Simple Ways To Lose Weight – Watching What You Eat
Simple Ways To Lose Weight – Watching What You Eat
There is no question that obesity is a big problem in the United States and other Western nations, and it’s not showing any signs of going away soon. If you have been looking for simple ways to lose weight, then chances are you have stumbled across a few fad diets, perhaps you have even tried a few. But there is only one way to shed those extra pounds: you have to burn more calories than you take in. One way to decrease how many calories you take in is by controlling your portions. Here are some tips to help you do just that.
The first thing you need to know is what a normal portion is for most of the foods you eat. You may be quite shocked to find out that you have been regularly eating three to four times the normal portion. For example, a serving of meat is considered to be 3 ounces, that works out to be about the same dimensions as a deck of cards. A serving of ice cream is a half cup, so if you eat a pint you will have consumed four servings. And that’s just the tip of the proverbial iceberg.
Most of us will mindlessly fill our entire plate when we sit down to eat. We don’t really think about what we put on the plate, we just know that it should be full. Therefore, you can trick yourself into eating less by using smaller plates, cups and bowls when you eat. That way there will be less plate to fill.
You can also look to tricks used by restaurants to make your plate look fuller. A favorite is to use garnishes like thinly slice fruit, raw kale and fresh parsley. These aren’t normally eaten, but they take up extra room and give the illusion of having more food on your plate.
If you put the healthiest foods on your plate first, then you will automatically limit how much of the less-than-healthy food you’ll have room for. For example, if you start by putting veggies on your plate, then a small salad, you will be forcing yourself to take a smaller portion of meat.
Did you know that the type of glass you put your beverages in makes a difference? This is nothing more than an illusion, but it ranks as one of the simple ways to lose weight. Taller, thinner glasses look like they hold more, so use those. If you’re having a cold drink, then fill the glass with ice first, then pour in your beverage. Yes, restaurants use this trick, too.
Only cook what you’ll eat. A lot of recipes are designed to feed a family of four, but if there are only two of you, or you’re on your own, then reducing those recipes will help to keep your portions under control. After all, you can’t eat more of a certain dish if there isn’t more there for you to eat.
Tags: Bowls, Burn Calories, Calories, Deck Of Cards, Eating Habits, Extra Room, Fad Diets, Healthiest Foods, Healthy Food, How Many Calories, Illusion, Kale, Losing Weight, obesity;, Parsley, Pint, Proverbial Iceberg, Restaurants, Shed, Signs, Sit, Veggies, Ways To Lose Weight —

Best Ways To Lose Weight – Avoid The Scams
Everyone is always looking for the best ways to lose weight which is fine, but do yourself a favor and don’t buy into all the hypey garbage you see online and off. If you want to try a pill or a special diet that’s fine, especially if you only want to use it for a short time just to jump start your weight loss, but do not believe that you can lose weight overnight with absolutely no lifestyle changes… you will only be setting yourself up for failure.
The best approach to weight loss is to look at it like a lifestyle change rather than a “diet”. Diet makes it seem like it is something short term where lifestyle change makes it seem more like what it should be, a lifestyle change.
Approaching it from this point of view will make it easier for you since it will take off that pressure to have results immediately. Any weight you lose within days of starting is usually only water weight anyway, not fat lose. Do not set yourself up for failure by having unrealistic expectations.
Your first step should be to find a sensible and healthy eating plan. Make sure you have lots of lean protein and a reasonable balance of fat and carbs. Also, make sure you drink plenty of water every day. It’s usually recommended that you drink half your body weight in ounces of water every day.
For example, if you weigh 126lbs that means you should drink about 63 ounces of water everyday to keep your body hydrated and to flush out toxins.
After that point you should set up a sensible exercise plan to workout and lose weight. Again, making a plan is a great start. You don’t have to go to extremes, you need to start at what every fitness level you already have and start adding on as you are able to. Something as simple as taking your dog for a walk, using the stairs at work and parking a little further from your office can be simple, easy changes you can make.
If you feel like it, and your doctor says it’s ok (you should always check with your doctor before you start a diet and exercise program, especially if you have underlying health issues) than you can step up your workouts.
The most important thing you can do is to find a workout that works for you. If you hate the treadmill with a passion, then don’t use the treadmill. The best thing you can do to ensure your success is to find an activity that you like, that way you will stick with it.
There are many things you can do to lose weight and the best ways to lose weight are the ones that provide your body with the nutrients you need and finding a sensible exercise plan. Make it a permanent lifestyle change, take it one day at a time and keep realistic expectations and your chances of success are greatly improved.
Tags: Atkins, Best Ways To Lose Weight, Diet Diet, Eating Habits, Exercise Plan, Garbage, Healthy Diet, Healthy Eating Plan, Lean Protein, Lifestyle Change, Lifestyle Changes, Losing Weight, Point Of View, Scams, Short Time, Special Diet, Stairs, To Extremes, Toxins, Unrealistic Expectations, Water Weight, Ways To Lose Weight, Weight Loss, Workout —

