Healthy Weight Loss Tips

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Healthy Eating Tips For Busy Women

Healthy Eating Tips For Busy Women
Phil Beckett

Healthy Eating Tips For Busy Women
By Phil Beckett

The following healthy eating tips will help you feel great, look great, carry out every-day activities better and empower you to keep it up for many years to come.

Poor health for most women is the build up of poor life-long nutrition choices and the lack of exercise, both cardiovascular and weight exercise. If you make good choices now and exercise on a regular basis, you’re less likely to become a strain on the health system years later.

And its been proven over and over for many years that women who do make these good choices tend to be healthier and live longer.

Youve probably heard most nutritionists say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. And it is because if you eat breakfast youll not only gain fuel for a high-energy and productive day, but youll also have a tendency to make better food choices during the remainder of the day.

The mistake most women make when making a choice for breakfast is to just eat cereal. And it doesnt help with all of the commercials out their telling us that cereal is all you need.

Yes, cereals rich in fiber like bran flakes, oat bran, all-bran, and raisin bran are very healthy for you. And most types of cereal with a banana, strawberries, low-fat milk etc are very good for you.

But it’s important to know that while they may contain ample carbohydrates, calcium, fiber, other nutrients, are low in fat and easy and quick to make, they dont contain nearly enough protein.

And its the protein thats more than likely the missing ingredient in your diet.

Your muscles need protein, and cannot function properly without it. Women who attempt to lose fat and/or tone up their muscles, will get the best results when they consume an ample amount of protein with breakfast.
But it difficult to get good quality protein during breakfast, unless you were to eat a bunch of eggs and bacon, which of course would lead to a whole other problem
So how do you get enough protein without eating fat?
Well the only way you can is to include Whey protein. Whey protein is a powdered supplement that you can buy in any health food store and most super-markets.
All you have to do is either mix one scoop in with your cereal (it dissolves very easily) or just stir a scoop in a glass of water. Either way its the best way to get the protein you need at breakfast.
Dont focus on any one meal. All of your meals should be nutritionally well-balanced. Meaning they should contain protein, carbohydrates and some fat. Fat will help dramatically to keep your energy levels high.

If you’re dieting you need continually fuel your body throughout the entire day. This means a minimum of 4, but preferably 6 meals each and every day. This way you’ll have the energy to exercise properly and wont crave any large unhealthy meals.

Dont get caught up in the Fat-free food frenzy. Fat-free foods are very high in simple carbohydrates and will increase your insulin, which will Feed your fat cells making you fatter very quickly.

A good nutrition plan starts when youre making your grocery list. Then of course you have to stick to the list! Another good idea is to shop for your groceries just after youve eaten. This way you wont be tempted to fill up the cart with junk food.

Nutritionally poor food is fine in moderation. But dont over-do it. Take one day each week to satisfy your cravings. You wont eliminate all the good things youve done over the rest of the week. There’s little wrong with it and in fact itll help you stay on track.

If you try to eliminate your favorite junk food completely itll lead to binge eating in only a couple of weeks. Then youll have a lot of trouble getting back on track.

When it comes to meats chicken, tuna (and most other fish) and turkey are your best choices. Theyre lower in fat, which means theyre lower in calories as well and have less cholesterol.

But dont eliminate red meats. Theyre not only an excellent source of protein but also of
iron, zinc and creatine (which helps tremendously with fitness). So try to include a couple of meals each week that contain red meats.

Bananas, oranges, grapefruit, and other citrus fruits are the best fruits. They’re rich in vitamin C and potassium. Eat fruit and drink juices daily. But be aware fruits and fruit juices contain a lot of calories, so if youre trying to lose weight once a day is good enough.

Supplements are meant to supplement healthy eating, not compensate for poor eating habits. But if you arent getting the nutrients you need, for example youd need to drink a ton of milk plus take other calcium rich foods each day to get the calcium you need, then a calcium pill a day may be a good idea.

Exercise is not an option. Cardiovascular exercise and more importantly resistance exercise (weight lifting) is essential for good long-term health. Muscles will increase your metabolism making it possible to lose fat, and resistance exercise has amazing benefits for your heart and other organs.

A daily vitamin E may help protect against heart disease and cancer. Because people cannot easily get enough vitamin E in common foods, a supplement of 200 to 400 international units (IUs) per day is a wise health investment.

