Healthy Weight Loss Tips

Healthy Diet Tips And Much More

The Fastest Way To Lose Belly Fat

Have you been looking for the quickest way to lose belly fat? There is a program that can give you a flat stomach in just two weeks. This program doesn’t include shakes, pills or potions and the only cash outlay is $30 at your local sports store. This article isn’t about trying to sell you some magic pill; it’s simply showing you how you can lose that excess fat around the tummy.

This routine does require a stability ball that costs around $30 and you can get one from your local sporting store. These balls come in various sizes between 18 and 26 inch and you will need to choose the right size for your height. Studies have shown that people who work out with a stability ball build twice the muscle fibers as those who do regular crunches without a ball. Using a stability ball for your exercises will definitely help you to lose that excess belly fat much faster.

When you purchase a stability ball it will come with an instruction manual that will outline various exercises that you can do with the ball. The exercise instructions usually come with diagrams to illustrate how to do each exercise. In this article I will outline a couple of exercises that are great to do with the ball to help lose that fat around the stomach area.

The first exercise is called the Ball Curl. Sit on the stability ball with your hands behind your head. Next you want to roll your body down until your bottom is just off the ball and your lower back and middle are on the ball.

The next exercise is called the Pike and is a bit more complicated. Lie on the top of the ball with your legs together and the ball should be under your thighs. Keep your legs straight and then contract your abs and lift your hips up toward the ceiling, rolling the ball to the shins. Hold this for one second and then lower.

The ball is important in the plan to lose fat around the stomach but it isn’t the only tool that you need. If you really want to lose fat fast then you also want to do some cardio workouts at least three times a week. With a cardio workout you should warm up for three minutes, follow this with three minutes of regular paced exercise and then two minutes of high paced exercise. Repeat the three minutes regular and two minutes high exercises for a total of 45 minutes finishing with two minutes cooling down exercises. Cardio workouts might include running, brisk walking, cycling or a cardio machine.

Lastly, you need to reduce your intake of calories. You can exercise all you want but if you continue to eat too many calories then you’re not likely to lose any weight. You need to eat 500 fewer calories than you would to maintain your weight. So if the required calories to maintain your weight are 2700 then you should only eat 2200 to lose weight. The required amount of calories to maintain your weight will depend on your sex, height and age.

If you follow this program for two weeks you will see a remarkable difference in your stomach fat. You should lose at least an inch from your weight and lose around five pounds.

This really is the quickest way to lose belly fat!

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LapBand Surgery and Diet Restrictions

LapBand is one of the most popular weight loss surgeries in the United States. Why? There are many reasons why. With the LapBand, an adjustable gastric band is positioned around the stomach. There is no cutting or stapling involved. Not only is the band adjustable without surgery, but it is also reversible.

If you are obese, the LapBand system may seem like the best option for you. Yes, it likely is. Those who are 100 pounds overweight can greatly benefit from undergoing the procedure, but still it is not right for everyone. To see success and reduce complications, diet restrictions are necessary. Unfortunately, diet restrictions are something not everyone can handle.

Before you assume that the LapBand system is the best weight loss option, it is important to closely examine what it expected of you. Unfortunately, many hopeful patients make the mistake of believing they will automatically lose weight with the use of the LapBand. This is not true. The LapBand surgery involves more than undergoing surgery. It also involves a lifestyle change.

If you are deemed an ideal candidate for the LapBand, you will receive a surgery date from your surgeon. Since diet restrictions are important to your success, you may want to load up on your favorite sweets. After all, these will need to be eliminated from your diet after surgery. This is not the right step. In fact, preparation for the LapBand surgery will begin two to three weeks before your surgery date.

Two to three weeks before your LapBand procedure, you will be asked to eliminate foods that are high in sugar, fat and calories from your diet. Protein supplements will be added. Protein will help to reduce the fat in the stomach area. This makes surgery easier and reduces complications.

