The Fat Smash Diet
The Fat Smash diet plan is a diet created by Ian Smith and it is a 90 day program that became quite popular when Celebrity Fit Club was the big thing on TV. This diet claims that you do not need to count calories to lose weight and you will not feel hungry. However, such claims seem too good to be true, so are they?
Let’s take a look at this diet in more detail and how it actually works. This weight loss program does actually have all the good things that a good diet should have. With this diet you need to follow a healthy eating plan combined with exercise to lose weight. It doesn’t make promises of losing lots of weight without any effort; it shows you how to put in the effort to make changes to lose weight. Ian Smith has a good, solid foundation for this diet and also puts a high focus on the benefits of having a good support system of family and friends. It can sometimes be difficult to stay motivated while dieting so a good support system can help to encourage you to stay on track.
Many weight loss programs focus on either the diet itself or on an exercise regime. It is important that you combine these two aspects for the best weight loss results and not just focus on one or the other. The Fat Smash diet suggests that you undergo a detox first to give you an initial burst of motivation as it will help to kick start your weight loss. The detox stage lasts around nine days and during this time you may actually not feel the best as your body has some symptoms of the detox. You may experience nausea, headaches and tiredness so it is best to begin this diet at a time when you can cope with these symptoms.
The Fat Smash diet program is divided into four parts. The first part is the detox stage and during this stage you will eat mainly fruit and vegetables. Some of the dishes suggested in the diet have a Japanese flavor and you can find many of the ingredients at your local store. The second stage of the program will add lean meat, eggs, fish and other foods into the diet. In stage three you will have bread, wheat, pasta and even some deserts added to your diet. Phase four actually includes some pizza and other fast foods. During all four phases it is recommended that you eat little and eat often. Eating this way will help to boost your metabolism which will enable you to lose weight faster.
This diet also suggests a number of different activities that you could do to get the required exercise. If you follow the diet but don’t include exercise then you won’t see as good results as you would if you do include exercise. The Fat Smash diet program is actually quite a good diet program for losing weight if you stick to it and follow it through, including the exercises. If you are looking for a good diet program to help you lose weight then this one might be the answer.
Tags: Burst, Calories, Calories To Lose Weight, Celebrity Fit Club, Diet Program, Eating Habits, Exercise Regime, Exercise To Lose Weight, Family And Friends, Fat Smash Diet, Fat Smash Diet Plan, Fruit And Vegetables, Fruits And Vegetables, headaches;, Healthy Diet, Healthy Eating Plan, Japanese Flavor, Lean Meat, Local Store, Losing Weight, Nausea, Nine Days, Second Stage, Solid Foundation, Tiredness —

Stomach Fat Burning-Diets Are Everywhere
Stomach fat burning diets are everywhere. The first thing you need to ask yourself is, are they safe? Some diet plans can do a lot more harm than good. Fad diets such as the grapefruit diet for example, may work only up to a point.
When you have lost the weight and the diet is over, you just go back to the same way you ate before and what happens? The weight comes back and if you are not careful you may just add on a few extra pounds.
If you only have a few pounds to lose then by all means try one of the many fast stomach fat burning diets available so you can get into that dress for the wedding. But, if you have a lot of weight to lose you will need to make some lifestyle changes to reach your goal weight.
Take a minute to write down where you want to end up. What are your goals. Keep track of what you eat in a journal so you can see what you are putting in your body so if it needs to be changed you can change it. Writing in a journal everyday is a very effective tool to use to help you lose the weight you need to lose.
Learn every aspect about food. Become and expert. Figure out how many calories, fats, carbs and sodium are in the food you eat so you will be able to put meals together that are nutritionally balanced and satisfying. Knowing what the right numbers are helps a lot.
You can figure out how many calories you need in a day by calculating your basal metabolic rate, or BMR, or you can simply make up a meal plan that has enough food to equal 1500 calories or so. Keep it all on paper so you can see it daily. Just having a plan is not enough if it is written down you can hold yourself accountable for every single meal.
Learning to eat differently may take some practice and careful planning. When I tell you that you need to eat small meals throughout your day you are going to say you do not have the time to do that because you are at work. well then, I will say that yes you can with some precise planning.
Start packing your lunch and snacks to work with you. Stop wasting money and gaining weight by eating out when you are at work. Save your wallet and your waistline by buying an insulated lunch box and healthy food to put in it.
Now you need to figure what your lunch and snacks will consist of. Well, how about a cup of yogurt and some celery sticks? With a full glass of water that is a great snack for the middle of the morning. For your lunch, why not have a sandwich made of lean turkey breast with some light mayo and lettuce and a cup of grapes? There are a lot of things you can do to make sure you eat small meals throughout your day.
Do your best to drink enough water during the day, too. Stay away from pop and caffeinated beverages like coffee. Caffeine has a drying effect on the body and can contribute to dehydration. Drink lots of water.
If you do start one of the fast stomach fat burning diets and there are a lot of restrictions to the diet you may need to take a supplement to get all the vitamins and minerals you need.
Tags: Basal Metabolic Rate, Bmr, Burning Stomach, Calories, Carbs, Diet Plans, Eating Habits, Fad Diets, Fast Diets, Fat Burning Diets, Fat Stomach, Fats, Goal Weight, Grapefruit Diet, Healthy Diet, How Many Calories, Lifestyle Changes, Losing Weight, Lunch, Meal Plan, Snacks, Sodium, Stomach Burning, Stomach Fat, Vitamins And Minerals —

