Sushi is Ideal for Healthy Diets
Sushi is Ideal for Healthy Diets
Nicky Pilkington
Sushi, popular for centuries in Japan, has become immensely
popular in the Western world in recent years. You may soon find
yourself invited to enjoy sushi with friends at a sushi bar or
restaurant. Despite the common reaction of distaste at the
prospect of eating raw fish, sushi is actually a simple and
delicious food that can easily be enjoyed by adults, children,
vegetarians and even the extremely squeamish.
Although sushi’s history goes back to the 7th century, the
popular form that is served in modern sushi bars came into
popularity in 1820, Tokyo. Variations of the lengthy pickling
process that was the original variety of sushi were made so that
sushi could be enjoyed freshly made from a portable stall. This
‘fast-food’ approach has resulted in Sushi Bars gaining
popularity all over the world.
Sushi is a very healthy meal made mostly with rice, fish and
vegetables. Sushi should always be made with fresh ingredients.
Not only for the safety of the eater but for the flavors. The
delicate flavors of rice, vegetables and fish are enhanced with
healthy soya sauce, ginger and wasabi.
What are the health benefits of sushi?
The thin, toasted seaweed sheets, called Nori, used in rolled
(maki) sushi are high in Vitamin A, B-complex, Niacin and
Vitamin C. It is also good for digestion.
The rice used in making sushi, while not as healthy as brown
rice, is still low in fat and sodium free while also being a
complex carbohydrate which is needed as fuel for your body.
The various fish or meats used in sushi are excellent sources of
protein and minerals.
Whether you’re eating vegetarian sushi or it is mixed with fish,
the fresh, uncooked vegetables provide the vitamins and other
nutrients you look for in a healthy diet.
Even the condiments served with sushi have health benefits.
While soya sauce has come under attack for certain additives
that pose a potential health risk, naturally fermented soya
sauce does not have this danger. Soya, the main ingredient in
soya sauce, has been linked to lower breast cancer and fewer
menopausal symptoms in Asian cultures who use soy as a staple in
their diets. Soya is a source of high quality protein, low in
saturated fats and is cholesterol free. Soya sauce is high in
salt although low sodium versions are also available for those
who require it.
Ginger, called ‘gari’, is often served alongside sushi and helps
with digestion while also fighting bacteria. This is especially
of interest to those concerned with the bacteria found in
uncooked meat.
Wasabi, Japanese horseradish, can also kill bacteria found in
raw fish and is often provided alongside sushi servings as a
garnish or is included as in nigiri sushi.
If you are looking for a fast-food meal that is healthy or you
just enjoy the flavors and art form of sushi, you are sure to
benefit from a visit to your local sushi bar.
About the author:
Find out more about Diet
and Nutrition at healthandfinesse.com
Tags: Author, Brown Rice, Complex Carbohydrate, Delicate Flavors, delicious food;, Food Approach, food;, Health Risk, Healthy Diet, Healthy Diets, Japan, lower breast cancer, Maki Sushi, Niacin, Potential Health, Raw Fish, Rice Vegetables, Sources Of Protein, Soya Sauce, Sushi Bar, Sushi Bars, Sushi Fish, Toasted Seaweed Sheets, Tokyo, Uncooked Vegetables, Vegetarian Sushi, Vitamin A —

Secrets to Healthy Skin…At Any Age
Secrets to Healthy Skin…At Any Age
Kazuyuki Omino (Publisher)
You still can’t beat the old fruit and vegetable diet when it comes to good health and a good complexion. Remember to feed and nourish your skin by eating the proper foods.
* Plenty of Water:Those eight glasses of water a day your mom always told you to be sure to drink are essential to maintaining your skin’s elasticity and suppleness, say experts. And don’t count coffee or sodas as part of the eight glasses because caffeine is dehydrating. The water you choose can be sparkling water, mineral or straight from the tap.
* Makeup:You need to give some thought and consideration to the type of makeup you use. And be sure to clean your tools regularly. Things such as cosmetic brushes get dirty and can carry bacteria and germs and may cause skin irritations and breaking out.
