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All About The Mayo Clinic 3 Day Diet

You may also know the Mayo Clinic 3 Day Diet as the Grapefruit Diet. This diet is all about eating certain foods at particular times each day. Each meal will include half a grapefruit which is where it gets the name ‘grapefruit diet’. Although the diet is not actually endorsed by the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota, the name of the Mayo Clinic 3 Day Diet still lives on.

Let’s take a look at the three main meals of the Mayo Clinic 3 day diet.

Breakfast – For breakfast each morning you will have a black tea or coffee, half a grapefruit and bread with some protein. For the bread and protein you could have toast with egg, toast with cheese or toast with peanut butter.

Lunch – lunch will also include protein and bread. Some examples of lunch could be toast with a boiled egg, toast with 1/2 cup of tuna or cottage cheese on crackers. You can also have a black tea or coffee with lunch.

Dinner – dinner is the most substantial meal of the day with this diet. Day 1 dinner includes 3 oz lean turkey, 1 cup of carrots, 1 cup of green beans, 1 apple and 1 cup of vanilla ice-cream. Day 2 dinner consists of 2 beef franks, 1 cup of cabbage or broccoli, 1/2 cup of carrots, 1/2 a banana and 1/2 cup of vanilla ice-cream. Day 3 dinner includes 1 cup of tuna, 1 cup of cauliflower, 1 cup of carrots, 1 cup of melon and 1/2 cup of ice-cream.

Every meal should include 1/2 a grapefruit or 4 oz. of grapefruit juice.

The key to success with this diet plan is that you must drink at least 32 ounces of water a day.

There are a lot of people that swear by this diet and have said you can lose 6 points in the three days of the diet. Here are some of the reasons why this diet is so effective.

1. The number of calories consumed is extremely restricted. Even though the diet includes ice-cream every day you are still only eating around 1200 calories a day.

2. This diet helps to flush out your system and help you to lose a lot of water weight.

3. This is not a permanent weight loss. This is a fast weight loss and if you go right back to your usual eating habits as soon as you finish the 3 days then you will put the weight back on.

So what is the point of dieting for 3 days if you are just going to put it back on? This diet is great if you have an event coming up that you want to lose a few pounds for. If you have a wedding, school reunion or want to fit into your skinny jeans to go to a concert, then this diet can help you to do that.

Although grapefruit is a vital part of the Mayo Clinic 3 day diet, there is no proof that it has any magical weight loss qualities. Not everyone likes grapefruit and some people will substitute it for orange during the diet.

Grapefruit does however have 6 grams of fiber in half a grapefruit so when you are eating 3 servings of it a day then you are getting 18 out of the 25 grams of recommended daily fiber. Diets that are high in fiber will help to flush out the system and assist with weight loss. Grapefruit juice though does not have any fiber.

The Mayo Clinic 3 day diet can also be useful to kick-start a diet and give you a fast weight loss to begin your weight loss journey and when you finish the 3 days on this diet you can then move onto a healthy eating plan to lose more weight in a slower time period. The kick-start at the beginning of the diet can help motivate you to continue to eat healthy and lose more weight.

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Facts About Organic Green Tea

If you haven’t yet heard, green tea offers a wide variety of health benefits. One of the reasons that green tea is generally better than black tea is the way it’s processed. Both types come from the same plant, but black tea is fermented, while green tea is simply dried. This allows it to retain a lot more of its naturally occurring compounds. Then there is organic green tea, which doesn’t use chemical fertilizers or pesticides. In theory, that makes it even better for you, and people who drink it say it has a more fresh and aromatic quality than the regular kind.

While the use of strictly organic green tea goes back before written history (everything was organic then, right?), it may go back over one hundred thousand years. There is no doubt that the medicinal effects of the plant have been well-known by people in China long before scientists and medical researchers started looking into it. One of the earliest known uses of tea–apart from being a beverage–was to treat wounds and control bleeding.

These ancient cultures didn’t understand the chemistry of tea leaves, but they were still able to see the positive effects it had on their health. Today, scientists know a lot more about what makes tea tick. Among the main compounds found in green tea are catechin polyphenols, an antioxidant that packs a wallop. It has been shown to reduce the formation of blood clots, kill or inhibit some cancer cells and lower bad cholesterol. Drinking green tea is like opening up a medicine chest provide by Mother Nature herself.

But what is it about green tea that makes it so good for you? After all, there are many different varieties of tea, and all of them come from the same plant. That’s our first clue as to what makes green tea special. All tea may be derived from the same plant, but what makes each kind different is how it’s processed. Black tea, for example, is fermented before it reaches the consumer. This allows some of the beneficial nutrients to leech out during processing. Green tea, on the other hand is simply dried. Then you pour hot water over the tea leaves and that’s all there is to it. This minimal use of processing keeps many more of the healthy nutrients intact.

