Lose Weight Fast And Easy
OK, so you were just watching t.v. (or listening to the radio or reading a magazine) and you saw an ad that promised that you could lose weight fast and easy. But, since you are an intelligent person, you have your doubts.
Is it really possible to lose weight fast and easy? Is there really a system, a supplement or an exercise machine that will work like that?
Well, I don’t pretend to be an expert but I can tell you from my experience I’ve never found anything for weight loss that really delivered the way it was supposed to.
I have found that some exercise programs, eating programs or supplements might help a little, but I’ve never found one that will do it all as quickly or as easily as the advertising would have you believe.
I have bought many types of products over the years to get in better shape. Everything from exercise equipment, to workout DVD’s to a supplement and I can tell you one thing that I’ve noticed on all of them: they have disclaimers.
While not necessarily a bad thing, when you buy a weight loss supplement that promises you can lose weight “without dieting or exercise” and then you read the side of the bottle where it clearly states something like: “In conjunction with a healthy eating plan and exercise” you kind of have to wonder if the supplement is really doing anything at all.
I mean if you used the same healthy eating plan and exercise without taking the supplement, would you see the same results? Is it the supplement that is making the excess fat disappear or is it the healthy eating plan and exercise?
Like I said above, I’m no expert so I don’t know but it does kind of make you wonder, doesn’t it?
Of course, you should always talk to your doctor before you start any type of eating plan, exercise plan or taking any supplements. If you have any restrictions your doctor will let you know.
So, you may be wondering, does that mean that I have to work hard to lose weight? Well, based on my own experience, the answer to that question would be “no”. You see, recently I went on a “diet” where I just gave my body the foods it needed to run at it’s best.
I ate several small, healthy meals throughout the day and I actually lost weight! Yes, that’s right, you heard me, I ate more food and I lost weight.
I lost almost a pound a day! And the really cool thing was that I did it in a healthy way; I just gave my body what it needed. I increased my metabolism so I was burning fat throughout my day and I lost weight.
I hope that I’ve shown you that while there may not be any shortcuts to weight loss, you can lose all the weight you need to lose just by giving your body what it needs. Keeping your body functioning at it’s best while losing weight sounds like a pretty good deal to me.
If you want to lose weight fast and easy I would recommend you talk to your doctor first for some ideas and then see about eating your way to a better body. Sounds odd, but it worked for me, it will probably work for you too.
Tags: Buy Supplement, Conjunction, Dieting, Doubts, Eating Habits, Exercise Dvd, exercise equipment;, Exercise Machine, Exercise Plan, Exercise Programs, Healthy Diet, Healthy Eating Plan, Intelligent Person, Listening To The Radio, Lose Weight, Losing Weight, Shape, Supplements, Weight Loss Supplement, Workout —
Healthy Ways To Lose Weight
Looking for healthy ways to lose weight? Well, if so, you have to look no further than your own cupboards, refrigerator or sidewalk. All you need is a combination of diet (eating the right things, not starving yourself) and exercise.
I know that today we are all being sold on the idea that we can get whatever we want quickly and easily. And that is not always the truth. It depends on what you really want to accomplish; how much weight you need to lose and how much time (and effort) you are willing to invest in the process.
The first thing you should do is talk to your doctor and find out what they recommend. Only they will know your unique health issues, if any, and should be able to advise you on your options.
It may not be sexy and it may sound hard and intimidating, but there are healthy ways to lose weight and it has nothing to do with popping pills or buying the latest workout DVD or gizmo.
You can go go at it with as much vigor as you want. As quickly or as slowly as you want. It takes time to lose weight and get in better shape, but you can make major changes to your daily routine or you can start with some small changes, one at a time, and go from there.
One thing that I have recently found out is that some people don’t eat enough. Yep, that’s right, you heard me, they don’t eat enough. They don’t eat often enough and they eat too much processed foods and not enough foods that are good for them.
When I started eating six small, healthy meals a day I lost weight. Six pounds in one week to be exact. I was just providing my body with what it needed to give me the best results.
By eating too little or eating too much food with minimal nutritional value, I was making it harder to lose weight. When I kept my body fed throughout the day I was encouraging my metabolism to burn hot all day… that is why I lost weight.
I actually ate my way to weight loss! Cool, huh. Not only was it easy, it was also fast. And it was healthy. I was just giving my body what it needed. How can you go wrong with something like that?
Look, I know it may sound hard and it may not sound very sexy, but the truth is that getting in shape and losing weight can go a long way to helping you improve the quality of your life. You can live longer and live better if you are in good health.
The best healthy ways to lose weight are to ask your doctor for ideas and what limitations you may have, eat a well balanced diet with few processed foods and a lot of fresh, natural foods, drink plenty of water get plenty of sleep and get more exercise.
