Advice for Healthy Living in 2006
Advice for Healthy Living in 2006
Anna Fleet
With the New Year now upon us, it’s important to give pause and
consider making some positive changes regarding the state of
your health. As they say, there’s no time like the present.
People the world over often make resolutions to do something to
better themselves in the coming year. In 2006, consider doing
something that will benefit your overall health. The following
suggestions may just help to ensure that you’re able to make New
Year’s resolutions for many years to come.
Get a Check-up – An excellent place to start when
considering lifestyle changes is with an honest assessment of
your health. At this stage, it wouldn’t hurt to consult with
your physician. Why not make an appointment for your annual
physical exam? This way, you can begin the year with an accurate
assessment of your physical state. Your doctor will be able to
focus your attention on areas that are of immediate health
concern. This is especially important if you’re a smoker, if
you’re overweight, or if you have any significant health issues
that might prevent you from performing simple daily tasks.
Drink More Water – Make another profound difference to
your health by consuming more water. Many people make the
mistake of assuming that they’ve received enough water from the
various pop, coffee and other beverages they’ve consumed in a
day. This is not entirely accurate. Ideally, one should consume
upwards of eight, 8-ounce glasses of water per day. Water helps
the body metabolize stored fats. It can also help your body
cleanse itself of free radicals, which have been linked to
cancer and other such ailments.
Get Moving – Exercise is yet another effective way to
maintain optimal health. That’s not to say that one has to
become entirely committed to working out each and every day, but
it’s in every individual’s best interest to perform some form of
activity 3 times per week. Physical exercise can be performed in
a wide variety of ways to keep it fun and interesting. For
instance, the simple act of walking is a highly effective form
of exercise. It’s one that can be completed without supervision,
without props, and without any previous experience working out.
Joining a gym has a number of direct benefits as well. Not only
will you have access to some excellent equipment, but you will
also benefit greatly from the fitness knowledge that most
personal trainers possess.
Pay Attention to Nutrition – Diet also plays a
significant role is one’s overall health. Everyone should be
familiar with the dietary guidelines established by the leading
health agencies and authorities. The “food pyramid” is by far
the most popular set of published nutritional guidelines. The
food pyramid advises people to include all of the major food
groups – grains, vegetables, fruits, dairy and meat (or protein)
– in their diets. Keep in mind that the food pyramid is merely a
nutritional guideline. The dietary needs of each individual will
vary drastically, and what’s ideal for one person isn’t
necessarily ideal for the next.
By following these few simple suggestions, you can take control
of your health and your life in 2006. Good luck!
About the author:
Anna Fleet is a certified personal trainer. When she is not
working out or helping others achieve optimal health, she is the
face and voice behind www.fitnessgear101.com – an excellent
online resource for information about Fitness Gear
Information, Aerobics
Equipment, and Workout Routines.
Tags: Accurate Assessment, Ailments, Anna Fleet, Author, Best Interest, certified personal trainer, Day Water, excellent equipment, Fats, Food Groups, food pyramid;, Free Radicals, Glasses Of Water Per Day, Health Concern, Health Issues, Honest Assessment, Lifestyle Changes, New Year's Day, online resource, Optimal Health, Ounce Glasses, Physical Exam, Physical Exercise, physician, Positive Changes, Profound Difference, Resolutions, Significant Health, Smoker, www.fitnessgear101.com —

6 Tips For A Healthy Dinner Out
6 Tips For A Healthy Dinner Out
George Williams
Ever wonder how you can possibly lose weight when the average
dinner out contains over 1,000 calories? Well, don’t fret!
Keeping yourself in shape when dining out is simply a matter of
ordering the right menu.
Below are 6 tips for having a healthy dinner out (while still
enjoying your meal like normal!):
– Watch Your Drinks – By not ordering an alcoholic beverage,
you’ve saved yourself a considerable number of calories. Try
sipping iced tea sweetened with a noncaloric sweetener, a diet
soft drink, or water with lemon. You’ll be glad you did when you
consider the calorie savings.
