Healthy Weight Loss Tips

Healthy Diet Tips And Much More

Whats Important In A Healthy Eating Program

To develop a healthy eating program to maintain a healthy weight, its a good idea to do some research on health and nutrition. If youre not trying to lose weight but just want to eat well for good health, then its important to understand how your body uses food. This makes it easier for you to choose healthy food and not be tricked when less-than healthy foods call themselves natural and healthy.

A healthy eating program should offer you much more than just a good balance of protein, fat and carbohydrates. But if that balance isnt in place to start with, the plan probably isnt all that healthy. Any plan that keeps fat at about 30% or less of the diet and stresses good fats over saturated fats probably has a healthy fat balance. There should be plenty of sources of protein other than meat, like lots of fish, healthy dairy sources like yogurt, and beans.

And carbohydrates should be mostly whole grain sources like whole grain bread and oatmeal. Whole grain pastas are better than regular pastas, and basmati rice is better than regular white rice. A healthy eating program that stresses these smart choices over things like instant white rice and instant pre-packaged sweetened and flavored oatmeal is better than one that includes too many convenience items.

A healthy eating program should follow the government food pyramid pretty closely. Whole grain carbohydrates, fruits, vegetables, beans, fish, lean meat and dairy products can all be part of a very healthy diet. But there are other things to look at, no matter what kind of diet you choose to follow.

You want to make sure your healthy eating program has enough diversity so that you dont get bored, and you get all the vitamins and minerals your body needs. Baked chicken breasts, broccoli and a whole grain roll might be a healthy lunch, but no one wants to eat that several times a week. Your plan needs to include a variety of vegetables, not just one or two. There are more lean meats than chicken breasts, and many different ways to prepare these and other dishes.

Youll also want to make sure that unhealthy things arent creeping into your meals. Some diets stress that you use margarine instead of butter, for instance, because its lower fat and not full of saturated fat like butter. But margarine is mostly trans fat, a fat that even the government now agrees is worse for you than saturated fat. Its a fat that should be eliminated, or at the very least severely restricted, from our diets. A healthy eating program that allows certain commercially packaged low-fat cookies and treats might not take into account the amount of trans fats and sugar in those foods, either.

You have to be the detective and examine all the parts of the diet you want to follow. Yes, the balance of foods and nutrition is important, but dont forget to look at all the other parts of your healthy eating program.

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Eliminate Poultry

If you haven’t been eating a vegetarian diet for years, and want to make the shift, it’s best to do so gradually, in stages. A good way to start is to eliminate red meat and substitute fish or poultry for the red meat you’ve been eating. While it’s not eating more vegetarian, you’re at least eliminating the biggest offender in disease-enhancing foods, red meat.

After you’ve successfully eliminated red meat, then start reducing the amount of poultry you eat. While it’s not as bad for you as red meat, because it’s not as high in fat, it’s still meat that’s been raised on a farm in terrible, cramped and inhumane conditions. Poultry is so laden with growth hormones and antibiotics that’s it’s nothing like a chicken or turkey that we might have hunted for food centuries ago. Chickens are raised in horrible conditions, overfed and then slaughtered.

In the grand scheme of things, it’s just as detrimental to our physical and spiritual health as eating red meat. It’s also fairly easy to eliminate poultry from our diets because let’s face it – it’s like eating wood pulp, it’s so tasteless. All the antibiotics and abnormal living conditions have processed any natural flavor that poultry ever had in the first place.

Add more fish and seafood, if you’re not quite ready to replace poultry with grains and vegetables and legumes yet. While there is risk in eating fish and seafood, because of the high levels of mercury they contain, it’s a better alternative to poultry and red meat. This may be as far as you ever get in moving towards vegetarianism, or at least eliminating meat from your diet. Give yourself time to get used to this. You won’t miss poultry for a minute.

We usually eat chicken and chicken breasts because it’s lower in fat and calories, but it’s also lower in any kind of nutritional value. When we’re not getting essential proteins and vitamins, we’re still starving our bodies, regardless of how healthy we think we’re being. Eliminating poultry is one of the most positive steps you can take towards a healthy diet and a healthy planet.

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Develop A Healthy Eating Habit The Easy Way

There are all kinds of habits that people have. Some of them are good, some not-so good. For example, most would agree that smoking is not a good habit. Perhaps the trickiest habit of all is not eating healthy. See, while somebody can quit smoking, nobody can quit eating.

The very nature of our lives requires us to eat, and it’s virtually impossible to completely avoid foods we shouldn’t be eating. This can make it very difficult to not only start the healthy eating habit, but to stick to it. At the same time, you should be careful that you don’t get too obsessed with any one particular diet; life is too short to not enjoy the occasional treat. that being said, it really is possible to to develop better eating habits when you are prepared.

The more planning ahead you can do, the better. Have you ever gone to the grocery store swearing you’re going to eat healthy, and then you buy all kinds of fresh fruits and vegetables? Then you add fish, chicken breasts, dried beans and other healthy fare, too. You feel great as you load up your grocery cart. But…then…by the end of the week you find that you are throwing a lot of that food away. So, what happened?

Chances are you didn’t plan very well. If you are used to eating ready made frozen dinners, or going to your local fast food joint to eat, then you are accustomed to the convenience those foods bring. While they won’t give you very much nutrition, they certainly don’t require a lot of planning. So, once you get all of the healthy food home, you either don’t know what to do with it, or you don’t have the time.

Your solution to developing the healthy eating habit is to plan ahead. Let’s say you’re not very good at cooking because you haven’t done it very much, then start with some very simple recipes that incorporate healthy ingredients. If you are already good at cooking, but usually make unhealthy meals, then you can start by replacing one or two ingredients in your favorite dishes.

The next thing you can do is plan ahead your menu for the week. This will take a bit more time up front, but will save you time in the long run. Another way to save time when cooking is to get the whole family involved. Don’t be surprised if there is complaining at first. After all, everybody is going through changes, and there will be a learning curve. Stick with it, though, and the healthy eating habit will soon become second nature.

Above all, be realistic about what you will and won’t do. It takes time to get rid of unhealthy habits, but you will have a much better chance of success if you make small changes that everybody can stick to. Every little change you can make towards healthier eating habits counts. It will take some getting used to, no question, but it will be worth it.

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