Weight Loss Surgery Diet – Tips For Staying Comfortable
There are many different weight loss surgery procedures but the weight loss surgery diet does not vary too much. High protein is essential to promoting healing and stimulate weight loss. But right at first the weight loss surgery patient needs to take it slowly when reintroducing foods to the digestive system.
After each procedure the pouch left by the surgery is only big enough to hold about an ounce of food. The weight loss surgery diet for the first few days following the surgery is high protein liquids only.
If all goes well, the patient can then graduate to puree or baby food consistency foods, all high protein as well. Baby food is a really good choice by the way. It is inexpensive and you can add some high protein powder to it if the protein amounts are inadequate.
When introducing more solid foods back in to your digestive system, you will be told to learn to chew your food well to avoid discomfort that can become extreme if you do not. Of course if you forget and do not chew your food well, you will only do it once. The discomfort you will feel will be very memorable and you will not forget again.
If you have already had your weight loss surgery you already know the “four rules” you need to follow regarding your follow up diet. The most important of the Four Rules is protein first. Which means that of all the nutrients taken in, patients should eat protein first, then carbohydrates, then fat.
The formula for computing how much protein you should be consuming in one day after your weight loss surgical procedure is 0.68g X your body weight in pounds = grams of protein per day. On average, protein consumption should be any where from 60g to 105g per day. Of course this is based only on a 1,200 calorie a day diet and varies on the patient and the nutritionist who is handling their case.
Some rich sources of protein you can choose from are fish, shellfish, chicken or turkey, meat and eggs. Consumption of nuts and legumes are discouraged, especially at first because they contain more fat than animal based proteins and because they are high in fiber, they are more difficult to digest.
Any foods that cause gas like fresh vegetables such as broccoli, cucumbers, green peppers, and cabbage should be avoided at all costs.
A high protein diet promotes fat loss because it takes more energy to digest protein than the amount of energy it contains so you body has to find other energy sources, like your fat stores, to completely digest the protein you ingest. So it would stand to reason that a high protein diet will trigger body fat mobilization.
Protein is important for growth and development of healthy muscle, skin, hair, nails and blood production. Protein intake is also essential for the healing process and a few extra grams of protein a day couldn’t hurt as part of a healthy weight loss surgery diet.
Tags: Baby Food, baby food consistency foods, computing, Diet Tips, Digestive System, energy sources, energy;, First Few Days, Fish Shellfish, food;, High Protein, Liquids, Nutritionist, Nuts And Legumes, Ounce, Protein Consumption, Protein Powder, Puree, Rich Sources, Sources Of Protein, surgery, Surgery Patient, Surgery Procedures, Turkey Meat, Turkey;, Weight Loss Surgery, Well Baby —

Master Cleanse Blog – Your Inspiration To Others
If you want to really be successful with your diet and detox program it can help to keep a journal of your experiences. For that reason you may want to consider keeping a master cleanse blog. Writing down your progress, and even your slip ups, can help you stay on target. It adds an element of peer pressure to the equation which can help enormously with your success.
By chronicling your journey, you can also help inspire other people. It’s possible that you can find a way to help each other in your overall weight loss goals and not just with the success of your cleansing.
For those of you who aren’t familiar with what the master cleanse is, it’s simply a diet drink that can help speed up your metabolism and help clear out the build up of toxins in your system. The cleanse mixture is made up of all natural organic ingredients such as fresh lemon juice, organic maple syrup, cayenne pepper powder and water. This diet program will require you to go on a liquid only diet for a full ten days. During this time you will only drink the cleansing mixture, water and clear broth.
Now if that sounds like it’s hard, it is. It’s not an easy thing to go on a liquid only diet. Just ask anyone who has had to do it in preparation for a medical test or surgery. It can be made somewhat easier if you plan ahead. You will greatly increase your odds of success by spending some time in preparation. For example, set a start date. Pick a date that is a few days up to one week in advance. That way you’ll have plenty of time to get your head in the right space.
You can also slightly decrease your caloric intake during this ‘prep’ time, that way your body won’t be so ‘shocked’ when you go on the all liquid diet. By taking some of the shock factor out you will greatly increase your chances of success.
Another thing. don’t forget to ask your doctor if it’s ok for you to go on this diet program. For most healthy people it shouldn’t be a problem, but since I’m not a doctor and I don’t know your history, I can’t say whether or not it’s ok for you. Talk to your doctor first.
Once you get your doctors ok you can do a cleanse up to once a month if you want to. Once you are done with the cleanse make sure you ease back into your normal diet. Don’t expect to rush out and eat a ton of food or you will get sick. You’ll have to get your body used to eating solid foods again, and that will be a bit of a process.
You also don’t want to cleanse your body and start losing weight just to go out and eat a bunch of junk and drink a lot of coffee and soda thus undoing all you just did. Keeping a master cleanse blog journal can help ‘keep you honest’ before, during and after your cleanse.
Tags: Caloric Intake, Cayenne Pepper Powder, Diet Drink, Diet Program, food;, head, Healthy Diet, Inspiration, Lemon Juice, Liquid Diet, Losing Weight, Medical Test, Mixture, Organic Ingredients, Organic Maple Syrup, Peer Pressure, Prep Time, Shock Factor, Slip Ups, Speed Up Your Metabolism, surgery, Target, Toxins, Ups, Weight Loss Goals —

