All You Need to Know About Lymphoma
Whenever you get sick, whats the first thing that you do? Know what you have. Either its a simple fever or a complicated illness, the very first thing that you do is to gather information to find out your current condition. The same thing with lymphoma, whether you research things on your own or go to a doctor (although this should always be the case since self diagnosis can bring you only so far) for advice, your target is to get all you need know about the disease.
Lymphoma is basically a cancer of the lymphatic system. The system is composed of various nodes or glands situated in different places of our body. These glands are connected by vessels that carry the lymph fluid or the white blood cells which help fight diseases. As you might have remembered in your high school biology class, the white blood cells help fight the bacteria and diseases that enter our body. And because these glands are connected to each other, once lymphoma hits a gland, theres a good chance that the cancer cells spread throughout the body via the lymph vessels. You should know this fact out front: no cure has been discovered yet that would eliminate the disease. Nonetheless, there are new techniques, medicines and medical procedures that have brought more positive treatments for people with lymphoma.
There are two kinds of lymphoma, namely Hodgkin’s lymphoma and Non Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL). The first one, the Hodgkins disease owes its name to Thomas Hodgkin (1798-1866). He was the first one who published a paper about the disease. This kind of lymphoma is capable of spreading from one lymph node to another. It is also observed that people diagnosed with Hodgkins lymphoma has the presence of Reed-Sternberg cells which can only be detected by the aid of a microscope.
The other kind of lymphoma is the non-Hodgkin kind. This kind is described as having larger than normal lymph nodes and is accompanied by fever and weight loss. There are about 16 sub-types which do not fall under the conditions described by Hodgkins lymphoma. These sub-types are grouped according to aggressiveness which basically means the cancer cells are fast-growing. NHL lymphomas include chronic lymphocytic leukemia/small lymphocytic lymphoma (CLL/SLL), Burkitt lymphoma, mantle cell lymphoma, follicular lymphoma, diffuse large B-cell lymphoma and immunoblastic large cell lymphoma.
Treatment is either radiation therapy or chemotherapy. The age, sex and stage of the cancers development plays a role in determining the kind of treatment patients will undergo. Early detection is crucial. Most of the patients do survive the treatment especially if they have been diagnosed during the early stages of the lymphoma.
Some of the more common symptoms of lymphomas include painless swelling in the lymph nodes of the neck, underarm, or groin. People with lymphomas also might experience fever, tiredness, weight loss, itchiness, red patches on the skin, nausea, vomiting and sometimes abdominal pain.
Those with low-grade lymphomas will encounter a very slow growth of the cancer cells and will experience very few of the symptoms. The problem with low-grade lymphomas is that even though they respond well to chemotherapy, they oftentimes return and is considered incurable unlike high-grade lymphomas. With the latter, treatment involves chemotherapy, with or without radiation therapy.
Admittedly, the information above is not all that you need to know about lymphoma. There are more facts that you need to find out for yourself especially if you have been diagnosed with having lymphoma.
Tags: All You Need, Biology Class, Burkitt Lymphoma, Cancer Cells, cancer;, cancers;, Chemotherapy, chronic lymphocytic leukemia, complicated illness, Current Condition, Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma, disease, Diseases, Fever, follicular lymphoma, High School Biology, high-grade lymphomas, Hodgkin S Lymphoma, Hodgkins Disease, Hodgkins Lymphoma, immunoblastic large cell lymphoma, Itchiness, low-grade lymphomas, Lymph Fluid, Lymph Node, Lymph Nodes, Lymph Vessels, Lymphatic System, lymphocytic lymphoma, Lymphoma, lymphomas, Mantle Cell Lymphoma, Medical Procedures, namely Hodgkin's, Nausea, NHL, NHL lymphomas, Non Hodgkin S Lymphoma, Non Hodgkins Lymphoma, once lymphoma hits, Radiation, Radiation Therapy, Reed Sternberg Cells, Self Diagnosis, simple fever, sometimes abdominal pain, Target, Thomas Hodgkin, Tiredness, vomiting, White Blood Cells —
Weight loss for teens
With teen celebrities all losing weight, there is no doubt that there is a trend on weight loss going on. From teenage girls to teenage boys, upper class, middle class, middle school, high school, everybody, it seems, wants to have a slim body.