About the Author:

Phil Beckett is the author of The New Womens Guide To Successful Weight Loss & Fitness and the Fitness Director at Womens Health & Fitness Inc. Hes helped thousands of women succeed with their weight loss, health & fitness goals over the past 14 years. Visit to contact Phil with your questions.

About the Author

About the Author:

Phil Beckett is the author of The New Womens Guide To Successful Weight Loss & Fitness and the Fitness Director at Womens Health & Fitness Inc. Hes helped thousands of women succeed with their weight loss, health & fitness goals over the past 14 years. Visit to contact Phil with your questions.

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Do you know these smart shopping tips for healthy

Do you know these smart shopping tips for healthy eating?
Zaak OConan

Any healthy eating plan begins at the grocery store. Learning to make smart choices when shopping for food is the key to the success of any healthy diet plan. Learning to recognize the healthiest, freshest foods is a skill every grocery shopper must learn.

Of course, the logical place to start the healthy shopping trip to the grocery store is at the produce section. Most large modern supermarkets have huge produce sections, often taking up a large portion of the store. It is not unusual for the produce section alone to contain hundreds of choices, so it can be difficult to know the best foods to choose.

When it comes to the produce section of the supermarket, however, it is difficult to make a bad choice. That is because almost all fruits and vegetables are healthy, low in calories and delicious. While there are some high fat fruits and vegetables, such as avocados, they are the exception rather than the rule.

The most important thing to remember when shopping for fruits and vegetables is the old saw that variety is the spice of life. Trying a variety of different fruits and vegetables, including some you may never have heard of before.

Eating a wide variety of fruits and vegetables is a great way to enjoy a healthier diet without becoming bored. Many new diets fail due to boredom, but eating a large number of different fruits and vegetables every day can virtually eliminate that problem.

One way to introduce this variety into a healthy diet is to seek out fresh, in season produce on every trip to the grocery store. Not only are fresh, locally grown fruits and vegetables usually less expensive, but the changing variety will help guarantee fresh new recipes week after week.

Of course the produce section is not the only place to find healthy, nutritious foods. The other parts of the supermarket are also full of both good and bad choices. For instance, when choosing bread, it is best to buy whole grain breads and avoid the more processed varieties. The same is true of baked goods. Whole grain products contain large amounts of fiber and other nutrients that the more refined baked goods may lack.

Important healthy eating decisions need to be made in the meat section of the grocery store as well. This means buying the leanest cuts of meat you can find. In addition, extra fat should be trimmed from the edges of steaks, roasts and chops. You can do this trimming at home, or, better yet, have the butcher do it at the store. After all, why pay extra for what you won’t use?

Even though poultry is generally low fat, not all poultry is created equal. Some varieties, like duck and goose, contain significant amounts of fat. A roast goose or duck can be great for Christmas or other special occasions, but these meats are generally too greasy to be used for everyday meals.

Even low fat poultry like chicken breasts can benefit from some additional trimming. Removing the skin from chicken significantly cuts the amount of fat and calories it contains. In addition, using low fat white meat chicken instead of fattier dark meat is a smart move.

When buying ground meats, always try to buy the leanest varieties you can afford. Ground beef that is 97% lean is a good choice. In addition, ground turkey or ground chicken makes a good, lower fat substitute for ground beef, and it can be used in all recipes that call for ground beef, including tacos, burritos, barbeque, burgers, etc.

One important note about ground turkey and ground chicken, however. Processed ground poultry products can often contain surprisingly high levels of fat. That is because manufacturers often grind up unwanted skin and fat in addition to the lean turkey or chicken. This is a particular problem with lower priced varieties of ground chicken and turkey, so it pays to read the labels and monitor fat content carefully.

Learning to be a smart shopper is a vital part of enjoying a healthy lifestyle.. No matter what your reason for eating healthy, learning to shop smart and buy healthy foods is an essential first step.
About the Author

Zaak O’Conan discovers and presents useful information on how to enhance and/or repair your life, body and relationships. You’ll find his other articles on eating better and other ways how to improve your life at

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3 Surefire Ways The South Beach Diet Exercise Can Work

3 Surefire Ways The South Beach Diet Exercise Can Work For You

Some of you may have heard of the south beach diet exercise, especially if you have been known to stay up to date on the health industry. For those of you who are a little less familiar with exactly how the diet has grown to be so successful, its actually a really easy concept. The diet mainly works by doing one simple thing. It slowly starts to reduce the amount of bad carbohydrates and fats that you are currently consuming and replaces them with good ones. Perhaps the fact that this concept is so basic and almost common sense, is the same reason that it getting so much attention lately. Due to the fact that it is a rather new trend in the health industry, there are not many great resources available for people that can afford professional help. Luckily, for this very reason we have put together the following guide to show you exactly how the south beach diet exercise can work for you.

