Hoodia Powder – Miracle – Yes Or No
If you are one of the millions of people who is overweight and have to deal with health issues associated with being overweight, you are no doubt anxious to lose the weight as quickly, and safely, as possible. For this reason you may have found yourself wondering if a weight loss supplement could help and hoodia is probably at the top of your list. Hoodia comes in many forms such as capsules, liquids, chewable bites, teas, and even hoodia powder. This article will give you a general overview of what hoodia can do for you as well as some general knowledge about this ‘miracle’ plant.
Hoodia is a plant found in the deserts of South Africa. This plant was used by the natives for centuries to naturally suppress their appetites and thirst when they had to make long journeys across the desert. They claimed that it not only decreased their appetites and thirst but that it also increased their energy levels.
Scientists have isolated the compound that they believe is responsible for the appetite suppressing abilities of the plant and named it P57. This compound is thought to work by sending signals to the brain and tricking it into believing that the body is full thus eliminating the desire for food or drink and ultimately leading to weight loss.
While there are over 20 species of the hoodia plant, only the hoodia gordonii has been shown to possess the appetite suppressant compound. When you are considering buying a hoodia supplement, make sure that you carefully look at the ingredient labels to find out how much hoodia is in each serving. The amounts can range from as little as 250 mg all the way up to 1,000 mg.
The powder form is favored by many since it can be mixed in with a favorite drink and can be absorbed more quickly into the system, thus making the benefits show up faster than with other forms of the supplement. Two types of powder are used: whole plant powder and core powder. Using the whole plant results in a poor product because the actual compound that is useful in appetite suppressant isn’t found in various parts of the plant such as the roots. Core powder is taken for the heart of the plant where the actual compound is found and therefore makes a much higher concentrate and will offer superior results… but it will also cost more.
When you are deciding between brands make sure that you stick with only those that offer C.I.T.E.S certification which indicates that the hoodia gordonii is 100% pure and undiluted.
There is nothing wrong with trying to use all the tools you can to help you get the weight loss results you want and need, and one of those options is pure hoodia powder. Be sure that you are cautious about the brands you use and the expectations you have. Hoodia gordonii can help you keep your appetite in check so you eat less and lose weight, but you still have to do your part. You will need to provide your body with enough nutritious food and water along with regular exercise to really achieve healthy and permanent weight loss.
Tags: Appetite Suppressant, Appetites, Centuries, Deserts, energy levels;, food;, General Knowledge, Health Issues, Hoodia Gordonii, Hoodia Plant, Journeys, Liquids, Losing Weight, Miracle Plant, Natives, No Doubt, nutritious food;, One Of The Millions, pence, Sending Signals, South Africa, Teas, Thirst, Weight Loss Supplement —

Hoodia Diet Max – Weight Loss Supplement
One very popular contestant in the weight loss supplement contest is hoodia. What many people don’t realize is that hoodia isn’t a brand, it’s an ingredient. There are dozens of manufacturers that make supplements that contain (or so they claim) hoodia. One of the most popular brands is hoodia diet max, this supplement has been shown to help greatly reduce appetite so weight loss can be achieved more quickly and easily.
If you’re not very familiar with hoodia in general, here is a brief overview of what it is and what it can do:
1. Hoodia is a succulent found only in the Kalahari Desert in South Africa. It has been used for centuries by the natives as a way to stave of hunger and thirst when they needed to make treks into the desert.
2. There are over 20 varieties of the hoodia plant but the only one that has been shown to have the appetite suppressing compound (dubbed P57 by scientists) is the hoodia gordonii.
3. The P57 compound is only found in the core of the plant and not in the skin or roots therefore the most effective, and expensive, supplements will use only core hoodia powder as opposed to whole powder.
4. Though there are no known side effects with taking a hoodia supplement you do have to be careful that you eat enough nutritious food and drink plenty of water. Even though you are trying to lose weight you still need to keep your body fueled with enough high nutrition food. With such an effective appetite suppressant you may find that you ‘forget’ to eat, and that’s not good. Make suer you eat enough throughout the day. The same thing applies to drinking enough water since hoodia can also decrease your feelings of thirst making it very east to get dehydrated if you aren’t careful.
5. This supplement isn’t a quick fix, you still have to eat properly and get plenty of exercise. The biggest mistake you can make (and many dieters do make) is to think that they don’t have to make any lifestyle changes and the supplement will do all the work. That’s simply not true, after all it’s called ‘supplement’ for a reason. It’s only intended to supplement your other weight loss efforts.
6. It’s very important that you make sure that the product you are buying is certified that it is 100% pure hoodia. Any product that meets this requirement will have a C.I.T.E.S seal on the label. If the product you are considering doesn’t have that label you should keep looking since it probably isn’t 100% pure.
Hoodia diet max is one of the many brands of hoodia currently on the market. It has a lot of loyal followers that swear by it’s effectiveness in helping them control their appetite thus allowing them to lose weight more quickly and easily. It’s certified and has the C.I.T.E.S. seal on the label so you know it’s pure. Give it a try today and you may find that you are well on your way to your weight loss goals much more quickly than you may have thought possible.
Tags: Appetite Suppressant, Centuries, Diet Supplement, Dieters, Dozens, Feelings, Food And Drink, Healthy Diet, high nutrition food, Hoodia Diet Max, Hoodia Gordonii, Hoodia Plant, Hunger And Thirst, Kalahari Desert, Lifestyle Changes, Losing Weight, Max - Weight Loss Supplement, Max Weight, Natives, Nutrition Food, nutritious food;, pence, South Africa, Succulent, Weight Loss Supplement —