pH miracle diet creator Robert Young
The pH diet is an innovative way to interact with food. The diet stresses the need for balance in the diet of alkaline and acid. This balance will help maintain a healthy flow through the bloodstream and keep cellular growth and development working at optimum levels. By lowering destructive acid levels with more alkaline a host of benefits can result, namely sustainable energy and good health. By following a simple regimen of balanced eating along with testing saliva for pH levels, one can achieve better health. The primary proponent of this alkaline diet is a man by the name of Dr. Robert Young.
Dr. Young heralds that a diet that is made up of 80% alkaline producing foods and 20% acid producing foods will allow people to achieve their healthier bodies and healthier lives. Through his research Dr. Young has surmised that the optimum pH level of the human body is 7.35. The pH spectrum is from 1 to 14 with 1 being highly acid and 14 being highly alkaline. With the body leaning toward moderately alkaline he contends that people can supplement their diets with more alkaline. Dr. Robert Young stresses that a body that is ravaged by excess acid will be more prone to serious health problems.
Dr. Robert Young began is studies in the early 70s at the University of Utah, where he studied biology and business. He earned as MS in nutrition, a DSc in science, a PhD in nutrition, and a ND from Clayton College of Natural Health during the 90s. Critics of Dr. Young question the validity of the school in which he received his degrees. The impact of his teachings is undeniable, he has helped many people obtain better health through a regimen of increased fruits and vegetables and more water consumption. He also stresses avoiding caffeine and alcoholic beverages to maintain vitality.
He is also a staunch supporter of pleomorphism, the belief in the ability of bacteria to morph shape dramatically or to mutate into many morphological forms. This idea has firmly split the microbiologist community into two schools of thought, the pleomorphists who support the claims; and the monomorphists who vehemently dispute them. In the current scientific community the monomorphic perspective of microbiology has emerged as the dominant theory. Modern medical science supports the monomorphic theory of cell development in which cells derive from previously formed cells of the same size and shape.
Dr. Young holds retreats where he educates the patrons on the Alkali Diet as well as a live red blood cell examination in an in-depth microscopy seminar. According to the National Council Against Health Fraud (http://www.ncahf.org/digest05/05-14.html#young) Dr. Robert Young pleaded guilty in 1996 to a misdemeanor charge of attempted medicine without a license. He was promised that the charge would be dismissed if he stayed clear for 18 months. Young allegedly had examined blood samples from two women who were seeking nutritional advice.
Critics of his live red blood cell examination conclude that his test have no scientific validity. Dr. Young counters his critics citing many papers and sources validating his claims including Understanding Acid-Base by Benjamin Abeloh, M.D., a lecturer of medicine at Yale school of Medicine and Clinical Physiology of Acid-Base by Burton David Rose, M.D., a Clinical Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School.
According to his website (http://www.phmiracleliving.com/press-kit.htm), Dr. Young is a member of the American Society of Microbiologists, the American Naturopathic Association, and an honorary member of the Connecticut Holistic Health Assocations, the Presidents Council at Brigham Young University. He is also a consultant for InnerLight, Inc. and an advisor to Dean Lawrence Carter at the Martin Luther King Chapel, Morehouse College. He was also honored by Professor Lawrence Carter at Morehouse College with an induction into the collegium of scholars as well as placed on the advisory board. He has been praised by Professor Carter for his efforts in understanding the balance of body chemistry and the effects of this balance on health.
Tags: Acid Levels, Acid Producing Foods, advisor to Dean Lawrence Carter, Alcoholic Beverages, Alkaline Diet, Alkaline Producing Foods, American Naturopathic Association, American Society of Microbiologists, Benjamin Abeloh, Brigham Young University, Burton David Rose, Cellular Growth, Clayton College Of Natural Health, College Of Natural Health, Connecticut Holistic Health Assocations, consultant, Dean Lawrence Carter, Excess Acid, food;, Fruits And Vegetables, Harvard Medical School, Heralds, honorary member, InnerLight Inc., Lawrence Carter, lecturer, lecturer of medicine, Martin Luther King Chapel, member, microbiologist, Mississippi, Morehouse College, MS, namely sustainable energy, National Council Against Health Fraud, North Dakota, Optimum Levels, Optimum Ph, Ph Level, Ph Levels, Ph Miracle Diet, pH miracle diet creator, Phd In Nutrition, Presidents Council, professor, Professor of Medicine, Research Dr, Robert Young;, Serious Health, University of Utah, Utah, Water Consumption, Yale —

pH miracle diet creator Robert Young
The pH diet is an innovative way to interact with food. The diet stresses the need for balance in the diet of alkaline and acid. This balance will help maintain a healthy flow ended the bloodstream and keep cellular growth and development working at optimum levels. By lowering destructive acid levels with more alkaline a host of benefits can result, namely sustainable energy and good health. By following a simple regimen of balanced eating along with testing saliva for pH levels, one can achieve better health. The primary proponent of this alkaline diet is a man by the name of Dr. Robert Young.
