Healthy Weight Loss Tips

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Can You Lose Weight With Wu Yi Diet

There has been a lot of attention given to Wu Yi tea for the past years. Many testify of the effects of Wu Yi diet to people who are on the path to losing weight and staying fit. On the other hand, some claim its a scam and that tea should not even be considered in any persons diet. If you are longing to lose weight in the most natural and safe way, you might be confused at the things you hear and read about the Wu Yi diet. To shed some light to the confusion, it is better to know the basics about the diet then decide whether it is meant for you or not.

Firstly, the Wu Yi tea is known to be a blend between black tea and the prestigious green tea. The tea originated in China, specifically in the Wu Yi Mountains, hence its name. Some people describe its look and taste to that similar to coffee. Like many other tea from China, the Wu Yi tea is one of the healthiest types of tea that one can buy in the market. Its health benefits have been linked to weight loss and overall health. You have no concerns about calories, fats, and carbohydrates compared to your regular morning brew of hot chocolate, frappucinno, mocha, double cream coffee, etc.

The Wu Yi tea diet is rich in Polyphenol, a compound known to combat obesity. The compound can speed up metabolism which results to calories being burnt and thus weight loss is achieved. This is the main benefit that a weight loss patient can get from Wu Yi diet. The diet does not in any way encourage losing weight by starvation, taking pills, and paying that much for a diet supplement. The diet only involves drinking Wu Yi tea to fortify your body.
Like any other weight loss diet, the Wu Yi diet has its own pros and cons. Lets take a look at both sides and its all up to you to decide whether or not the diet is perfect for you.

PROS of Wu Yi Diet:

Perfect for coffee drinkers who are looking for other options to lower their caffeine intake without totally getting rid of it
Claims to be more beneficial than green tea
Promotes a healthy diet as it encourages its users to do regular exercise and eat nutritious food along with drinking the tea
Does not contain carbohydrates, fats, and calories
Cheaper compared to other diets in the market

CONS of Wu Yi Diet:

Though slightly less than that of coffee, Wu Yi like any other tea has caffeine
It might not be recommended for people who have high blood pressure and heart problems

To ensure that you get the best from a Wu Yi diet, it is always recommended to consult your doctor. You will still be advised to have a healthy eating habit and moderate exercise alongside drinking the tea at least twice a day. Wu Yi diet is a sensible diet as it promotes healthy living through healthy foods and exercise.

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Traveling to Mexico for LapBand Surgery

Are you not just overweight, but severely or morbidly obese? If so, you may want to seek help. After all, if you continue to carry around excess weight, your risk of early death and other health complications increase. Most individuals in your shoes turn to the LapBand surgery. If you opt for the same, the cost may shock you.

In the United States, the LapBand surgery averages between $15,000 and $20,000. At this point in time, many opt to forgo surgery altogether. Many others look for cheaper alternatives. Yes, it is possible to find surgeons in the United States who have cheaper rates, but many find the best luck with traveling to another country. For example, in Mexico, the LapBand procedure averages between $8,000 and $10,000.

So, should you travel to Mexico to undergo LapBand surgery? Before booking your traveling arrangements, examine the pros and cons of doing so.

In terms of pros or plus sides, there is the cost of surgery. As previously stated, LapBand surgery costs about $10,000 less in Mexico. This means you are automatically able to save money. If covered by health insurance and your provider is willing to extend coverage to the LapBand, opt for a surgeon in the United States. If you are uninsured, Mexico may sound like an ideal option.

In all honesty, the biggest advantage to heading to Mexico is the cost of surgery. There are many more cons to traveling for surgery. For starters, there is the unfamiliar territory. Hospitalization is less than 24 hours for most patients. With that said, you cannot return to your normal activities immediately following surgery. For example, most patients need one week off from work. Following surgery, you need to rest and make slow moments, not spend up to 12 hours in a car or time on an airplane.

As previously stated, recovery is important following the LapBand surgery. You may think that you could just stay at a hotel and recuperate in Mexico. Once again, keep familiar territory in mind. The LapBand surgery is safe and effective, but it is a huge change. Your diet is limited to clear liquids immediately following surgery. Many patients find this process difficult or unbearable. For your sanity, opt for recuperation at home where you are surrounded by a strong support group.

Most importantly, travel costs effect the cost of surgery. As previously stated, the cost of surgery is, on average, $10,000 less in Mexico. You are unlikely to spend $10,000 in travel expenses, but you never know. A passport, long distance road trip, airline tickets, and weeklong hotel stay can easily add up in costs. Yes, you will still save money, but compare that money saved with convenience. Is it really worth it to be all alone in a foreign country without close friends and family to support you, only to save $2,000? In most cases, no.

Of course, safety should be examined. In the United States, Board Certified Surgeons are recommended. These surgeons undergo strict testing and must following certain rules and restrictions. Yes, other countries hold their surgeons accountable for their actions, but most do not have as strict rules as the United States. This means that your surgeon may have a low success rate with the LapBand surgery or they may have multiple complaints lodged against them, which you may never know.

So, should you travel to Mexico for the LapBand surgery? The decision is yours to make, but first examine your local options.


