Healthy Weight Loss Tips

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What To Look For In Healthy Eating Diets

With all of the new diets coming to the market every single day, it’s no wonder that there is a lot of confusion surrounding healthy eating diets. To make matters worse, diets often contradict each other. For example, one diet may tell you to eat all the meat you want, while another practically forbids it. So, how can they both be correct, right? It’s enough to drive even the most educated dietitian crazy, let alone the average person. So, the real question, then, is how can you find which are the best healthy eating diets for you?

First and foremost, you should know that how new a diet is doesn’t tell you how effective or healthy it is. There are new fad diets coming out all of the time. Some work, some don’t and some are downright dangerous. It’s this last group that you have to really watch out for. At the same time, you should also know that you don’t necessarily have to follow any one particular plan, but can combine elements from several diets to best suit your needs.

For example, a diet low in carbohydrates can be just fine for those who have the right insulin resistance and blood sugar level. However, they would have a very negative impact on somebody who needs to have a decent amount of carbohydrates in their diet to be healthy. In fact, it’s possible that eating almost nothing but protein and fat can make feel sick after a couple of days doing it. Whatever the case may be, you need to pay attention to any diet you try, and how it affects you personally.

As long as we’re on the subject of carbohydrates, it should be pointed out that they come in two main forms: simple and complex. Generally speaking, it’s best to avoid simple carbs, which include white flour, white rice, candy and sugar. These are the kind that cause the biggest spikes in blood sugar, and typically have a poorer nutritional profile. Complex carbohydrates include whole grains and some fruits. These are much more healthy and can usually be added to any eating plan (within reason).

If you want to attempt your own healthy eating diets, then there are a few basic guidelines to follow. You can start by reducing or eliminating simple carbohydrates. Then add foods that are high in lean protein, such as the white meat of chicken, fish, and some cuts of beef. Other good sources of protein are nuts and legumes. Next, cut out all trans fats, and reduce how much saturated fat you take in. You can eat healthier fats (polyunsaturated and monounsaturated) without too much worry. The other rule of thumb to stick to is to eat foods as close to their natural state as possible.

Healthy eating diets come in many different forms. As mentioned earlier, some of them are actually quite good. Before trying one, look at it with some common sense and see if it includes a variety of foods. For the most part, any diet that restricts whole groups of foods is going to be harder to stick to, which would only defeat its purpose.

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Stomach Liposuction – Your 6 Pack Abs Revealed

Stomach liposuction? Hmmm, I wonder…

So, you worked hard, kept to your routine of diet and exercise and finally made it to your goal weight. Awesome! Good for you! There is just one thing that concerns you, your belly got smaller but it is not nearly as toned as you would like it to be. There is still some fat there and it just will not go away, no matter that you have done what seems like a million crunches.

You have heard that this happens. But you thought you were different or you thought that the people who talked about it just weren’t working out as hard as they said they were. Well, now here you are, right in the same boat. You know how hard you worked every single day and even though it has gotten significantly smaller, you still have that stubborn little paunch that will not go away. What can you do about it?

Consider stomach liposuction. You have done most of the work already and wouldn’t it be the greatest thing in the world to have the rest of it gone? You could get rid of the stubborn fat and have the doctor contour your stomach to show off the six pack hiding underneath.

Sounds appealing, doesn’t it? So, how do you find a doctor you can trust? One word, research. Make sure that whomever you choose is a board-certified plastic surgeon. Make a list of several you think are promising candidates and then call and ask for references. If consultations are free then make appointments with each one and ask to see some of their work. Do not just blindly pick someone out of the phone book. If you know someone who has had some work done ask for a reference but still check the doctor out completely before making any commitments.

Liposuction techniques have changed over the years and have become safer and more effective due to the development and use of lasers to remove stubborn belly fat. The use of the laser requires only a very small incision, melts the fat away and suctions it out. Using the laser is not nearly as invasive as the traditional liposuction technique and results in a smaller scar, less chance of hemorrhage because the laser automatically cauterizes the blood vessels as it goes and less pain associated with the procedure. Which means, and this is the best of all, a much shorter recovery time.

Use of the laser also firms the skin during the procedure so there is no need for a tummy tuck to tighten the skin afterward. No girdle, no elastic bandages and no repositioning of your belly button required.

You probably won’t need a narcotic pain reliever either. Tylenol will probably control your pain quite nicely but be sure to request something more if you think you are going to need it. Everyone’s pain tolerance is different, do not suffer needlessly.

Stomach liposuction is a great option for people with stubborn belly fat.

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Abdominoplasty Procedure – Weight Loss – Mini Tummy Tuck

A friend of ours wants to have an abdominoplasty procedure done. When she first told us about this, all we could do was look at each other. Afterwards, when we were by ourselves and were able to discuss it more, I made the comment that I thought she was nuts to want to have anything done.

