Master Cleanse Diet Recipe – Keep It Simple
The master cleanse diet recipe is not at all complicated. After all this very successful and popular diet and cleansing program consists of only 4 ingredients and one of those is water. This diet also goes by other names such as the lemonade diet, the maple syrup diet, and the cayenne pepper diet. Bet you can guess what the ingredients are, can’t you?
Yep, you’ve got it, the ingredients are fresh lemon juice, maple syrup, cayenne pepper and water. The exact proportions will vary depending on whether or not you want to make up a glass at a time or a whole pitcher, I’ll give you the recipe for both later on in this article.
Here is the basic idea of the diet. You will go on a strictly liquid diet for ten days. During that time you will drink the cleanse mixture throughout your day for your ‘meals’. It’s also very important that you drink plenty of water. This is a mistake that a lot of people make. They think that just because there is water in the lemonade mixture that that is enough, it’s not. Drink water during the cleanse.
It’s also very important that you ask your doctor if you can go on this cleanse and diet program. I’m not a doctor and can’t give you any medical advice so make sure to ask the person who knows you and is qualified to extend advice.
Do not beat up on yourself if you fail to make it through the ten day program on your first try. It’s very common to fail. When you’re just sitting around talking about it it doesn’t seem that hard, but anyone who has had to go on a strictly liquid diet before, say for a medical procedure, can attest to the fact that it’s not easy.
If you set a start date several days up to one week in advance, you can give yourself a lot of time to get yourself in the right frame of mind. During this time you can also help prepare your body physically for the challenge by making slight alterations to your eating habits. If you are used to eating a lot of protein heavy, high carb meals you may want to lessen your caloric intake a little bit before the cleanse so the transition isn’t so shocking to your system.
Here is the single serving size recipe:
1/2 Tablespoon each of fresh lemon juice and organic maple syrup. 1/16 of a teaspoon of cayenne pepper powder and 8 ounces of water.
To make a full pitcher so you have the mixture ready when ever you want it here is the recipe:
12 Tablespoons each of fresh lemon juice and organic maple syrup, 1/2 teaspoon of cayenne pepper powder and 60 ounces of water.
Whether you mix it up by the glass or the pitcher the master cleanse diet recipe is very simple and easy to put together. Staying on this liquid only diet and drinking plenty of water for the full ten day term will help you clear out all the nasty toxins from your body and help you shed up to 20 pounds of unsightly body fat. Just make sure you talk to your doctor before you start.
Tags: Alterations, Atkins, Bet, Cayenne Pepper And Water, Cayenne Pepper Diet, Diet Program, Drink Water, Eating Habits, Exact Proportions, Frame Of Mind, full pitcher, Healthy Diet, Lemon Juice, Lemonade Diet, Liquid Diet, Maple Syrup Diet, Master Cleanse Diet, Master Cleanse Diet Recipe, Medical Advice, Medical Procedure, Mistake, Mixture, pitcher, Water Diet, whole pitcher —

What Are The Best Belly Fat Exercises
You may ask, what the best belly fat exercises are. To be honest, there are hundreds of exercises you can do to get rid of that belly that just doesn’t seem to want to go away. The great thing is they all work, you just have to find what works best for you. I know that may not seem like a big deal, however it may be one of the most important factors in this whole process.
The reason being is that you want to make sure that you can go the distance with the particular program. In the past many people have chosen a program, getting burned out and it causes them to fall short of their goal.
OK, now that we have that out of the way let’s take a look at some of the best exercises that could help you get rid of that bulge that’s so aggravating to get rid of. Jogging, jogging, jogging, this helps you burn calories and it also keeps your metabolic rate up even when you’re not doing anything.
Some people can’t take the rigors of jogging; it may be too hard on some their joints such as their hips, knees, and even their back. So the other option would be walking. The great thing about walking is that it doesn’t have to be speed walking or even miles at a time; simply a brisk walk for 10 to 15 minutes a day will work.
Another great exercise is yoga; this exercise can not only get you slim and trim. Yoga can also help you stay in the right frame of mind to get the job done. Yoga may take some time to get use to; however it’s an excellent way of getting you where you want to be.
The next exercise I would recommend would be crunches or sit ups. The great thing about sit ups or crunches is that there is a variety of ways you can do these. There are different angels you can use while doing your crunches or sit ups. This way it reaches all the different abdominal muscles that you have.
There you have it. These are just a few of the best belly fat exercises which you could do to reach your goal of having a flat tummy. Put these few exercises, or even one of them into practice, and you will be sure to get where you want to be.
Tags: 15 Minutes, Abdominal Muscles, Angels, Brisk Walk, Bulge, Calories, Exercise, Exercises, Flat Tummy, Frame Of Mind, Hips, Important Factors, Joints, Knees, Many People, Metabolic Rate, Rigors, Sit Ups, Ups, Yoga —

How To Lose Lower Belly Fat – Good Solid Pointers
How To Lose Lower Belly Fat – Good Solid Pointers
How to lose lower belly fat is a more common question than one would think. The reason being is that it’s a very common problem across the world. Think about that for just a second, not just here in the United States, but world wide.
Sometimes the biggest issue isn’t learning how to lose the fat; it’s learning how to keep it off altogether. That can be a bigger battle than just getting the weight off to begin with.
When it comes to losing lower belly fat and really fat in general, you need to get yourself into the right frame of mind. Commit yourself to your tummy fat loss and weight loss goals. If you don’t you are setting yourself up for failure.
After that, line up a good support system to help you get to where you want to be weight wise. Having people around which have the same goals you do; makes that goal more reachable. The reason being is that everyone can draw on the strength of each other, and have someone to be accountable to.
Choosing the right exercise program is one of the most important parts of losing your lower stomach fat. Now with losing lower belly fat you would want to find a program where you could involve crunches into your exercise routine.
The good thing about crunches is that you can do them at different angles to target all the muscles in your abdominal area. Some of these angles will let you focus on the lower part of your midsection; which will speed up the elimination of your body fat.
Walking is an excellent way of getting rid of the bulge that we all fight with. Not to mention walking is easier on our joints and that can end up helping us all in the long haul. Remember, the walks dont have to be miles long, just long enough to get your heart pumping and your metabolism up.
Now the diet part is sometimes looked at as the hardest part of the whole routine. Breaking old habits is tough and getting rid of things like sweets and high carbs are some of the toughest things to give up.
If a person can stick to low protein meats, like turkey breast, chicken breast, egg whites then they will be on the right track. Also sticking to plain grilled chicken and salads can make not only a great meal; but it will definitely help you lose weight.
Put just a few of these ideas in place and you will be surprised how quickly the lower tummy fat will go away.
Tags: Angles, Atkins, Bulge, Carbs, Eating Habits, Exercise Program, Exercise Routine, Failure, Frame Of Mind, Healthy Diet, How To Lose Lower Belly Fat, Joints, Long Haul, Losing Lower Belly Fat, Losing Weight, Metabolism, Midsection, Muscles, Old Habits, Pointers, Stomach Fat, Sweets, United States;, Walks, Weight Loss Goals —