Healthy Weight Loss Tips

Healthy Diet Tips And Much More

The Healthy Eating Diet Personalize It For You

There is so much conflicting information about food that it’s enough to drive anybody crazy. It seems as though every day we hear some new findings. First a food is hailed as a “miracle cure” for some ailment, then a short time later they say it may do more harm than good, then a short while after that they it could do some good…depending on the circumstances. Fat is bad for you, fat is good for you, some fats are bad and some are good. Arg! How can anybody figure out what makes a healthy eating diet? That’s a great question, and the answer is more straight forward than all of those contradictory studies may suggest.

The most important thing to remember is that everybody is unique. That means what works for one person may not work for you. In fact, what works for millions of other people may not work for you, and vice-versa. You have different DNA, different likes and dislikes, different food sensitivities, different beliefs, and the list goes on. All of these things can have an impact on what constitutes a healthy eating diet for you, specifically.

Believe it or not, you can develop your own, personalized healthy eating diet!

The first step is to track everything you eat and drink for the next two or three weeks. That means meals, snacks, beverages, and even the little nibbles you may take here and there. The goal is to get a good idea of where your current diet stands. Don’t worry, nobody else will see your food journal, so be 100% honest.

You will most likely start to notice some problem areas as you are keeping your journal. It’s important that you keep track for the entire length of time, though. Don’t try to eat healthier just because you’re writing everything down.

The next step is to step back and take and objective look at all the food you ate. Try to identify problem areas, such as what time you eat certain foods, stress, or how different items relate to one another. For example, you find that you eat a lot more junk food when you skip breakfast, or that you eat a fattier lunch on Mondays.

Whatever the case may be, these problem areas are a good place to start making changes. You don’t have to make a complete change all at once. That could be too much of a shock to your system, and the temptation to go back to your old eating habits may be too strong. So, go ahead and take smaller steps by first improving the areas that need the most improving. Once those are better, you can move on to the next, and then the next, and so on.

Switching to a healthy eating diet doesn’t have to be complicated. In fact, the easier it is, the more likely you are stick with it for the long haul. That makes a lot more sense then getting on the proverbial roller coaster and going up and down for the rest of your life. Why do that? Instead, start making a few smart changes and you’ll be eating healthy before you know it.

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Post Gastric Bypass

The people who undergo gastric bypass surgery normally do so because they are sick and tired of being sick and tired, they want to live a healthier, more active lifestyle and in order to do that they need to lose significant amounts of weight. While some people may view weight loss surgery as an easy way out, the reality is that if this type of surgery is going to work you are going to have to be fully committed to making permanent lifestyle changes post gastric bypass.

This procedure will greatly reduce the size of your stomach which will make it virtually impossible for you to overeat, that in turn will lead to significant weight loss. Another thing that will lead to is a dramatic change in your lifestyle, especially your eating habits. It’s not just about how much you eat but also how often and what you eat. All of this will play a part in the success of your surgery.

Here are some specifics that can help ease you through this transition period:

1. You will be eating a lot of Jell-o and nutrition shakes after your surgery, about 30 days after your surgery to be exact. You won’t be allowed to have any type of solid food for a solid month after your surgery. Your body has changed dramatically and you will need to allow your body enough time to properly heal before you can eat any solid food.

Don’t worry, during this period it’s common to start wondering if you’ve made a huge mistake, this is a dramatic change for most people and it can be very unsettling, just hang in there and soon you’ll begin to see changes and you’ll realize that you made the right choice in having the surgery.

2. Your doctor will want you to take vitamins to supplement any nutrients you may not be receiving from your food intake, it’s very important that you don’t forget to take them. Your body must get enough fuel so that it can run properly and make it possible for you to heal.

3. After the first 30 days of a liquid only diet you will be able to start eating soft foods such as pureed vegetables. The changes you’ve undergone may affect the types of food you can tolerate. For example, some people find that they never want to, or can’t, eat a certain type of food again, like meat. With others they don’t notice any real differences in the types of foods that they can eat, they just have to eat less.

4. Once you’ve gotten past the first several months you will be able to start eating more ‘regularly’ again. That doesn’t mean you can go back to the old eating habits you had before the surgery, it just means that you will be able to eat more than liquid or soft foods. You will still want to stay away from too many carbs, fat, sugar, etc. It will be important for your body to continue to eat only whole, unprocessed food whenever possible.

These are just some of the lifestyle changes that you can expect post gastric bypass. The transition may be a little tough, most changes are at first, but in the long run the process will work if you’re willing to do your part and you follow the advice of your doctor.