Tip#1: I know what your asking yourself, What foods can we eat? right? Well this is perhaps the best part of this diet. The foods that it allows you to eat are actually reasonable sized portions of foods that you are bound to already be eating. Some of the foods include fish, chicken, beef, turkey, shellfish, nuts, eggs, cheese, and vegetables. The south beach diet exercise suggest to eat three meals a day consisting of these foods as well as garden salad. The garden salad should only use 100% olive oil as a dressing. The diet is split up into three phases. All of the phases consist of eating these foods. The first phase however will get you to cut out a lot of the foods that are high in sugar including all baked goods, ice cream, beer and alcohol as well as foods like bread, rice, potatoes, and pasta.

Tip#2: The best way to get your body to stop having cravings for foods that are unhealthy is to train it to crave other foods. By following the steps in tip number one and phase 1 of the south beach diet exercise, you can effectively train your body to crave the recommended foods. Some people think that this might take a long time, however in most cases this process will only take about two weeks which is the entire length of phase 1 of the diet.

Tip#3: After completing phase 1 you can now move on to phase 2. The second phase of the south beach diet exercise, unlike the first phase, does not have a suggested time period. This is because the second phase should be continued until you reach your desired weight. The most important part of this phase is continuing the diet and training that you completed during phase 1 of the south beach diet exercise and as well as exercising self control for foods the foods that you cut out during phase 1. This means that phase 2 allows you to occasionally have some of the foods you cut out during phase 1 only if you feel that you can exercise self control. The good thing is that the first phase will already have conditioned your mind and body, making phase 2 extremely easy.

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Fast weight loss diet for teens

With celebrities all losing weight especially teen stars like Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton and Hillary Duff, it is no wonder that teenagers nowadays want to have the slimmest bod ever.

And with a hundred and one kinds of the diet programs in the market, dieting is not really that hard especially if you are really dead set on your target weight and losing those extra pounds. It is important though that you look for a kind of diet that will fit your needs and something that will still keep you healthy.

Most of the diet programs in the market may work but getting into the program can be mighty expensive. Unless you have someone like Donald Trump as your father, an ordinary teenager like you would never be able to afford the diet program even if you save your whole monthly allowance. Other programs though that you can afford may not work the same way. If you are not really in need of a crash diet and just need to lose a few pounds, then you can just do your own kind of diet and monitor your own progress.

There is actually no great secret in dieting. The right kind of dieting is composed of two things, balance diet and exercise. Below are some ideas and tips that may help you start the diet program. See what works for you and who knows, you might even be able to invent your own.

Lessen the meat

One way to truly lose weight is to avoid foods that put calories into your weight. This means that you should avoid foods that are rich in fats and carbohydrates. Lessen your intake of red meat such as beef and pork. If you must really have to, eat white meat such as those found in chicken and in turkey.

Go for the fruits

Fruits are healthy foods that provide a balance of nutrients and what is more, it is a good source of fibers that help the digestive system metabolize the foods that we take into our bodies. Fruits are also great sources of vitamins and minerals that will not only keep your body healthy but will also keep your skin and other body functions in tip-top shape.

Eat veggies.

Veggies are foods that are low in caloric content but rich in fibers, vitamins and minerals. Depending on how it is cooked, going on a vegetarian meal once in a while can help you lose those unwanted fats fast.

Exercise routine

The other side of a diet program is the exercise part. It is not enough that you just eat the right kinds of food. Doing this will only prevent you from gaining more weight but will not make a difference in the weight that you have gained before. If you really want to lose weight, diet and exercise goes hand in hand.

Most people think that if they exercise, every now and then, they will already lose weight. This is not the case. In order to really lose weight, it is important that you establish an exercise routine that you will be able to follow through.


Without this, nothing will ever come off from your attempt. In losing weight, you really have to want to lose weight. There is no half measure. There is no vacation. Total and absolute commitment is necessary. Otherwise, you are just wasting your time.

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