Lose Belly Fat- Lose It All Over
If you really want to lose belly fat you need to get something through your head, you cannot possibly lose weight in only one area of your body. You can exercise til you are blue in the face and eat healthy and you will lose weight all over, not just in one area.
You can concentrate different exercises to the area of your belly and these exercises will help tone the area more than other areas so it may look like you can just lose belly fat but that is not the case. Weight comes off from every where because it is everywhere. You did not just put the weight on around your belly and no where else, you put it on all over.
Start with easy walks around the block then build up to more intense walking. When you get good at that, walk with weights around your ankles and wrists. If your joints bother you, do your walking in a pool. The water will take the load off of your joints and give you some resistance, too.
I read in a magazine about these four women who walked off a lot of weight, one of them walked off 250 pounds in two and a half years. It is possible to walk off any amount of extra weight that you are carrying.
There are those who will tell you walking is the best exercise you can do, I tend to agree. There are others who will tell you that intense workouts are the best, and maybe they have a point but I would rather walk than try to do something I wasn’t sure of and end up hurting myself.
I do have bad knees so I am doing my walking in a pool. I just started but last week and with diet as part of this whole regimen, I lost four pounds. Now, I’m not going to lose four pounds every week but to start off, that is pretty normal.
In a couple of weeks when I am stronger I will probably get on the stationary bike for twenty to thirty minutes before I walk in the pool for twenty to thirty minutes. That would be a nice hour long workout and then I can treat myself to ten minutes in the hot tub to keep things loose.
Losing weight may take a while if you have a lot to lose but I keep saying it doesn’t have to be difficult. Human beings are inherently lazy and that is the main reason that pretty much everywhere you look you see someone who is overweight. I am not saying that people do not work hard for what they have it is just that the things that used to help us stay fit and trim have today become motorized or roboticized or can be run by remote control.
Have you seen the new automatic vacuum? There is a round one that has been around for a long time but there is a new one one the market that has it’s own navigation system and can tell where it has been. I am thinking about getting one, how pathetic is that?
I think we all deserve to be fat if we cannot even get off our butts to vacuum every couple of days. We make things easier for ourselves but that doesn’t mean we make things better for ourselves and when you want to lose belly fat better is easier.
Tags: Ankles, Bad Knees, Best Exercise, Blue In The Face, Case Weight, Diet, Exercises, Four Women, Healthy Diet, Hot Tub, Intense Workouts, Joints, Losing Weight, Pool, Regimen, Resistance, Stationary Bike, Two And A Half Years, Walks, Weights, Workout —
Fat Belly-Crude But True
Many people have difficulty losing their fat belly, nothing is more frustrating than to get your motivation up, find the perfect diet and exercise program for you and then not lose and ounce. Some people may actually have a metabolic issue that makes it virtually impossible to lose weight, but not many.
For most of us the harsh reality is that we are just not being as good as we think we are. There are a few simple things you can do that will help keep you honest in your weight loss journey.
For one thing, it’s amazingly easy to lie about what we have eaten in any given day. There have been times when I would have sworn I was good, until my spouse will remind me of that pastry I had at lunch or all the cream and sugar I put in my coffee. We do not mean to lie to ourselves, we just are so busy we do not pay attention.
To keep yourself on track, simply keep a food journal. This is a very real way to keep tabs on yourself. For the next fourteen days, write down every single thing that you eat or drink. You have to be honest and you have to write down every last bit. Even that second glass of soda at lunch and the two pats of margarine you put on your toast.
If you do this for two weeks, you will quickly be able to spot the times of the day and the areas in your diet where you always screw up. Once you pinpoint the reasons you have difficulty losing your fat belly you can make changes that will help you achieve your goals much more quickly.
The same principle can apply to when you work out. Again, it is easy to think that you are working harder than you really are. Just like the food journal, keep a workout journal so it is harder to convince yourself that you have done something you really haven’t. Not only can you track the number of times you go to the gym but you can also track how long you spent on the treadmill or rode the stationary bike. Write down how many exercises you did for your upper body, how many you did for your lower body, etc.