Reduce Belly Fat In Women
What are some healthy, effective ways to reduce belly fat in women? Well, you can learn to cook healthy meals or you can buy one of those meal plans that are all endorsed by famous people and ex sports stars, or go online and order your meals from those online diet plans that are available if you have that type of budget.
Some parameters you should follow when looking for good, healthy ways to reduce belly fat in women start with how many pounds per week these weight loss plans promise you will lose if you choose to go that route.
Do not choose any diet plan that promises that you will lose any more than two pounds per week. Losing more than two pounds per week is not healthy and you will more than likely not keep the weight off.
The meals should be balanced and have some flavor otherwise you will get bored with it very quickly. You should be given enough food to have five small meals throughout the day. This will keep your metabolism stoked to help you burn fat continuously, even when you are sleeping.
Remember that losing weight is a learning process and if you are going to be successful you will eventually need to learn how to cook healthy meals for yourself. A good meal plan should help you learn new ways of eating and offer guidance and instruction so you learn the right way to cook and eat so you keep the weight off for the long haul.
Then when you get to your weight loss goal, the weight loss plan should teach you how to keep the weight off. Throughout your weight loss journey you will be shown the correct way to eat and you will be able to practice portion control. Continuing to follow these guidelines and sticking to them will mean you should be able to keep the weight off. Portion control is the biggest problem a lot of people have when putting the weight on.
There is no way you can continue to eat the same way you did when you were younger because the only thing that will happen is you will gain weight because as you age your metabolism slows down. If you continue to eat the same amounts of food at age 40 as you did when you were 20 or even 30 you will gain a lot of weight in very short order.
When the time comes for you to start cooking for yourself, remember to always read the labels and make sure that the fat content of what you buy is no more than 30% of the total calories and that your carbohydrate intake is less than 30% of the total calories.
The weight loss plan you choose may include supplements in their plan for you to take along with eating their food. This may be a really good idea because some nutrients are difficult to get enough of in the foods we eat and taking a good supplement can give you what you need to keep everything on track so your body is in tip-top shape.
Finding healthy ways to reduce belly fat in women will help you lose the weight and can even help reduce cravings for certain foods you can’t seem to stay away from.
Tags: Atkins, Calories, Diet Plan, Diet Plans, Eating Habits, Famous People, Guidance, Healthy Diet, Healthy Meals, Long Haul, Losing Weight, Meal Plan, Meal Plans, Metabolism, New Ways, Parameters, Portion Control, Sports Stars, Two Pounds, Ways To Reduce Belly Fat, Weight Loss Goal, Weight Loss Journey, Weight Loss Plan, Weight Loss Plans —

Rapid Weight Gain
Most of the talk these days is about losing weight but what if you find yourself in the position of needing rapid weight gain? If this is your case, say, needing to gain weight for a sport you play then you need to do the opposite of burning more calories than you take in each day. You need to take in more than you burn.
How do you make this rapid weight gain work and still stay in good shape to continue playing your chosen sport as effectively as you did before? You will need to be very careful while overloading your body with the calories it needs and maintaining the workouts you need to stay in shape so you build lean muscle and not pack on the fat.
Start by creating a plan or two. One for eating the right kinds of foods to help you gain muscle and one for working out. You will need to balance these two plans correctly to get the results you want. If you don’t know where to start then ask for help from your coach or your parents. Maybe even make an appointment with a nutritionist recommended by your doctor.
Start by figuring out the total amount of calories you need in a day. There are formulas for this kind of thing and then add good calories to each meal until you have a meal plan that will work for you.
If you watched the last summer Olympics seven gold medal winner Michael Phelps, at one point they interviewed him and asked him how many calories he needed to maintain his workout schedule. I believe it was in the range of 10,000 calories per day or something like that. An enormous amount, at any rate.
You may not need that many calories to achieve your weight gain but do not be surprised if you are close to that amount. Keep your meals balanced though, with protein and the right kinds of carbs and good fats. Good fats are the mono and polyunsaturated types found in olive oil and fish.
Keep the proteins lean, protein is needed for building muscle mass. Before you prepare them make sure that you cut off all the fat. It is no good for you. If you like fish then that is a great way to get lots of lean protein in your diet. Shrimp is especially good for you as it has the best source of protein packed into those little bite sized morsels.
The carbs you take in should be good ones also, like whole grain. Change up the cereal you eat in the morning to oatmeal or a whole grain cereal. Stay away from the sugary cereals and the flavored oatmeal instant packets. Too many bad carbs. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables, too.
Use these tips and the advice you get from your coach, doctor, or nutritionist to safely get your rapid weight gain so you can start your next season as healthy as you can with the same competitiveness you had the last season.
Tags: Amount Of Calories, Atkins, Building Muscle Mass, Calories, Calories Per Day, Eating Habits, Fruits And Vegetables, Gain Work, Gold Medal Winner, Good Fats, Good Shape, Healthy Diet, How Many Calories, Lean Muscle, Lean Protein, Losing Weight, Meal Plan, Michael Phelps, Nutritionist, olive oil;, Proteins, Rapid Weight Gain, Summer Olympics, Workout Schedule, Workouts —