so you can lose weight quickly by eliminating water from your system. Reducing calories is one part of it, and cutting out sodium is the other part; as sodium increases how much water your body retains. You can lose weight this way, but you obviously can’t make a habit of dehydrating yourself.

That is only one example out of many three day diets. Think of what your goals are, and also what types of foods you will eat. If you are allergic to shellfish, then the “3 Day Shrimp Diet” won’t do you any good. Which raises another point: If you do a three day diet, be sure to follow it very closely. Most of these diets were developed with a very specific combination of foods, and veering from the plan won’t guarantee that you will lose weight.

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Three Day Diet Reviews

There always seems to be a new diet coming out, and it can get downright confusing. The sheer number of diets makes it difficult to figure out which ones work, and that keeps some people from trying to lose weight. The following 3 day diet reviews will help you decide which diets are best for you.

Before we get to the actual reviews, let’s take a moment to explain what 3 day diets are. As the label suggests, these are diets that are meant to be done for three days, and three days only. Almost all of them require you to follow them precisely, and to complete the entire diet; otherwise you may not lose any weight at all.

While you can lose a lot of weight on these diets, they are not meant to be long-term weight loss solutions. However, they can be a great way to shed some weight quickly and that can come in handy if you have an upcoming event that requires you to be a bit thinner. They can also be a great way to get a jumpstart on your diet and give you the motivation you need to continue a longer term weight loss program.

And now on to the 3 day diet reviews:

Mayo Clinic 3 Day Diet – This is the most popular diet of the ones we’ll be reviewing; perhaps you have also heard it referred to as the Grapefruit Diet. The main focus of this diet is eating meat and vegetables, and then having grapefruit with just about every meal. It is believed that some of the chemicals in the grapefruit help to suppress the appetite, causing people to feel full while eating less. Contrary to popular belief, the grapefruit does not actually burn fat. Though it can be difficult to stick to, the diet has worked for many people so you may want to consider trying it.

Cleveland Clinic 3 Day Diet – Of the 3 day diet reviews we’re covering, this one has the fewest calories. At the same time it has the most variety, so that makes it a strong contender for people who do not like to eat the same thing on a regular basis. If you do this diet you will be able to eat things like ice cream, cheese, bread and peanut butter; though the serving sizes are on the small side. If you are able to sacrifice some calories as long as you can eat many foods, then this 3 day diet may be for you.

Tuna and Water Diet – No surprises here, you eat as much tuna (packed in spring water) and drink as much water as you like for three days. You will probably lose the most weight on this diet, but it is the hardest one to stick to. Also, it should never be done for more than three days as it can be a bit hard on your body.

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Calories Burned Counter

By now there’s a good chance that you know 3,500 calories is equal to about one pound of body weight. In other words, you will lose a pound for every 3,500 calories you get rid of, and you will gain one pound for every 3,500 calories you add on. If you are serious about losing weight, then a calories burned counter is a tool you should make regular use of.

You will notice that 3,500 calories works out nicely to an even 500 calories per day for a week. Furthermore, there are only two real ways that you can have direct control over those calories: what you eat and the exercise you do. Yes, your metabolism plays a role, but that isn’t quite as easy to control directly. So, diet and exercise it is.

A calories burned counter will let you know how many calories you burn during any activities you participate in. This is critical information if you are trying to get rid of some extra pounds. Knowing how many calories you’re expending will help you to stay on track, and can also serve as motivation. After all, you don’t always see results in the mirror right away, but if you know you’re burning calories then you can assure yourself that noticeable results are just around the corner.

To get the full picture, you will also want to get a regular calorie counter which tells you how many calories are in the foods you eat. This way you will be able to know not only how many calories you’re burning, but how many you’re taking in as well.

Health experts typically recommend that losing one to two pounds per week is safe, and has the added benefit of being a more sustainable form of weight loss–you take it off and keep it off. Now that you have your calorie counters you can aim for a loss of 500 to 1,000 calories per day. Don’t worry, there’s no need to starve yourself or wear yourself out by exercising. In fact, it’s not a good idea at all.

The best way to lose weight is a combination of diet and exercise. Therefore, if you take in 250 calories less per day and burn off an extra 250 per day, you will lose one pound per week. If you want to lose two pounds per week, then eat 500 fewer calories and burn off an extra 500.

There is one catch that you should be aware of: a calories burned counter only works when you use it. If you never check it, then it won’t do you any good at all. However, when you do use it, you will have another powerful tool to help you lose weight. So, what are you waiting for? You can do it! All it takes is knowing how many calories you’re taking in and how many you’re burning.

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Advantages Of Men Weight Loss Versus Women

Ah, the eternal debate: what are the Advantages of men weight loss versus women weightloss and lack of energy?

There are many elements to this question, do men lose weight more easily than women. And what role does lack of energy play, if any, in weight loss?

First of all, I want to make clear that I am not a doctor, scientist or personal trainer. What I am going to share with you in this article is what I have read and learned. I can not guarantee that it is accurate, but if nothing else, it will give you something to think about.

Ok, do men lose weight more quickly than women? From what I have been able to find out the answer would be “yes”. But it’s not what you may think, and that doesn’t mean it is necessarily “easy” for them either.

You see one of the biggest culprits of weight gain as we age, this goes for both men and women, is loss of lean muscle mass.

This happens for several reasons but the biggest reason is that as we get older we tend to move less. Less movement means that our muscles kind of wither away.

When that happens, and you may not even notice it at first, fat can build up in those “crevices” where the muscle once was. As your lean muscle mass deteriorates your metabolism slows down. This then can become a bad cycle.

Another thing to consider is that being out of shape can lead to a lack of energy. When you are feeling out of energy the last thing you want to do is workout. Again, a downward spiral.

To combat all of this just find the motivation, or hire someone to help you find it, to work out. Eat right, build up your lean muscle mass and you will find that you have more energy and your metabolism will burn hotter making it easier for you to stay at a healthy weight.

To be honest, none of this is rocket science. Today most of us know that a lot of what our parent’s generation thought about staying in shape was wrong.

We know that the idea of eating 3 big meals a day is wrong. All you accomplish by doing that is you flood your body with more calories at one time than it can process.

We now know that it’s better to eat small, healthy meals throughout your day to keep your metabolism burning hot.

We also know that even women need to do some weight training so that they can keep their lean muscle mass too. And we also know that since women don’t have enough of the hormones that build big muscles, it would be impossible for a woman to “bulk up” accidentally.

There may not be as many advantages of men weight loss versus women weightloss and lack of energy as we may have originally thought. To a large degree it seems as if we all have pretty much the same challenges. And it also seems we may all need pretty much the same solutions.

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