Why? Because she weighs about 100 lbs soaking wet and works out like a fiend every single day. How could she possibly need to have a tummy tuck? Well, I was wrong to jump to any conclusion like that. She explained at a later date that even though she works out like a fiend, she is still getting older and the skin around her middle is starting to get saggy. It is because she works out so diligently that she wants to continue to look her best.

Can’t blame a woman for that now can you?

The procedure she will have is called a mini-tuck where an incision is made, minimal liposuction performed if any is needed, and the skin tightened, then stitched closed. The belly button does not require relocation with a mini-tuck. A drain tube is inserted into the incision to drain excess fluid. The lower abdomen is then wrapped with a compression dressing. Pain control using a prescribed narcotic or, if the pain is minimal, then over the counter pain relievers may be used. Recovery time is 2-3 weeks with a mini-tuck.

So, I learned my lesson. I learned that even someone who is in great shape and has incredible muscle tone can still be in need of firmer skin in certain areas of her body.

I have another friend who had an abdominoplasty procedure after having two pregnancies which resulted in two very big babies, 10 lbs and 11 lbs, respectively. She lost all the baby weight but since both the babies had to be taken Cesarean and were so big to begin with she ended up with a lot of excess skin in that area and she was told the muscles of her abdomen would never recover.

Obviously, the procedure she had done was a full tummy tuck which involved “baseball stitching” the damaged muscles, removing any fat remaining with liposuction, stretching the skin taut, trimming off the excess, relocating the belly button and closing the incision. Drain tubes were inserted to help keep fluid from accumulating and aid recovery. The area is then wrapped tightly with a compression dressing to help support the muscles. A narcotic analgesic will be prescribed to control the pain and discomfort associated with the procedure. Recovery time is approximately six weeks with a full tummy tuck.

So, if you are looking for a toned, flat belly, check out board-certified plastic surgeons in your area and call for a consult. Ask what your options are and if they think you are a good candidate for surgery. You may find that you are making one of the smartest decisions you have ever made in your life. Just think, no more battle of the bulge!

Although not recommended as a substitute for a weight loss or diet regimen, an abdominoplasty procedure can help correct the problem areas left behind when all is said and done.

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Finding Your Reason Why to be Healthy

Finding Your Reason Why to be Healthy
Dr. Jamie Fettig

The most incredible thing you can do for yourself is have a big enough reason why that will totally light up your life and will remind yourself of that reason every single day. We are going to go through a process to help you create your reasons why to make it almost impossible not to be healthy. DO THIS NOW! PLEASE.

Action Step: #1: Figure out what you want.
Remember, you can want more than one thing, and you can change what you want. Everyone knows what they want, it is just some people are afraid. What if I don’t’ really want that, what if I cannot get it, what if I want something else. Don’t worry about all that. Go for what you REALLY want now, and if you want something else later, you can change your mind.
One other way some people get stopped in what they want is they start focusing on what they think will help get them what they want. Perfect example. No one wants a retirement plan. You might be thinking, I do. No you don’t. What you want is security when you retire. And you see the retirement plan as the way to get you what you want. You started focusing on what you thought was going to get you what you wanted. Not what you actually wanted. So make sure when you are writing down what you want. It is what you truly want and not just what you think will get you what you want.
So what do you want? Write down 4 things that really inspire you and light you up below.





Action Step: #2: Get yourself BIG reasons.
You have to create reasons that are an 11 on a scale of 10. Like when you look at those reasons, they are an 11. They really turn your crank and light you up. The reasons are so inspiring they keep you inspired every day. So ask yourself why? Why do you want this? Write down 5-10 of the reasons why you want what you wrote above.











These are usually the true reasons why you want what you actually wrote in the first action step. These are the real things you want. Stay focused on these realizing the universe can provide you these things in more ways than what you think. How do you know if these are really what you want, and not just a means to an end of what you really want?

Rate all the reasons. On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the most, how inspired and passionate are you about that reason why? You need to now go back and find reasons that are a 10. Otherwise the reasons why are not big enough. If it is not a 10 ask yourself, why do I want that? Eventually you will get to the true reasons you are doing something. This is what you will remind yourself of every day.

Action Step: #3 Focus on what you want
The short version is this. Visualize this, pray for this, ask for this, meditate on this, or whatever it is you do. Get inspired by it. They key to getting what you want is focusing on what you want everyday. Focus on what you want.

One of the greatest things you can do is create these reasons for anything in life you want that you are not getting. If the reasons are big enough, they will be bigger than anything that might have stopped you in the past. A big enough reason makes the how to easy.
What is your why?

About the Author

The hidden price you have to pay when you are Not Healthy. Go to to sign up for the free e-course. Dr. Jamie wants to help give you this with his “non-diet.” He is also giving you dozens of valuable free gifts to “ethically bribe” you into helping him make his new book, “The Ultimate Non-Diet” a #1 best seller. For details go to:

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