Dr. Young heralds that a diet that is made up of 80 % alkaline producing foods and 20 % acid producing foods will allow people to achieve their healthier bodies and healthier lives. Through his scout Dr. Young has surmised that the optimum pH level of the human body is 7. 35. The pH spectrum is from 1 to 14 with 1 being highly acid and 14 being highly alkaline. With the body leaning toward moderately alkaline he contends that people can supplement their diets with more alkaline. Dr. Robert Young stresses that a body that is ravaged by excess acid will be more prone to serious health problems.
Dr. Robert Young began is studies in the early 70s at the University of Utah, where he studied biology and work. He earned as MS in nutrition, a DSc in science, a PhD in nutrition, and a ND from Clayton College of Natural Health during the 90s. Critics of Dr. Young question the validity of the school in which he received his degrees. The impact of his teachings is undeniable, he has helped many people obtain better health through a regimen of expanded fruits and vegetables and more water consumption. He further stresses avoiding caffeine and alcoholic beverages to maintain vitality.
He is also a staunch supporter of pleomorphism, the belief in the ability of bacteria to morph shape dramatically or to mutate into many morphological forms. This idea has firmly split the microbiologist community into two schools of thought, the pleomorphists who bedding the claims; and the monomorphists who vehemently dispute them. In the probably scientific community the monomorphic perspective of microbiology has emerged as the dominant theory. Modern medical science supports the monomorphic theory of cell enlargement in which cells hold from previously formed cells of the same size and shape.
Dr. Young holds retreats where he educates the patrons on the Alkali Diet as well as a live red blood cell examination in an in – depth microscopy seminar. According to the State Council Against Health Fraud ( http://www.ncahf.org/digest05/05-14.html#young) Dr. Robert Young pleaded guilty in 1996 to a misdemeanor charge of attempted medicine without a license. He was promised that the charge would emblematize dismissed if he stayed clear for 18 months. Young allegedly had examined salmon samples from two women who were seeking nutritional advice.
Critics of his live red blood cell question conclude that his test have no scientific validity. Dr. Young counters his critics citing prevalent papers and sources validating his claims including Understanding Acid – Base by Benjamin Abeloh, M. D., a lecturer of medicine at Yale school of Medicine and Clinical Physiology of Acid – Base by Burton David Rose, M. D., a Clinical Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School.
According to his website ( http://www.phmiracleliving.com/press-kit.htm), Dr. Young is a member of the American Society of Microbiologists, the American Naturopathic Association, and an honorary member of the Connecticut Holistic Health Assocations, the Presidents Council at Brigham Young University. He is also a consultant for InnerLight, Inc. and an advisor to Dean Lawrence Carter at the Martin Luther King Chapel, Morehouse College. He was also honored by Professor Lawrence Carter at Morehouse College with an induction into the collegium of scholars as well as placed on the advisory board. He has been praised by Professor Carter for his efforts in understanding the balance of body disposal and the effects of this balance on health.
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Tags: Acid Levels, Acid Producing Foods, Alcoholic Beverages, Alkaline Diet, Alkaline Producing Foods, Better Health, Cellular Growth, Clayton College Of Natural Health, College Of Natural Health, Eating Habits, Excess Acid, Fruits And Vegetables, Healthy Diet, Heralds, Optimum Levels, Optimum Ph, Ph Level, Ph Levels, Ph Miracle Diet, Phd In Nutrition, Serious Health, Water Consumption —