* Good Moisturizer:Keep environmental pollutants from being absorbed into the skin with a good moisturizer that also acts as a skin barrier. Check the labels for those with added Vitamin A, C and E, which help block the penetration of pollutants.
* Exercise:A good exercise program such as aerobics can activate and rejuvenate the skin and improve circulation and blood flow. Also, body sweat triggers production of sebum, which is the skin’s own natural moisturizer.
* Knock out Stress:Get serious about stress reduction. Skin conditions such as acne appear on many people who are stressed out, and chronic skin conditions then get worse. Set aside quiet time to meditate or daydream. Plus, be sure to get enough sleep.
About the Author
I’ve been online since 1995 when I was in the US (Boston). I created Japanese celebrity info site and health-related site in 2001. Those websites became popular. So Ia ppeared on the radio show and internet magazines to talk about my websites in Japan (I came back to Japan in 1996 after 6 years of staying in the US).
Powered by How To Do Everything Better, Faster &Easier ™
Tags: acne;, Author, Body Sweat, Boston, Celebrity Info, celebrity info site, Chronic Skin Conditions, Cosmetic Brushes, Environmental Pollutants, Fruit And Vegetable Diet, Good Complexion, Good Health, health-related site, Healthy Skin, Internet Magazines, Japan, Japanese Celebrity, Natural Moisturizer, Quiet Time, Sebum, Skin Barrier, Skin Irritations, Sodas, Sparkling Water, Stress Reduction, Suppleness, United States;, Vitamin A —

Nutrition for healthy skin – A simple guide
Nutrition for healthy skin – A simple guide
John Gibb
In this day and age, many people are concerned with not only their health, but their looks as well. In the aesthetics-worshipping twenty first century, healthy skin is a definite desire among a large cross-section of the population. What few people know is that nutrition for healthy skin is the basis for achieving this desire. Healthy skin and good nutrition generally go hand in hand. While it is impossible to prevent the process of aging skin, healthy eating can lead you to a more glowing and healthy complexion.
One recommendation that plenty of doctors recommend would be to get enough water on a daily basis. Also, your health can be promoted by eating healthy foods such as fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, and fish. Another way to aid your skin and general well-being would be through the use of supplements. There are plenty of supplements out there, and while some do not necessarily do what they promise, there are more than enough that will help your health.
Vitamin A is one key ingredient to healthy skin. Used in many acne treatment oils, supplements of Vitamin A have been shown to help prevent acne and skin cancer. However, you must be careful not to overdose on this supplement as it can result in liver problems. Scientific studies have shown that a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, nuts, yogurt, eggs, vegetable oils, whole grains, tea, and water results in less photo-aging and skin wrinkling then those who consume foods such as red meat, whole milk, butter, sugary products and potatoes.
Antioxidants can also be very helpful with regards to nutrition for healthy skin. Antioxidants can prevent damage done to cells by free radicals, which damage cell membranes. This can help to naturally protect your skin against the harmful effects of the sun. Basically, your best bet is to have a low-fat, healthy diet, while regularly taking healthy supplements and drinking plenty of water.
For more information on healthy supplements and nutritional information, check out
About the Author
John Gibb manages http://www.nutritional-suplement-guides.com
The site dedicated to nutrition.
Tags: Acne Treatment, acne;, Aging Skin, Author, Best Bet, Cell Membranes, Daily Basis, Eating Healthy Foods, Free Radicals, Fruits And Vegetables, Fruits Vegetables, Good Nutrition, Harmful Effects Of The Sun, Healthy Diet, Healthy Eating, Healthy Skin, Liver Problems, Red Meat, Skin Cancer, sugary products, Vegetable Oils, Vitamin A, Water Results, Whole Grains, Whole Milk —

Lean healthy recipes – Eat a variety of veggies
Lean healthy recipes – Eat a variety of veggies for a healthier you
Fritz Blanc
The only way to keep up with the latest about lean healthy
recipes is to constantly stay on the lookout for new
information. If you read everything you find about lean healthy
recipes, it won’t take long for you to become an influential
The new food guidelines issued by the United States government
recommend that all Americans eat between five and nine servings
of fruits and vegetables each and every day. When you first hear
that number, it may seem like a lot, but it is actually much
easier than you think to fit that many servings of fruits and
vegetables into your daily diet. For one thing, the shelves of
the grocery stores are fairly bursting with fresh fruits and
vegetables. In addition, vegetables and fruits are some of the
least expensive, most nutrient rich, foods in the supermarket.