Dieting is not necessarily a bad thing. In fact, when done right, dieting can do great things for the body. Eating the right foods and exercising, which are the hallmarks of proper dieting, can produce a healthy body that is strong and fit.
Unfortunately, the proper form of dieting may take a long while, too long for teenagers who are hell-bent on losing weight the fastest way possible and also the easiest way. The need for a form of diet that will be fast and also easy on the stomach has opened doors for all kinds of weight loss programs. Some target the diet and the food intake of the person. Others go for the exercise part of the diet program. A few target those who want to lose weight in a matter of days and they can only achieve this by going under the knife.
The prevalence of these kinds of weight loss programs that are not healthy and in the long run bad for ones body has alarmed a lot of people in the medical industry. To ensure that your teeners are losing weight the right way, here are some tips that will come in handy.
Show your support
Teeners may want independence but they are much too young to lose your guidance. They still need your support despite claiming that they want to decide for themselves and stand on their own two feet. The problem I guess with most teeners right now is the fact that they are not being guided by their parents in their choice of diet. Some do not even tell their parents that they are undergoing some kind of diet.
If you want to really help your teener, make sure that you show your support. Be their friend and confidante. You may not agree with everything that they want but at least you know what is going on in their lives. This way, you can help them make the right choices and guide them to the right path. As they say, if you cant beat them, join them.
Emphasize more than looks
Teeners who are obsessed enough with their looks to want to lose weight fast are those that do not have much self-esteem or those who place much importance into how they look and not who they are. It is important that parents nowadays teach their children, especially teenagers that there are more things in life more important than looks, that they can be accepted and become successful with other things such as good grades, achievements in the arts or in music, excellence in sports or leadership skills.
Become a good example
There is no right way of teaching your kids the value of the right kinds of diet than by example. If they see you using the easy way out by going under the knife or starving yourself to death just to lose a few precious pounds, you will find it hard to convince them that they should not do it too. After all, you are doing it. Why shouldnt they?
Tags: Confidante, Diet Program, Eating Habits, food intake;, Hallmarks, Healthy Diet, Losing Weight, Medical Industry, No Doubt, Own Two Feet, Prevalence, Right Choices, Slim Body, Stomach, Target, Teen Celebrities, Teenage Boys, Teenage Girls, Teenagers, Teener, Teeners, Weight Loss Programs —
Aging and the pH miracle diet
When bounteous people hear the word diet they immediately think of weight loss. The target on thinness in our society has equated this word with shedding a few pounds. However, diet thoroughly means any food or drinks you put into your body. The diet that you consume has a profound impact on your overall health. The pH miracle diet is not just a diet for weight loss. In fact, the first house of this popular categorization was dedicated to health in general. The first-hand pH miracle diet book focuses on many issues, including aging.
What does aging have to do with pH and acid / alkaline foods? Some experts contend that the reason we age has to do entirely with the amount of acidic foods that we eat. The theory is that we get older because we do not effectively get rid of the wastes and toxins that accumulated through our bodies.
We burn nutrients within our cells to get energy, maintain our body temperatures and get our bodies to function correctly. No matter what type of feed you eat, vegetable or feed, acid or alkaline, gourmet food or junk eatable, they are composed of the same elements: carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen and oxygen.
In harmony to function correctly, the cells use these nutrients. They oxidize them or burn them up into natural acids: carbonic acids, uric acids, lactic acids and fatty acids. The cells expel these acids as waste into urine and sweat. When the body is functioning properly and in a balanced practice, these waste acids are no problem. The body can get rid of them hastily and easily, and you can maintain a normal pH of around 7. 4.
However, the modern way of vital has resulted in our persons not for able to rid themselves of the acids correctly. Lack of moor, lack of exercise, overwork, stress, smoking, pollution and high acid diets ( heavy in meat and dairy products ) all prevent our bodies from properly expelling these acids. There is too much acidic production from these lifestyle and diet factors, and the body simply cannot get rid of legitimate.
Even worse, modern farming and food production practices are making foods more acidic than they used to be. Inorganic acid minerals like chlorine, phosphor and sulfur seep into meats, grains and spring crops through soil, air quality and farming practices. We are full more inorganic acid minerals than ever before. All of this contributes to our bodies inability to rid themselves of acid.