Tags: Cupboards, Daily Routine, Diet, Eating Habits, Gizmo, Health Issues, Healthy Diet, Healthy Meals, Healthy Ways To Lose Weight, Hot, Losing Weight, Metabolism, Nutritional Value, Popping Pills, Refrigerator, Shape, Sidewalk, Small Changes, Unique Health, Vigor, Ways To Lose Weight, Weight Loss, Workout —
Exercises To Lose Weight Fast
Most people realize that to lose weight they must take in fewer calories than they burn. If they are bringing in more calories than they burn those excess calories are being stored as fat.
To accomplish that goal many people will try to exercise harder. The more cardio they get, so goes the theory, the more weight they can lose. To a point that is true… only to a point though.
You see, you will still need to get enough of the right types of foods into your daily diet if you want to keep your body functioning at it’s optimal level.
Just trying to use exercises to lose weight fast while thinking you can still eat whatever you want is a recipe (pardon the pun) for disaster.
If you eat crappy low value food on a regular basis you aren’t providing your body with the nutrients it needs. That means you will only be working your body hard but not giving it adequate fuel.
Think of it like this: you wouldn’t want to take your car to the local race track without giving it enough oil, would you? Of course not. When it comes to our bodies we often treat them worse than we would our vehicles (which is kind of dumb when you think about it).
Along with the cardio, you should also implement some weight training. This will pay dividends in a few ways. For one thing, you will increase (I said increase, not bulk up) your lean muscle mass.
Lean muscle will increase your metabolism all day everyday. That means that no matter you are doing you will be burning more calories. That means even when you are sitting on your bottom in front of the t.v. or fast asleep in your bed your body will be burning more calories.
Another benefit of lean muscle mass is that it will make you look thinner. It kind of acts like a full body girdle. You will look tight and toned.
In order to gain lean muscle mass you will need to incorporate some light weight training into your fitness routine. It doesn’t have to be some extreme, intimidating workout. just a little bit of weights a few times a week (along with a good eating plan) can make a lot of difference.
So, the bottom line, is to get the most out of your weight loss efforts, for most people, you will need to combine the best of both worlds: eat right and get some exercise.
Of course, before you start any type of exercise program make sure your doctor is on board and gives you her ok. You don’t want to risk making your existing condition worse by overdoing the exercise side of things.
You will want to get plenty of exercise and there are many exercises to lose weight fast that you can use in conjunction with a good eating plan. Combining the two will help you get the most out of all your efforts.
Tags: Acts, Calories, Cardio, Diet, Disaster, Dividends, Eating Habits, Excess Calories, Exercises To Lose Weight, Fewer Calories, Fitness Routine, Full Body Girdle, Healthy Diet, Lean Muscle Mass, Little Bit, Losing Weight, Metabolism, Nutrients, Optimal Level, Pun, Value Food, Weight Training, Weights, Workout —
Lose The Stomach Fat-Everyone Has Trouble Spots
Everyone has their trouble spots when it comes to weight loss. We all have areas on our body that we love and areas on our body that we hate. If you have trouble with your belly you may wonder what can be done to lose the stomach fat.
You know that it is just not possible to spot reduce. What that means is that you can’t just lose weight in certain areas of your body, you have to lose weight everywhere. For that reason you will have to focus on overall body weight reduction to get the body you have always dreamed of.
Even though you can’t spot reduce, you will still lose more weight in some areas than in others for the simple reason that you have more fat in some areas than others. Your body will burn fat first, then muscle, so as long as you still have excess fat deposits and you cut your daily calorie intake you will lose weight.
So if you want to lose the stomach fat but you don’t need to lose weight in your hips or butt, all you need to do is eat fewer calories and the excess weight will come off.
Another thing that can help the appearance of your belly is exercise. A lot of women wrongly think that if they do too many exercises it will just make areas of their body half look bigger because they will ‘bulk up’. In reality women just aren’t made that way. In order to get really big you’d have to workout on a full time basis, eat only 100% nutritious foods (no cheating) and probably get some pharmaceutical help. It takes quite a lot for a woman to bulk up.
If you target all your major muscle groups what will happen is that you will look toned. When your muscles are toned you will look smaller since your body will be tighter. Think of your muscles kind of like a girdle. Building your muscles will allow you to naturally hold everything in more easily and that will give you an all over appearance of being smaller which will make it look like you have lost more weight than you really have.
To get the best results you should watch what you eat, make sure you drink plenty of water everyday to stay hydrated and to keep your body clear of toxins, and do some muscle building exercises.
One great and easy to do exercise for your belly is to do crunches. You don’t need any special equipment and it is easy to learn how to do them. All you have to do is lay on your back on the floor, bend the knees to protect your lower back then put your hands lightly behind your head and looking straight at the ceiling slowly move up and down. Breathe out as you come up.
It’s easy to lose the stomach fat, just eat right and exercise. And, oh yeah, you’ll also lose weight everywhere else too!
Tags: Appearance, Body Fat, Calories, Daily Calorie Intake, Excess Weight, Exercises, Fewer Calories, Full Time, Girdle, Hips, Lose Weight, Losing Weight, Major Muscle Groups, Muscles, Nutritious Foods, Reason, Stomach Fat, Time Basis, Trouble Spots, Weight Loss, Weight Reduction, Workout —