You have already read some of what organic green tea can do, but there are even more things it does: cavity prevention, boosts immunity, lowers blood pressure, helps bone density and aids indigestion. The other big thing it does is help with weight loss. It does this by reducing how much cholesterol and fat the body absorbs, helps you feel fuller and increases metabolism. Green tea contains some caffeine, so keep that in mind if you are sensitive to it. That being said, with all it has going for it, green tea is one thing just about everybody should add to their daily routine.

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Can You Really Lose Weight With The Wu Yi Diet

Can You Really Lose Weight With The Wu Yi Diet

I have to be honest, I had never heard of Wu Yi tea, much less a Wu Yi diet. Perhaps you have already heard of it, but if you haven’t then all you need to know to get up to speed is that Wu Yi is a blend of black and green tea. This blend is quite tasty and gives you the positive effects of the green tea with the familiarity of black tea (there are also some people who favorably compare the taste to coffee). When you drink Wu Yi, you don’t have to worry about the added sugar and fat found in other beverages like frappuccino, double mocha or hot chocolate; all of which add extra calories.

Wu Yi tea has actually been quite popular for a number of years, with many people swearing by the way a Wu Yi diet has taken off their extra pounds. Of course, there are also those who say that tea is over-rated and that anybody who tries to sell it as a weight loss elixir must be scamming people. Now, everybody is entitled to their opinion, and I’m not here to convince the naysayers. However, it is unfortunate that all of this conflicting information has only served to confuse the very people who could benefit the most from a Wu Yi diet.

The best way to clear up any confusion is to start with some basic information. Wu Yi tea is loaded with polyphenols which are compounds that aid in losing weight. It works by speeding up metabolism and that means more calories are burned. This is one of the main reasons why Wu Yi is so effective for weight loss. Additionally, the diet doesn’t require you to pop pills or starve yourself.

As with any other diet, there are pros and cons. Here are some you should be aware of:


– It’s easy. Simply eat sensibly and drink a few cups of Wu Yi tea each day.
– You get all of the health benefits of both green and black tea.
– Low cost. There is no need to get a prescription for medication, no need for costly surgical procedures, and you don’t have to buy expensive nutritional supplements.
– Health benefits. Green tea has an astounding array of health benefits, including lowering the risk of cancer, cleansing the liver, and aiding digestion (to name only a few).
– Good alternative for coffee drinkers that want to reduce how much caffeine they take in, but still want a bit of a boost.
– Free of fat, carbohydrates and calories.


– It still contains some caffeine, so those who are overly sensitive to it may not be able to try the Wu Yi diet.
– Even though some evidence suggests it may help reduce blood pressure, anybody with hypertension or heart concerns should talk to their doctor to make sure they can drink Wu Yi tea. In fact, it’s always a good idea for anybody to check with their doctor before starting a new diet, even if it’s as safe and effective as the Wu Yi diet.

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Can You Lose Weight With Wu Yi Diet

There has been a lot of laurel given to Wu Yi tea for the bygone years. Many testify of the effects of Wu Yi diet to people who are on the path to losing weight and staying fit. On the other hand, some make good its a scam and that tea should not even be considered in any persons diet. If you are longing to lose weight in the mightily natural and safe way, you might be confused at the things you hear and read about the Wu Yi diet. To shed some light to the confusion, it is better to know the basics about the diet then decide whether it is meant for you or not.

Firstly, the Wu Yi tea is avowed to be a blend between black tea and the prestigious green tea. The tea originated in China, specifically in the Wu Yi Mountains, hence its name. Some people describe its look and taste to that similar to coffee. Like many other tea from China, the Wu Yi tea is one of the healthiest types of tea that one can buy into in the market. Its health benefits have been linked to weight loss and overall health. You retain no concerns about calories, fats, and carbohydrates compared to your regular morning brew of hot chocolate, frappucinno, mocha, dual cream coffee, etc.

The Wu Yi tea diet is rich in Polyphenol, a compound known to combat pudginess. The complicated can speed up metabolism which results to calories being burnt and thus weight loss is achieved. This is the main benefit that a weight loss patient can get from Wu Yi diet. The diet does not in any way animate losing weight by starvation, taking pills, and paying that indeed for a diet supplement. The diet only involves drinking Wu Yi tea to fortify your body.
Like any other weight loss diet, the Wu Yi diet has its own pros and cons. Lets take a look at both sides and its all up to you to decide whether or not the diet is perfect for you.

PROS of Wu Yi Diet:

Perfect for coffee drinkers who are looking for other options to minor their caffeine intake without totally getting rid of it
Claims to be more beneficial than green tea
Promotes a healthy diet over it encourages its users to do regular exercise and eat nutritious food along with drinking the tea
Does not contain carbohydrates, fats, and calories
Cheaper compared to other diets in the market

CONS of Wu Yi Diet:

Though slightly less than that of coffee, Wu Yi like any other tea has caffeine
It might not be recommended for people who have high blood pressure and heart problems

To ensure that you get the best from a Wu Yi diet, it is always recommended to consult your doctor. You will motionless be advised to have a healthy eating habit and moderate activity alongside drinking the tea at least twice a day. Wu Yi diet is a sensible diet as it promotes healthy living through healthy foods and exercise.

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