Healthy Weight Loss Tips

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Best Workout To Lose Abdominal Fat

You may think that you know what the best workout to lose abdominal fat is but I would wager that what you are thinking is incorrect. If you are thinking that doing a thousand crunches everyday or running on a treadmill or other cardio exercises will get rid of your belly then you need to keep reading to change your thinking.

Cardio exercises and crunches really have little to no effect on losing your flabby belly. Not for nothing though, cardio exercises and crunches can be an effective part of an overall strength training program.

Lean muscle burns more calories and fat than all the cardio and crunches you can do. Building lean muscle, or strength training, is the best workout to lose abdominal fat, not to mention fat all over the rest of your body.

I am not saying that you can’t incorporate some cardio into your workout but you do not have to spend mind-numbing hours on end on the treadmill. Use the treadmill as your warm up and then when your muscles are warm concentrate on resistance training and really work your muscles.

Test yourself first and figure out how much weight you can safely lift without causing yourself injury. When you have the heaviest weight then do one slow set of about 10-12 reps. You should be barely able to even lift the last two reps. If this is not the case then you should increase the weight you use.

If you are able to work your muscles to fatigue in one set then your muscle is working at it’s peak. You can significantly reduce the amount of time you spend working out with this system. One set, at maximum weight, for all the major muscles of the body is the best way to build the lean muscle you need to burn the excess fat you have.

With toned, lean muscle you will be able to better burn fat and calories even when you are resting you will burn more than you did without the lean muscle. Your metabolism will be stoked all the time, especially if you are eating healthier, too. Decreasing your carbohydrate intake and increasing your protein intake will help lose the weight quickly.

Now, ladies, building lean muscle does not mean you have to bulk up. You will get toned and look better than you have in years. Lean muscle just keeps burning calories and fat. In fact you may be surprised at how easily it will seem that not only your belly fat disappears but that you slim down all over.

Do not try to spot lose, this is impossible. You either have to lose weight all over or not at all. You can do individual resistance exercises that target each muscle system at different times in your workout, this is different than spot reducing. You are still getting the best workout to lose abdominal fat, you just are also including the rest of your body, as well.

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Best Way To Loose Weight

The best way to loose weight is to stop trying to wish it away and just get busy. Get off your duff and get moving. Learn to eat better. Learn about nutrition online and stop eating all the bad carbs and drinking pop.

Did you know that if you just stop drinking all the sugary pop and stick to drinking water you can lose approximately 38 pounds in a year? That’s right, 38 pounds. Fix your water up with some flavorings to keep it more palatable or drink some homemade green tea. They make some great blends with two of the best superfruits, Acai and pomegranate.

Basically, the best way to loose weight is to watch what you eat and get more exercise. If you do the exact opposite of what you have been doing, eating whatever you want and not exercising much, if at all, then you will start to lose weight. There is no way you can’t lose weight if you just reverse the order of things.

You may or may not have heard the saying, “A body at rest tends to stay at rest and a body in motion tends to stay in motion.” The more you move the more your body will want to move and the easier it will get as time goes on.

If it’s been a while since you have done any physical exercise, getting started will be a little difficult. You will hurt and may not be able to go very far. So just start out slowly. I don’t care if it just a five minute walk, if you do it everyday for a week then you will be able to go a little farther the next week.

Then, before you know it, you will be up to your thirty minutes or even longer. Then you could think about other forms of exercise like riding a bike, or jogging, or playing tennis, or even swimming.

The weight loss industry is huge (no pun intended) and instead of spending all your hard earned cash on the newest fad diet or one of those expensive plans you should just make the commitment to yourself and get out there and get moving.

Make up a new meal plan to go by as well. You can get lots of good ideas online. Just do some research and find a good meal plan to follow. Once you start eating better your body will start to change for the better and you will be happy with the results.

The more effort you put forward the better and quicker the results will be as well. Track your progress in a journal and take before during and after pictures of yourself to see visual proof of your progress. You will also start to see the difference in how your clothes fit. Once you use this best way to loose weight, and have success, you will be able to treat yourself to a whole new wardrobe.