– Have A Salad – One of the best menus to have is salad. Not
only will it fill you up so you’ll consume fewer calories
overall, but it will also give you a hefty dose of antioxidants
which are heart healthy. Be sure to ask your waitress to hold
the croutons and cheese which will further reduce your caloric
load. Also, choose your dressing wisely. Avoid cream based
dressings and go for the vinegar based ones. You also have the
option of using vinegar and olive oil which is heart healthy.
– Don’t Order An Appetizer Unless Necessary – Do you know that
some appetizers have more calories and fat than the main course?
Plus, many appetizers are fried and served with heavy sauces
which will add to your intake of saturated fat as well as trans
fats and calories. It’s not a healthy way to start your meal.
– Choose The Right Kind Of Foods – Go for broiled and grilled
rather than fried. Not only will you save calories and fat
grams, you’ll also avoid trans fats which are so prevalent in
fried foods. Instead, consider asking for a doubles order of
vegetables with your entree. Very few Americans are getting the
7-9 servings of fruits and vegetables recommended for optimal
health. Plus, by avoiding the starch, you’ll be reducing your
caloric and carbohydrate load. Also, stick to tomato based
sauces rather than cream based and you’ll enjoy a considerable
calorie savings. Lastly, ask for the sauce to be served in a
separate dish on the side so you can control the amount you eat.
– Don’t Overeat – Today, many restaurants are serving larger
quantities of food than in the past. If this is the case, put
aside a portion of your entree at the beginning of the meal to
take home with you. If you remove it from your plate before you
start eating, you’ll be less tempted to overeat.
– Say “No” To Sugary, Fatty Desserts – Instead, go for a low fat
or low carbohydrate dessert selection such as a low carb
cheesecake. These are wise choices for the health conscious
eater and still allow you to end the meal on a sweet note. If a
healthy dessert option isn’t available, try a cup of coffee with
skim milk to help satiate your desire for something sweet.
The next time you go out for dinner, keep the above tips in
mind. You will be surprised how many calories you are able to
slash out of your meal just by ordering the right menus! Happy
healthy eating!
About the author:
George Williams is a wine and food enthusiast. He owns Wine Online
Secrets, Wine Rack
Secrets and Free
Wine Storage Info, sites providing free wine information.
Tags: Alcoholic Beverage, Appetizer, Appetizers, Author, Calories And Fat Grams, Carbohydrate, Croutons, Dressings, Fewer Calories, food enthusiast, food;, Fried Foods, Fruits And Vegetables, George Williams, Hefty Dose, olive oil;, Online Secrets, Optimal Health, Saturated Fat, Sauces, Soft Drink, Starch, Sweetener, Trans Fats, Vinegar, Waitress —

Why are most people in the Western World Unhealthy?
Why are most people in the Western World Unhealthy?
Warren Matthews
I’m going to attempt to shed some shed some light as to why the majority of the population is overweight and in less than optimum health. I won’t bore you with a whole lot of facts as you have probably heard most of them before, particularly those relating to obesity.
Observe the Evidence:
I am sure that you have observed the evidence of the extent of general poor health yourself…first hand. If
you haven’t already done so, next time you are in a shopping mall sit down for 10 minutes and consciously observe the outward health of the people passing by you.
Look at whether they are overweight, observe their skin for clarity and firmness, take note of the way they
move…are their movements effortless and appear to have energy to spare, or are they sluggish as if they are
carrying a burden? Also look at their eyes… are they bright, clear and alert?
I think that you know what the results of a personal survey such as this will reveal! It will show that the MAJORITY of the people that pass by you will either be overweight or have other outward signs of less than optimal health.
I am not being judgmental of these people because many of them are in this condition primarily as a result of
being fed misinformation through the media by either misguided authorities or commercial interests. Before
I expand on this I should mention that a certain number of these people are nevertheless 100% to blame for
their condition.
They know they are doing harmful things to their body and health.
But, what about the rest of the unhealthy group who are in this condition primarily due to being fed a constant stream of misinformation!
These can be placed into just a few general categories:
1. Psychological.
There is a constant barrage of ‘pill’ advertising which we are subjected to every day. Consider the influence
that this has on the general population. If you were to believe the advertismentss and ignore the side effect warnings it would be quite easy to get the impression that there is a ‘Magic pill’ solution for most ailments.