Tummy Tuck Recovery – Make It Easy On Yourself
I know you’re tired of the pouch you have on your stomach that you just can’t seem to get rid of no matter how many crunches you do, and that you are considering a tummy tuck (if you weren’t you probably wouldn’t be reading this article) the next logical question is how long is the tummy tuck recovery period?
A tummy tuck, otherwise known as abdominoplasty, is a major surgery and you have to make sure you understand everything that’s involved before you make your decision to have it done. As with all surgeries there is a risk of complications so be darn careful when you pick out the plastic surgeon, as well as the surgery center, who will perform the procedure.
Also, make sure you have someone who can help you out with your daily activities for at least several days post surgery. You won’t be able to do much at all, even cooking, getting dressed and moving around your house will be a challenge. Of course, you won’t be able to drive for a while after your surgery so make sure you stock up on groceries around your home (or get one of your friends to help you out).
Make sure you have someone who can fill your prescriptions. The doctor will usually prescribe something for pain and usually some form of antibiotic as well to prevent infections.
Since some types of pain medications can make you constipated, which is the last thing you want after having abdominal surgery, many surgeons will prescribe a laxative to take after the surgery. Whatever your doctor prescribes, take it. Make sure you take your pills on time. You don’t want to have unnecessary pain or risk an infection, take your pills on time every time.
It’s also a good idea to have a thermometer on hand so you can check for an infection. Infections are a common complication of having surgery and one of the first signs of an infection will be a fever. By being able to check your temperature often, you can see any signs of an infection early on, which is good (so you can treat it early before it gets to serious) and something you want to watch for during your tummy tuck recovery.
Don’t think that you don’t have to listen to the doctor or follow his instructions either. A tummy tuck is major surgery, you don’t want to risk injuring yourself of ripping out your sutures, so follow his directions. These instructions will cover everything from when you can take a bath how often to change your bandages, how much you can lift and what activity levels you should restrict yourself to, all the way up to when you can have sex again. Listen to him.
Recovering from a major surgical procedure will take time, in order to make your tummy tuck recovery as painless and as quick as possible make sure that you fully understand and follow all your doctors advice, this is not the time to be a know it all.
Tags: Abdominal Surgery, Abdominoplasty, Antibiotic, Constipated, Crunches, Fever, First Signs, Groceries, infection, infections, Laxative, Logical Question, Major Surgery, Pain Medications, pain;, Plastic Surgeon, Prescriptions, Recovery Period, Signs Of An Infection, Surgeries, surgery, Surgery Center, Thermometer, Tummy Tuck, Unnecessary Pain —

Non Surgical Tummy Tuck – 5 Tummy Tuck Alternatives
Many woman, especially those of us who have had kids, don’t want to undergo surgery but would love to have a non surgical tummy tuck. Wouldn’t it be nice to able to go back to the days when we could bounce a quarter off of our abs, but without the pain, expense, and risk of complications of surgery? For those of us who want that there are tummy tuck alternatives that might be just what the doctor ordered.
Having a tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, is expensive. It costs thousands of dollars for the surgery. When you add to the expense the fact that you’ll be out of commission for up to six weeks and that you’ll have quite a bit of pain, as well as the risk of complications, many women just don’t want to put themselves through that for a tighter tummy.
The good news is that you don’t have to. Today there are several non surgical tummy tuck alternatives that can help you get the flat looking midsection you’re craving without having to go under the knife.
Here are some of the most promising:
1. For fat loss liposuction works just fine (if your problem is loose skin this won’t help). Liposuction is still a pretty involved procedure but it’s not major abdominal surgery. Often the doctor will perform liposuction in conjunction with a tummy tuck. If you want to just have some fat removed this procedure can work very well.
To put it simply: the doctor uses a vacuum like device and literally sucks fat out of your body. You will still have a recovery period but it’s not as long as with a tummy tuck. Ask your doctor if this is a good idea for you.
2. Titan. This is a process where a laser can tighten the skin from the surface. There are no incisions involved with this procedure. If you have just a little extra skin, this procedure would probably work really well for you, ask your doctor.
3. Thermage is a non surgical procedure where radio frequency energy is directed to the skin. This can help tighten and lift excess skin. It’s completely non invasive.
4. Injection Lipolysis is a procedure where a compound is injected directly into the skin. This compound has been shown to melt off fat deposits. Most people will need 2 or 3 injections to remove the total amount of fat that they want removed. It’s non surgical and works well on the face, jowls, neck, sides, thighs and abdomen. It hasn’t been FDA approved yet though so make sure to talk to your doctor about it, and any potential side effects, and get his opinion.
We’re lucky, today more than ever we don’t have to age gracefully, we can fight it every step of the way. We now know a lot about diet and exercise and the benefits both have on our overall health as well as our appearance. The problem is that sometimes diet and exercise just aren’t enough. To get rid of that flabby tummy without going under the knife you should look into
non surgical tummy tuck alternatives.
Tags: Abdominal Surgery, Abdominoplasty, Ask Doctor, Conjunction, Excess Skin, Extra Skin, FDA;, Healthy Diet, Incisions, Laser, Liposuction, Loose Skin, Midsection, radio frequency, Radio Frequency Energy, Recovery Period, Risk, Six Weeks, surgery, Thermage, Thousands Of Dollars, Titan, Tummy Tuck, Vacuum, Woman —