The pH miracle diet is a finished balance to our over – acidified lives that cause premature aging. Aging occurs because of the build up of acidic elements in the body. Healthy cells naturally have a slightly alkaline pH level, and since acid and alkaline are chemical opposites, high acid levels destroy cells.
In order to stop aging and unconnected the affects of acidic damage on the cells, you exigency start alkalizing your diet according to the principles allow out in the pH miracle diet. You must help you body develop a better system to rid itself of the acid wastes. Then you must facilitate it in pulling old wastes over of your body.
The first step requires that you drink markedly of water, especially acid unpaid alkaline water. Just 4 glasses of alkaline water is more effective than 8 glasses of regular water. Water ionizers are available to help you create alkaline water in the comfort of your internal. This water will corrective flush out your design and amuse rid of the build up acidity within it.
The pH miracle diet again encourages people to eat a higher percentage of alkaline foods in their diet. The alkalizing foods will help restore balance to the body and push the remaining acid waste build up out of the body. According to pH miracle diet fans, the results are a more youthful glow, more energy and a relief from some of the symptoms of aging, like arthritis.
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Tags: Acid Alkaline Foods, Acidic Foods, Body Temperatures, Categorization, dairy products;, Diet Book, Fatty Acids, First House, gourmet food;, Health Diet, Healthy Diet, Lack Of Exercise, Losing Weight, Matter What Type, Natural Acids, Nutrients, Ph Miracle Diet, Profound Impact, Target, Thinness, Toxins, Uric Acids, Vitamins And Minerals, Word Diet —
Tips To Help Lose My Belly Fat
Have you been wondering for a long time ‘how can I lose my belly fat’? Do you have a bit of excess tummy flab that you just can’t seem to be able to get rid of? Well stop asking yourself ‘how can I lose my belly fat’ because we are about to tell you how.
There are a number of reasons why you may have gained some fat around your tummy. The trick to losing that belly fat is to control what you are eating or drinking that will cause fat gain and to introduce some exercise into your life, particularly exercises that target the tummy area.
Here are four tips that can help you to love that belly fat.
1. Sit ups and crunches are the two main exercises that people do to lose belly fat. Sit ups are probably the single most effective exercise for toning stomach muscles and getting rid of belly fat. Sit ups are even more effective when done on a stability ball. To lose fat you do need to burn off more calories than you consume so keep this in mind also.
2. Cut out all fried foods from your diet. Fried foods are the worst foods for putting on fat around the waist and they are poor in nutrient value also. Fried food has no nutritional value at all to your diet and all it does it provide you with calories that add to your weight.
3. Stop snacking between meals. Snacking is a big contributor to gaining belly fat. Late night snacking is the worst kind of all as you don’t burn the calories off if you got to bed after snacking. When you consume calories during the day you will burn some of them off with your daily movements, but at night you just relax or go to bed allowing those calories to become fat that doesn’t get burned off. When you snack a lot you will often find that you only intend to have one small snack but you keep on eating more and more and it all adds up around your tummy. If you are asking yourself ‘how can I lose my belly fat’ then you need to tell yourself to stop snacking between meals.
4. Burn those excess calories off. Belly fat is unused energy that accumulates in the form of fat around the stomach. To get rid of belly fat you need to burn off more calories than you consume. Cardio workouts are great for burning off fat and these can include aerobics, walking, jogging, running, cycling or working out on a cardio machine. There are many little changes that you can make that will also help you to burn off calories like parking at the back of the car park and walking that little bit further to the shop or office, or taking the stairs instead of the elevator. Remember that every little bit of exercise you do helps.
If you are asking yourself ‘how can I lose my belly fat’ then try these four suggestions and you will soon find your tummy getting thinner and you will be well on your way to having those flat abs.
Tags: Calories, Calories Fat, Contributor, Crunches, Diet, Eating Habits, Excess Calories, Exercise, Fried Food, Fried Foods, Healthy Diet, Late Night, Long Time, Losing Weight, Love, Nutrient Value, Nutritional Value, Sit Ups, Snack, Stability Ball, Stomach Muscles, Target, Ups, Worst Foods —