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How Does The Atkins Diet Work And Why

There is a large controversy about whether the effects of the Atkins diet are positive or negative. There seem to be effects that lean towards being positive or negative in different experiences, and is some cases a person will have positive and negative effects that both affect them equally. People will have positive effects such as weight gain and being able to eat smaller amounts without cravings but may also have negative effects such as muscular problems or making a person feel very faint or extremely weak.

The reason for both the negative and positive experiences is the same, the way that Atkins diets work. The main point of an Atkins diet is to remove carbohydrates, which is sugar in its simplest form, so that the body will be forced to use another energy source. The nest energy source that your body turns to is your fat, which in turn causes you to loose weight. This can cause you to lose lean muscle, which can not only make you feel weaker but can also make you physically weaker.

Many people feel that their weight is more important then their health, this can be very hard on them and can mean that they without realizing it could hurt their body. Dr. Robert Atkins created this diet for himself so that he would be able to lose weight and this diet was so successful for himself that he let others try and in turn, it was successful for them in many cases. There have not been a lot of research conducted that had to do with the long term effects of the Atkins diet, but some individuals have proven that for them it was a very hard diet and left them with negative effects that outnumbered the positive gain.

There are many advances in diets and research every year, meaning that these side effects could be a worry that is in vain or could also simply be eliminated in the future by small differences in diet. Currently, there are still many positive sides to the Atkins diet such as the recipes that are offered. With the Atkins diet you are completely carbohydrate free for a period of week then you have to gradually find your way back to eating in a balanced matter so that any side effects can hopefully be reversed while you still get to keep the figure that you worked so hard to acquire.

The recipes that are offered are very appealing to many people, and after being carbohydrate free the return trip to a healthy balanced diet can be very enjoyable. Steadily but in steps carbohydrates are added back into your meals, this can help to reverse negative effects if such is possible but is mostly used to make sure that you can then stay constant without further damaging your muscles. Many people have found this diet to be successful for themselves and others who they may have suggested it to.

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Finding Your Reason Why to be Healthy

Finding Your Reason Why to be Healthy
Dr. Jamie Fettig

The most incredible thing you can do for yourself is have a big enough reason why that will totally light up your life and will remind yourself of that reason every single day. We are going to go through a process to help you create your reasons why to make it almost impossible not to be healthy. DO THIS NOW! PLEASE.

Action Step: #1: Figure out what you want.
Remember, you can want more than one thing, and you can change what you want. Everyone knows what they want, it is just some people are afraid. What if I don’t’ really want that, what if I cannot get it, what if I want something else. Don’t worry about all that. Go for what you REALLY want now, and if you want something else later, you can change your mind.
One other way some people get stopped in what they want is they start focusing on what they think will help get them what they want. Perfect example. No one wants a retirement plan. You might be thinking, I do. No you don’t. What you want is security when you retire. And you see the retirement plan as the way to get you what you want. You started focusing on what you thought was going to get you what you wanted. Not what you actually wanted. So make sure when you are writing down what you want. It is what you truly want and not just what you think will get you what you want.
So what do you want? Write down 4 things that really inspire you and light you up below.





Action Step: #2: Get yourself BIG reasons.
You have to create reasons that are an 11 on a scale of 10. Like when you look at those reasons, they are an 11. They really turn your crank and light you up. The reasons are so inspiring they keep you inspired every day. So ask yourself why? Why do you want this? Write down 5-10 of the reasons why you want what you wrote above.











These are usually the true reasons why you want what you actually wrote in the first action step. These are the real things you want. Stay focused on these realizing the universe can provide you these things in more ways than what you think. How do you know if these are really what you want, and not just a means to an end of what you really want?

Rate all the reasons. On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the most, how inspired and passionate are you about that reason why? You need to now go back and find reasons that are a 10. Otherwise the reasons why are not big enough. If it is not a 10 ask yourself, why do I want that? Eventually you will get to the true reasons you are doing something. This is what you will remind yourself of every day.

Action Step: #3 Focus on what you want
The short version is this. Visualize this, pray for this, ask for this, meditate on this, or whatever it is you do. Get inspired by it. They key to getting what you want is focusing on what you want everyday. Focus on what you want.

One of the greatest things you can do is create these reasons for anything in life you want that you are not getting. If the reasons are big enough, they will be bigger than anything that might have stopped you in the past. A big enough reason makes the how to easy.
What is your why?

About the Author

The hidden price you have to pay when you are Not Healthy. Go to to sign up for the free e-course. Dr. Jamie wants to help give you this with his “non-diet.” He is also giving you dozens of valuable free gifts to “ethically bribe” you into helping him make his new book, “The Ultimate Non-Diet” a #1 best seller. For details go to:

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