Lose Weight Running – Tips For Running Safely
Lose weight running, sounds easy enough; right? The reason is because it is; running is one of the best ways to lose weight, its fun and its easy. Not to mention it can be very inexpensive. Some shorts, a shirt and some running shoes. (The shirt is optional.. depending on who you are)
The most expensive part of running is the shoes. However, the shoes may be one of the most important parts of running. You dont want to get a pair of shoes where after running your toes look like they have been hit by a hammer. (Hence the name hammer toes)
I promise you, if you put in an extra few bucks when buying your jogging shoes. Not only will you feel better after the run, your toes will love you for it and your feet will love you for it.
The biggest reason why you want good running shoes is that there are certain types of shoes that have support. The types of support that will not give you back pain during running or after running. You want to make sure you stay away from shin splints. It all can be avoided with good running shoes.
Next you want to pick a place where you can have enough freedom to run. Also this place needs to be a place where you can be safe and others that are around you can be safe as well.
Now that you have all that figured out, you need to have a system put in place of how you are going to run. You didnt think you where just going to go out there and start flinging you arms and legs and running like a crazed chicken did you ?
Get a plan where you know you are going to run and how long you are going to run it. Now if you are just starting out, then you may want to take it easy when taking your first few jogs. You dont want to get burnt out on it when you just started.
So make sure you start at a pace that is good for you, also a big thing you need to do is stretch. Stretch for at least 20 minutes before you start you jog. Trust me; you will be glad you did during and after your run.
Now along with running to lose weight, you will need to have the right kind of diet to go along with it. Eating right has a big part of losing weight, and with the combination of the two, the pounds will come off in no time.
Tags: Arms And Legs, Back Pain, Best Ways To Lose Weight, Eating Habits, Freedom, Fun, Hammer Toes, Healthy Diet, Jogging Shoes, Losing Weight, Love, Pace, Pair Of Shoes, Running Shoes, Running Tips, Running To Lose Weight, Shin Splints, Shoes Running, Ways To Lose Weight, Weight Lose —

How To Have Fun Losing Weight
You know what isn’t fair? The fact that it’s so much more fun to gain weight than it is to diet and exercise. That has to be one of the real reasons why people don’t like to lose weight, right? I mean it only makes sense. If doing what it took to be at your ideal weight was more enjoyable than what it takes to gain weight, we hadn’t have a problem with obesity.
It doesn’t have to be that way anymore. Imagine if it wasn’t such a drag to get healthy, to lose weight, to eat right or to exercise. I’m sure you can see what a positive impact that could have on how much you weigh. Here are some ideas you can put to use to make it fun.
The very first thing you have to do is change your mindset. Don’t worry about what other people think about your jogging, or what your fat friends will say when you order grilled chicken for lunch. You know why you shouldn’t worry? Because it’s your body! Let them laugh. You can laugh with them or laugh back at them. Either way, you’ll get the last laugh and that’s the best kind.
Alright, let’s face it, you probably already like to eat, otherwise you wouldn’t have to be looking for ways to lose weight. This is just a guess, but what you probably don’t enjoy is eating more of the right foods and less of the not-so-good ones. You can give the good foods funny names, and vice-versa. You’re not eating broccoli, you’re eating “goody goody mini-greens”. And it’s no longer a doughnut, now that you call it a “sweetened lard bombs”. Go ahead, be creative.
Also, don’t deprive yourself. You can still eat all of the foods you enjoy, just not as much. If you try to cut them out all together, that wouldn’t be any fun at all. Instead you would be focusing on the deprivation and bury your head into a half-gallon of ice cream as soon as your willpower wavered. But when you eat a little of the things you like, there’s no need for willpower at all.
When it comes to exercising to lose weight the main key is to do something you enjoy doing. Just get moving. You don’t have to go for a three-mile jog or lift weights in the gym (unless you want to). Get out in the garden, go for a walk, toss the frisbee around, go swimming…any extra activity that appeals to you will burn off extra calories.
Finally, as you do these things more, it will get to be even more fun as you do them. And seeing the results is makes it even more worthwhile. So, don’t let others tell you that losing weight is hard. You know better, you now know just how fun it can be.
Tags: Bombs, Broccoli, Calories, Diet And Exercise, Diet Exercise, Doughnut, Eating Habits, Exercising To Lose Weight, Funny Names, Greens, Grilled Chicken, Guess, Healthy Diet, Ideal Weight, Lard, Last Laugh, Losing Weight, Lunch, Main Key, Mindset, obesity;, Ways To Lose Weight, Willpower —