Lose The Stomach Fat-Everyone Has Trouble Spots
Everyone has their trouble spots when it comes to weight loss. We all have areas on our body that we love and areas on our body that we hate. If you have trouble with your belly you may wonder what can be done to lose the stomach fat.
You know that it is just not possible to spot reduce. What that means is that you can’t just lose weight in certain areas of your body, you have to lose weight everywhere. For that reason you will have to focus on overall body weight reduction to get the body you have always dreamed of.
Even though you can’t spot reduce, you will still lose more weight in some areas than in others for the simple reason that you have more fat in some areas than others. Your body will burn fat first, then muscle, so as long as you still have excess fat deposits and you cut your daily calorie intake you will lose weight.
So if you want to lose the stomach fat but you don’t need to lose weight in your hips or butt, all you need to do is eat fewer calories and the excess weight will come off.
Another thing that can help the appearance of your belly is exercise. A lot of women wrongly think that if they do too many exercises it will just make areas of their body half look bigger because they will ‘bulk up’. In reality women just aren’t made that way. In order to get really big you’d have to workout on a full time basis, eat only 100% nutritious foods (no cheating) and probably get some pharmaceutical help. It takes quite a lot for a woman to bulk up.
If you target all your major muscle groups what will happen is that you will look toned. When your muscles are toned you will look smaller since your body will be tighter. Think of your muscles kind of like a girdle. Building your muscles will allow you to naturally hold everything in more easily and that will give you an all over appearance of being smaller which will make it look like you have lost more weight than you really have.
To get the best results you should watch what you eat, make sure you drink plenty of water everyday to stay hydrated and to keep your body clear of toxins, and do some muscle building exercises.
One great and easy to do exercise for your belly is to do crunches. You don’t need any special equipment and it is easy to learn how to do them. All you have to do is lay on your back on the floor, bend the knees to protect your lower back then put your hands lightly behind your head and looking straight at the ceiling slowly move up and down. Breathe out as you come up.
It’s easy to lose the stomach fat, just eat right and exercise. And, oh yeah, you’ll also lose weight everywhere else too!
Tags: Appearance, Body Fat, Calories, Daily Calorie Intake, Excess Weight, Exercises, Fewer Calories, Full Time, Girdle, Hips, Lose Weight, Losing Weight, Major Muscle Groups, Muscles, Nutritious Foods, Reason, Stomach Fat, Time Basis, Trouble Spots, Weight Loss, Weight Reduction, Workout —

Restaurant Calorie Counter
People are busier than ever before. Several decades ago, the so-called experts predicted we would be living a life of leisure and that there would be almost no need to work at all. The reality that we live in now is much different; we are working more and under more stress. It doesn’t take much of a leap to figure out why people are eating out more often, and how that can lead to obesity. Still, eating outside of the home is convenient, so having a restaurant calorie counter can be a real life saver.
If you have ever tried losing weight, then you know how difficult it can be. Anything you can use to help you lose weight is a good thing. A restaurant calorie counter is the ideal tool for helping you stay on your diet when eating out. It just makes sense to have this information on hand.
A big problem people have is unrealistic expectations. They decide they need to lose weight, and vow to make super-healthy meals at home. They envision themselves in the kitchen making nutritious foods from scratch, and sitting down to a nice home-cooked meal. If you can do this, then that’s great, but be honest about it. If you’re not already in the habit of making meals at home, then being on a diet won’t be enough to change that.
It’s much better to face the fact that you’re the type of person who likes to eat out. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that, and it’s best to be realistic before starting a diet. Of course, once you’re in a restaurant you still have to watch what you eat, and that’s where a restaurant calorie counter can be so helpful.
Well, ‘helpful’ is one way to describe it, but ‘vital’ may be more accurate. While you can always check food labels for the items you have at home, very few restaurants put any kind of nutritional information right on the menu. Some fast food places will have a brochure that lists the info, but it’s rare for a regular restaurant to publish this information.
Without a restaurant calorie counter, the only thing you can do is guess how many calories you’re eating. That may sound reasonable, but studies have shown that people consistently underestimate the number of calories in the food they eat; and if you’re on a diet, then you can’t afford to be too far off. If you underestimate, then you may overeat; if you overestimate, then you may feel hungry all the time.
When selecting a calorie guide, it’s best to make sure it includes the restaurants you visit most. Of course not all locally owned restaurants will be covered, but most guides will give you a pretty close approximation for most foods. For example, if it’s an Italian restaurant, then make sure that the restaurant calorie counter you get includes listings for the foods most typically served at Italian restaurants.
Tags: Brochure, Calorie Counter, Calories, Decades, Diet, Eating Habits, Fast Food, Food Labels, Food Places, Habit, Healthy Diet, Healthy Meals, Home Cooked Meal, Leap, Life Of Leisure, Losing Weight, Nutritional Information, Nutritious Foods, obesity;, Scratch, Stress, Unrealistic Expectations, Vow —