Healthy Weight Loss Tips

Healthy Diet Tips And Much More

Eliminate Poultry

If you haven’t been eating a vegetarian diet for years, and want to make the shift, it’s best to do so gradually, in stages. A good way to start is to eliminate red meat and substitute fish or poultry for the red meat you’ve been eating. While it’s not eating more vegetarian, you’re at least eliminating the biggest offender in disease-enhancing foods, red meat.

After you’ve successfully eliminated red meat, then start reducing the amount of poultry you eat. While it’s not as bad for you as red meat, because it’s not as high in fat, it’s still meat that’s been raised on a farm in terrible, cramped and inhumane conditions. Poultry is so laden with growth hormones and antibiotics that’s it’s nothing like a chicken or turkey that we might have hunted for food centuries ago. Chickens are raised in horrible conditions, overfed and then slaughtered.

In the grand scheme of things, it’s just as detrimental to our physical and spiritual health as eating red meat. It’s also fairly easy to eliminate poultry from our diets because let’s face it – it’s like eating wood pulp, it’s so tasteless. All the antibiotics and abnormal living conditions have processed any natural flavor that poultry ever had in the first place.

Add more fish and seafood, if you’re not quite ready to replace poultry with grains and vegetables and legumes yet. While there is risk in eating fish and seafood, because of the high levels of mercury they contain, it’s a better alternative to poultry and red meat. This may be as far as you ever get in moving towards vegetarianism, or at least eliminating meat from your diet. Give yourself time to get used to this. You won’t miss poultry for a minute.

We usually eat chicken and chicken breasts because it’s lower in fat and calories, but it’s also lower in any kind of nutritional value. When we’re not getting essential proteins and vitamins, we’re still starving our bodies, regardless of how healthy we think we’re being. Eliminating poultry is one of the most positive steps you can take towards a healthy diet and a healthy planet.

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Tips On Easy Diets

In this day and age, it really isn’t surprising that half of all Americans are overweight to some degree. Most people in this day and age have busy, hectic schedules, which mean that sticking to a diet is not easy, and neither is trying to work out on a regular basis. Still, this does not mean that all hope is lost. Here is some basic advice that should help you drop off those unwanted pounds by following easy diets and implementing exercise in your life.

The first piece of advice that you need to consider has to do with exercising. In fact any diet, much less an easy diet, should include exercising. You should always have your physical workout first thing in the morning when your stomach is still empty. There are a lot of different exercises that you can try such as walking on a treadmill, or going around the block a couple of times. Ten minutes of exercise is all you need to burn stored energy, especially fat, but you can also go for longer if you feel comfortable exercising for longer periods.

The next most useful tip that you should consider is to pay attention to when you snack. You should avoid snacking late at night, and stop eating all together at least three hours before you go to bed. This way you will burn off all the calories you consumed before bed, rather than storing those calories as fat when you go to bed. This simple step can have incredible results if you are serious about implementing it.

The third suggestion that you should consider has everything to do with coffee. If you absolutely have to drink coffee, make it black! Fancy coffee drinks with cream and sugar are fun and tasty, but they are also loaded up with calories. Just one of these bad boys will blow any easy diets your on right out the window. A good old simple cup of black coffee has nearly zero calories if any at all, so this is clearly a much wiser choice, and while black coffee is an acquired taste, you will get used to it with practice.

The next tip is to break your normal three meals a day into four or five smaller meals a day. Your metabolism requires constant fuel in order to burn fat. If you feed it several small amounts every day, your metabolism will stay much higher, much faster, and will burn more calories in the end.

Finally, you should cut down on your carbohydrate intake. This is going to have a very large impact on how quickly you lose weight using easy diets. By eliminating unnecessary breads, pastas and other starches, you will see a serious difference next time that you step on the scale. Take this advice and you will see what easy diet weight loss is all about.

There are no “easy diets” per say, but there are easy tips and steps that will help you lose weight. Forget those fad diets and crazy starvation diets and follow the aforementioned tips and hints instead.

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