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The Pros and Cons of LapBand Surgery

If you are between the ages of 18 and 60 and around 100 pounds overweight, you may be the ideal candidate for LapBand surgery. The LapBand is a successful weight loss surgery that has been used in the United States since 2001. Most patients who undergo the procedure see results. With that said, all surgical procedures have their pros and cons.

So, what are the pros and cons of undergoing LapBand surgery?

Weight loss. Weight loss is the most significant advantage to undergoing the procedure. For many patients, the LapBand system is not only used to improve their physical appearance, but their health. In many instances, the LapBand surgery is considered a lifesaving procedure. Weight loss will depend on surgeon preference, band size, healthy eating choices, and exercise.

Improvement in health. As previously stated, many patients who undergo the LapBand surgery are doing so to save their lives. With severe cases of obesity, the early onset of death is likely. When properly inserted, the LapBand should lead to a longer and healthier life. If that wasnt enough, the weight loss associated with LapBand surgery can lead to the disappearance of diabetes and other weight related health problems.

Freedom. In a way, most LapBand patients are provided with a certain level of freedom; freedom they never had before. By following all doctor recommendations, weight loss is all but guaranteed. Whether you lose 50 pounds or 100 pounds over the course of time, you will have more freedom to live your life. It will likely be the simplest things, such as walking up a flight of stairs without losing your breath, that will leave you with the most joy.

Short recovery. The LapBand system involves the insertion of an adjustable gastric band. There is no cutting or stapling of the stomach pouch. This means a shorter recovery time. In fact, most patients spend less than 24 hours in the hospital. Not only is the recovery shorter, but there are less risks of complications. The LapBand surgery is safer than gastric bypass surgery.

Adjustable. The greatest benefit of the LapBand system is that the band is adjustable. Not all bodies react to surgery or the LapBand the same way. For that reason, adjustments are common. Even better is the fact that adjustments can be made without surgery. Adjustments are made with band slippage, regurgitation, acid reflux, and no weight loss.

Reversible. Since stomach pouch cutting and stapling is not involved with the LapBand system, the procedure is 100% reversible. Unlike adjustments, surgery is required for band removal. When removed, your stomach will return to its normal size. Reasons for removal include time where the band is no longer needed to assist in weight loss or complications in which adjustments do not assist.

Eligibility requirements. Unfortunately, the LapBand system tends to come with many eligibility requirements. Qualified surgeons will not operate on just anyone. Even if you are overweight, you may not qualify for the LapBand surgery. In most cases, patients need to have a Body Mass Index (BMI) of around 40, be between the ages of 16 and 60, be in good health, and have a clear understanding of the commitment required to lose weight.

Costs. Very few medical procedures are affordable, but you may be shocked with the cost of LapBand surgery. On average, the procedure costs $15,000 to $20,000 in the United States. If you are covered by medical insurance, contact your provider. Some insurance providers cover the cost of bariatric surgery. If not, save money by cutting expenses, look for an affordable surgeon, and inquire about payment plans.

As you can see, the LapBand system has many pros and cons. In most cases, the pros easily outweigh the cons. So, if you are suffering from severe or morbid obesity, schedule a consultation appointment with a LapBand surgeon. If you are deemed an eligible candidate, a healthier lifestyle is just a few months away.


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Weight Loss Programs

In this article I will go over the types of weight loss programs that are available to do as well as list some pros and cons of each. Hopefully, that information will help steer you in the right direction so you can determine which is the best option for you and your unique personality and needs.

Before you start any type of weight loss programs, though, make sure you talk to your doctor. For one thing your doctor can probably offer you some recommendations but if not, she can at least guide you in regards to any limitations you may have so your weight loss is done safely.

Now that that is out of the way, here are some ideas of some programs you may want to consider:

1. The pre- packaged food program. This is pretty straight forward; you sign up and you get fully prepared meals delivered right to your door. The companies claim that the meals will allow you to lose weight because they are nutritious and have the perfect combination of lean protein, fats and carbs as well as just the right amount of calories.

There are several such plans like this available, two of the most well known are Nutri-System and Seattle Sutton (which I have personally used and found very good).

When you are trying to decide between one or the other, make sure you carefully check out all the types of food plans, what is included (how many meals), the price including any shipping or handling costs, what their cancellation policy is in case you aren’t satisfied and the actual calories and nutritional benefits of the meals themselves.

2. Meeting type programs. These have been around for a long time and most people will immediately think of Weight Watchers. This is a type of diet plan where you not only get ideas of what types of foods to eat and in what quantities, you also get help from others who are trying to accomplish the same thing.

This approach allows you to interact with each other and keep each other focused and moving forward. Since you are all trying to lose weight, there are no feelings of embarrassment or awkwardness.

And, there is no public weight in! If you go to an actual meeting (though now you can get access to the materials online if you prefer) you will be weighed but it is 100% private and no one will see or know what your weight is.

How many times have you considered joining a gym, for example, only to feel out of place and get intimidated by all the hot bodies they have on the commercial? I know I have.

When you are trying to lose weight you don’t want to be reminded of what you aren’t (yet) you want to be surrounded by others who look about the same way you do, right?

There are many weight loss programs available today but before you sign on the dotted line you need to read the fine print. You need to know what it is, what it isn’t and what to do if you aren’t satisfied. Making an informed decision will allow your weight loss to be a dream come true instead of a nightmare.

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