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Belly Fat Loss Exercise-Just Get Moving

If you want advice on belly fat loss exercise, I say to you just get moving. Any way you can, walking, running, biking, hiking. It doesn’t matter what you do as long as you keep doing it. Mix it up and try different things like swimming or boxing. Swimming and boxing are both great ways to lose fat quickly, especially the belly fat.

Great cardiovascular workouts, swimming and boxing will definitely make you feel like you have done something good for yourself. But you may want to start out a little slower right off the bat.

There are a lot of ways to get quick belly fat lose exercise. If you lead a sedentary lifestyle and are really out of shape, the way you should start is to walk. You might not think that walking would give you a good work out but if you are out of shape you will know you are working hard aboout ten minutes into your first walk. You may even feel some soreness the next day.

The best way to combat the soreness is to just get back out there and do the same thing that made you sore to begin with. If you ever played on a team back in high school you remember what it was like after the long summer off. Getting back to practice your coach would work you so hard that we could not hardly move you were so sore.

Then we would all show up and do it all over again the next day. Pretty soon the muscle pain and stiffness would be gone and you and your team realized that if you keep doing what you need to do then you do not get sore anymore and you do get much stronger for your efforts. Remember wht coach always said, “No pain, no gain.”

Anyway, soreness can be considered a good thing. If your muscles get sore you know two things, you worked your butt off and it did not kill you. That that doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. So, work through the soreness and stiffness and soon you will be stronger, faster and able to get through your walks with no problem.

At this point you may need to increase the intensity at which you walk or add some other element to your work out because your body will not work hard enough if you continue to work out at the level you started at.

Maybe add running or jogging and free weights in to your daily routine. Make your walk a run/walk. Try walking for two minutes and then run for 30 seconds. Alternate walking and running. This is called interval training and is a great way to burn fat.

You will want to strengthen your core muscles. Your core muscles are the mid-section of your body and include your abdominal muscles, oblique muscles and lower to mid-back muscles.

These muscles help you maintain balance, not to mention help you with your posture. Get yourself an exercise ball and practice. A good core workout can be done quickly and easily on an exercise ball. They are available at your local department/discount store. To get quick belly fat lose exercise you need to concentrate on your core workouts and overall body conditioning.

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Belly Fat Lose Weight A Package All Over Deal

I know you have been told this a million times but if you want to lose belly fat you must lose weight all over. You cannot just spot reduce. There are quite a few core body exercises that you can do to tone and strengthen your abdominal muscles but you just can’t do one without losing weight all over. Losing weight is a package deal.

The bigger the package the longer your journey will take so the sooner you get started the better. Before you even start to worry about one specific area the best thing you can do is learn to strengthen your core.

Your core is just that, the middle of your body, abs, ribcage, and lower back. These muscles are what hold you upright and help keep you balanced. When they get weak, you will find you lose your balance more often than not and may even start falling because of it.

Weakened muscles in your core can lead to instability in your lower back and cause you to have pain, or worse yet, a herniated disc. If you have ever had a herniated disc you know that it is extremely painful. They take forever to heal and will flare up at any time. Usually when you least expect it.

When you belly fat lose you will decrease the pressure on your joints and back and decrease the level of pain you feel. In fact, if you were to lose just 10% of your total body fat you could increase your mobility and decrease your pain by about 30%. Every ten percent body fat lost takes approximately 100 pounds of pressure off your lower back and legs. Save those knees and that lower back. Lose the weight.

Do yourself a favor too, while losing the weight, find a good chiropractor. They can adjust your spine and make everything start flowing (your chi) better while you are in transition from being fat to becoming fit and thin.

If the chiropractor you find is also a slash physical therapist, you can even have them show you exercises to begin your work outs with and progress into more intense strengthening exercises.

Do you have kids? Can you get outside to play with them? If you can, then do. It will be good for them and good for you. If you play with your kids it will not seem like a work out but you will be surprised how children’s games can be an excellent source of exercise for all concerned.

Run, jump rope, play tag, hide and seek, any of those games we all used to play with our brothers and sisters and all the neighbor kids out in the front yard when we were young. Some friends of mine and I were just talking about those games we used to play and I had to do a search to relearn how to play Ghost in the Graveyard.

Who says you have to stop playing just because you get older? Find that inner child again and let them help you belly fat lose.

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