In the two to three weeks before surgery, doctors will recommend a diet that consists of eggs, yogurt, lean meats, fruits, and vegetables. This diet will prepare your body for surgery. In addition to reducing fat content, it promotes a healthy body. A healthy body is what will allow for fast healing and few surgical complications.

In addition to preparing the body for surgery, the initial diet restriction will serve as a test. If you are unable to curb your eating habits, you are likely to continue doing so post-surgery. This means that you are not an ideal candidate for the LapBand. If your doctor notices your inability to restrict your diet, he or she may suggest putting off the LapBand surgery until you are truly ready.

As for the surgery itself, you will be asked to not eat or drink anything after midnight.

After surgery, you will be taken through various stages. Your physician will closely monitor your progress on each stage. On average, diet restrictions and LapBand adjustments will be made for one to two months.

The first week or two post-surgery, all patients are on an all-liquid diet. Liquids are easier to digest, allowing your stomach to heal and adjust to its new size. When on a liquid diet, sip slowly.

The liquid diet itself is divided into two categories. To get started, healthcare professionals recommend clear liquids. These liquids include sugar free gelatin, non-carbonated drinks, chicken broth, and watered down apple juice. A few days after surgery, progression is made to full liquids. These include milk, yogurt, pudding, and soup.

The next step is pureed foods. At this point, your body will be craving some type of substance, but it is still important to take it slow. Consuming too much can result in post-surgery complications, including pain, discomfort, nausea, and vomiting. Since pureed foods are still in liquid form, remember to sip slowly.

After one to two months, depending on the healing progress and doctors recommendations, traditional foods can be incorporated into a diet. Remember, it is important to eat traditional foods, not normal foods. You do not want to revert back to your old eating habits.


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Loss Stomach Fat- One Of The Most Stubborn Places To

Loss Stomach Fat- One Of The Most Stubborn Places To Lose

When it comes to weight loss stomach fat can be the most stubborn area of the body to lose. The stomach area is probably the area that has the most fat because it is the biggest area to begin with.

When you achieve weight loss stomach fat is lost at the same rate as the rest of the fat on your body. It just takes longer because there is so much of it in one place. As the rest of your body slims down, so will your stomach. You should be able to see some difference in the way your clothes fit in just a few weeks.

The key here is to just keep doing what you are doing. Eventually all the fat will be gone and you will not have to worry about your stomach. If you have had children though, you may not ever be able to fully get rid of your pooch belly. You can come close but it may always be softer and a little rounded due to your pregnancy.

Just remember that if you are eating healthy and exercising at least thirty minutes a day then you should see some significant results on no time. Once you start exercising you should continue to do it everyday. You might think that it would get boring. If it does then just think of ways to shake things up.

Walk for thirty minutes one day then play some basketball the next. Schedule in a game of tennis or two each week. Tennis is a great full body workout and will get and keep your heart rate up as long as you run after the balls and do not just let them bounce right past you. Find out when the local pool schedules their lap swim and go sign up. Swimming is another full body workout that will help get you in shape fast.

See, you do not have to bore yourself silly just walking on a treadmill at the gym everyday. You could even try picking up some free weights when you go to the gym. Weight training is important to be able to burn the fat you have. Muscle burns fat and the more lean muscle you have the better off you will be.

Keeping your metabolism stoked is also very important. To do this you will need to eat five to six small meals a day. Keep the calorie count right around 1200-1500 calories per day. This will allow you to effectively lose 1-2 pounds per week. This is the best way to go about losing weight the healthy way and being able to keep it off long term.

As for your diet, you need to concentrate your efforts on eating lean protein sources like chicken, fish, and eggs. Limit dairy foods to the non-fat or low-fat variety and eat lots of fruits and vegetables. Stay away from the bad carbs that come in the form of breads and overly processed foods. Read your labels and do not let the fat calories total more than 25% of your total caloric intake for the day.

So, if you are taking in 1500 calories per day and eating six times per day then you would get approximately 63 calories from fat at each small meal. At 9 calories per gram of fat you would be able to eat something with a total of 7 grams of fat per meal to achieve the weight loss stomach fat reduction you want.

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