Added to this are the constant news releases that talk about new medical discoveries such as being able to
grow replacement organs when your own wear out, and don’t forget about the ‘promising’ research for other
new ‘miracle’ drugs just over the horizon.
All these influences combined with a ‘busy’ society looking for a quick and easy ‘fix’, it is no wonder that so many people are quite ‘slack’ when it comes to taking care of their
bodies…particularly on the inside.
2. Dietary Advice.
The food pyramid that is recommended people adhere to, haslargely been discredited scientifically but continues to be pushed. Also, an obsession has developed in which people
are constantly advised to reduce their fat intake.
The ‘official’ line is that saturated animal fats are bad for you and you should avoid butter etc, etc… People believe that if you eat saturated fat you will become fat, or if you eat foods containing cholesterol such as eggs you will raise your cholesterol levels, and so on.
The reality is quite different but I do not have the space to examine this further right now. But just as a quick
illustration take cholesterol. 80% of your blood cholesterol is manufactured by your liver. In other words only 20% is from dietary sources. So, if you reduced your intake of cholesterol by 25% it would only impact on your overall cholesterol by 5%.
By people accepting the ‘official’ no fat line they turn to alternatives such as margarine and other vegetable
oil substitutes. What they are not aware of is that most of these substitutes, which are derived from vegetable oils, are in fact hydrogenated because otherwise they would be liquid at room temperature.
This involves treating the oils and the resulting substance is much, much more harmful than butter could ever be. A
future article will discuss the subject of oils and fats.
The official dietary guidelines virtually ignore the incredibly harmful impact of processed foods and sugar on
the human body. They also ignore the fact that the normal western diet is seriously lacking in essential nutrients, which translate to imbalances and poor health.
3. Mystery.
We all know that the human body is an amazingly complex ‘vehicle’. No one fully understands all the interactions
that are taking place within it every second throughout your lifetime.
This includes the medical profession along with the pharmaceutical industry, evidenced by the ongoing removal
from the market of drugs which have been approved and considered to be safe and afterwards found not to be.
Nonetheless, many people place far too much reliance on the medical profession. Apart from using the medical profession for important tests to find out the internal health of your body so you can make corrections in your lifestyle habits if required, you should never have to visit a physician.
Now, I understand and appreciate that this is not the case for the vast majority of people. I just want to
make the point that other than routine check ups if you need to visit the Doctor it means you have damaged your
body in some way and are seeking a repair.
Your body is not like a car when it comes to repair issues. When you try to repair your body through the use of
pharmaceutical drugs you run a serious risk of starting a cascade effect which will bring on other health problems
in the short or longer term.
In Summary
If you want to live a life of vibrant health and energy take a close look at your attitude to health and consider
honestly if you are working towards removing as much as possible the mystery of how your body works. Realize that there is no quick and easy medical ‘fix’ for most ailments as a single ailment is often merely one small symptom of other underlying problems that cannot be effectively dealt with in isolation…in the long term.
Try to eliminate as much as possible, your intake of manufactured and processed foods and avoid drinking sodas, and tap water. If you are overweight be particularly vigilant about avoiding sugars in any form…they are much more damaging to your weight objectives than fat.
In good health,
Warren Matthews
Editor In Chief
XTEND-YOUR-LIFE presents you with timely health information to
show you how to take better care of yourself…and your loved ones.
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About the Author
Warren Matthews is the Editor-In-Chief
of Xtend-Your-Life, a FREE Newsletter
designed to help you tak control of
your health. Available at…
Tags: Advertising, Author, Authorities, Barrage, Clarity, Commercial Interests, Editor-In-Chief, energy;, Extent, Firmness, food pyramid;, Magic, Misinformation, obesity;, official, oil substitutes, Optimal Health, Optimum Health, Personal Survey, Pharmaceutical Drugs, pharmaceutical industry, physician, Poor Health, Population, Shed Some Light, Shopping Mall, Signs, US Federal Reserve, Warren Matthews, Western People, Whole Lot —