With all these fruits and vegetables to choose from, it is very
easy to make these nutritious, delicious foods part of your
daily meals and snacks.
When you take into account how much a serving really is, it is
actually quite easy to get five to nine servings of fruits and
vegetables per day. For instance, the recommended daily amount
actually equates to a quite reasonable two cups of fruit and two
and a half cups of vegetables every day. When you consider how
many fruits and vegetables are available, and how low the prices
usually are, it is easy to see how easy to reach this daily goal
really is.
One great way to get the nutrients you need from fruits and
vegetables every day is to take full advantage of the variety of
these foods available. Eating the same thing every day quickly
becomes boring, so why not pick a variety of fruits and
vegetables, in every color of the rainbow and in every
conceivable shape, size and texture, to give yourself a varied
diet every day.
When shopping for fruits and vegetables, it is important to
choose a variety of different colors. This is for more than
purely artistic reasons. Different color fruits and vegetables
have different types of nutrients, and choosing a variety of
colors will help ensure you get all the vitamins and minerals
you need each and every day.
The more authentic information about lean healthy recipes you
know, the more likely people are to consider you a lean healthy
recipes expert. Read on for even more lean healthy recipes facts
that you can share.
Finding new recipes is another great way to ensure you get those
five to nine servings of fruits and vegetables every day.
Everyone likes to try out new recipes, and these new recipes may
just provide the impetus you need to eat all those fruits and
New recipes can also provide you the important opportunity to
try out some fruits and vegetables you have never tried before.
For instance, everyone has eaten oranges, but have you tried
kiwi fruit or mangoes? How about spinach or kale? Trying new
things is a great way to find new favorites while getting the
best nutrition available.
Many people mistakenly think that they do not need to eat five
to nine servings of fruits and vegetables every day if they just
take a vitamin supplement. Actually, nothing could be further
from the truth. That is because fruits and vegetables contain
far more than the micronutrients identified by science and
synthesized in vitamin pills. While these micronutrients, such
as vitamin C, vitamin A and vitamin E are important to good
health, so too are the hundreds of other elements that are
contained in healthy foods like fruits and vegetables. These
elements are not available in any pill, they must be ingested
through a healthy, balanced diet that contains plenty of fruits
and vegetables.
In addition, fruits and vegetables are much less costly than
vitamin pills. Fruits and vegetables are very inexpensive,
especially when purchased in season and grown locally. In the
long run, getting the nutrition you need from the food you eat
is much less expensive, and much better for you, than popping
those vitamin pills every day.
So don’t forget to get your five to nine servings of fruits and
vegetables every day. It may seem like a lot, but you can meet
this quite reasonable goal simply by including fruits and
vegetables as snacks, as garnishes, as side dishes and as meals.
Is there really any information about lean healthy recipes that
is nonessential? We all see things from different angles, so
something relatively insignificant to one may be crucial to
About the author:
Fritz Blanc is a part time internet marketer who has created
many web sites about various subjects. You can visit one of his
web sites food and recipes at:
http://www.iwork4self.com/summerrecipes/summerrecipes Other
websites by the same author: http://bp-visa-007.blogspot.com
Tags: Author, Color Of The Rainbow, Conceivable Shape, Daily Meals, Delicious Foods, Different Colors, Food Guidelines, food;, Fresh Fruits And Vegetables, Fritz, Fritz Blanc, Fruits And Vegetables, Fruits Vegetables, Grocery Stores, Healthy Recipes, Lookout, New Food Guidelines, Nutrient Rich Foods, Nutrients, part time internet marketer, same author, Shape Size, Shelves, Snacks, United States Government, Vegetables And Fruits, Vitamin A —