You can also keep track of how much weight you used for each exercise. Ideally, you should increase your weight after every few workouts. It is important to challenge yourself so you do not get bored. By changing up the weights you lift as well as the exercises you do, you will keep your body guessing. This will help you get better results in a shorter time frame.
Working all of the major muscle groups with more than one exercise is ideal. By mixing up the exercises you do for each group you are keeping your toning efforts in high gear. Another benefit is that the different exercises will target each muscle group in a slightly different way which can also decrease many of the repetitive motion types of injuries to your body.
I don’t mean to be the bearer of bad news, but usually when someone has difficulty losing their fat belly it really is more about what they are doing, or not doing, than about any metabolic issue with their body.
Tags: Cream And Sugar, Exercise Program, Exercises, Food Journal, Fourteen Days, Harsh Reality, Healthy Diet, Losing Weight, Lunch, Margarine, Motivation, Ounce, Pastry, Pats, Principle, Single Thing, Soda, Stationary Bike, Toast, Treadmill, Weight Loss Journey, Workout Journal —
Exercise Lose Belly Fat
What do you want to know about exercise lose belly fat? Regular exercise should consist of a combination of cardio and strength training. Be sure to talk to your doctor to find out if it is ok to begin an exercise routine, especially if you have an underlying medical condition such as heart disease or high blood pressure.
Daily exercise will eventually help to lower your blood pressure but initially may raise it to a level your doctor may not be comfortable with, so have that conversation and do what your doctor says is ok to do.
Cardio exercises consist of walking or running on a treadmill, using a stair stepper, elliptical machine or stationary bike and getting your heart rate up to a maximum level and sustaining that rate for 15 to 20 minutes. Cardio exercises will strengthen your heart and lungs and increase stamina.
The other type of exercise lose belly fat is strength training. Strength training consists of using exercise machines and free weights either at home or in a gym. The best way to tell if you are doing the exercises correctly is to have someone watch you while you do a set to make sure your form is correct. Incorrect form can cause injuries and nobody wants to be in pain.
when you know that your form is correct, choose a weight that is comfortable and do your sets slow and controlled. Never bounce or fling the weight up and down, slow and controlled is the way to go if you want maximum results.
Also there is a new theory that states if you work your muscles to fatigue with a heavier weight and do only one set you will get even faster results. Working your muscles to fatigue means you have used a weight heavy enough that you could not do one more rep no matter what.
I know you have probably tried every diet out there and keep getting frustrated. You lose a little here and there but it never stays off. Those diets are just not sustainable. You gain everything you lost back again and may even tack on a few more pounds to boot.
You need to stop jumping on every new fad diet that comes down the pike, they will never work. What does work, however is managing your diet, paying attention to what it is you are putting in your mouth and getting regular exercise. Make it a routine. Make an appointment with yourself everyday at the same time. Do not stand yourself up. Treat your workout appointment just like you would a doctor’s appointment. You wouldn’t miss that would you? No, you wouldn’t and you cannot afford to miss your workout either.
Your diet should be full of lean meats, fish, fresh fruits and vegetables. Reset your body by staying away from high carb foods like bread and potatoes for the first two weeks. Stop eating out and learn new healthy ways to cook. Learn how to read the labels of the foods you buy. Make sure that the fat percentage of the total calories is no more than 30%.
Combining diet and exercise lose belly fat is the way to lose the extra pounds forever.
Tags: Calories, Cardio Exercises, Diets, Eating Habits, Elliptical Machine, Exercise Machines, Exercise Routine, fatigue;, Free Weights, Fruits And Vegetables, Healthy Diet, heart disease;, Heart Rate, high blood pressure;, Increase Stamina, Losing Weight, Lungs, Maximum Level, Maximum Results, Medical Condition, Muscles, Running On A Treadmill, Stair Stepper, Stationary Bike, Training Strength Training —