Do You Need to Lose Weight? Signs That You
Do You Need to Lose Weight? Signs That You May
Each day in the United States, million of Americans say to themselves I need to lose weight. Are you one of those individuals? While many of the individuals who tell themselves that they need to lose weight do need to lose weight, not all do. So, the question that many ask themselves is do I really need to lose weight? If that is a question that you have asked yourself before, you will want to continue reading on.
One of the many signs that you may need to lose weight is if you are obese. Many individuals do not realize that there is a difference between being overweight and being obese. While different healthcare professionals have different definitions for obese, it is often said that those who are thirty or forty pounds overweight are obese. If you are obese, you shouldnt only be worried about your appearance, but your health as well. Obesity has been linked to multiple health complications, including the early onset of death.
Another one of the many signs that you should lose weight is if you have been told that you need to do so. Whether your physician recommended losing weight or if someone that you know on a personal level has, it is advised that you at least take their suggestions into consideration. Unfortunately, many individuals are embarrassed or become upset when they are told that they need to lose weight. What you need to remember is that the individual mentioning your weight to you likely isnt as concerned with your appearance as they are with your health.
Another sign that you may want to think about losing weight is if you are finding that your clothes no longer fit you. Of course, it is normal for some individuals to gain weight or to have their weight fluctuate, but you may want to think about joining a weight loss program or developing your own weight loss plan if you find that your clothes no longer fit or are difficult to get into. Unfortunately, many individuals do not just have a small weight gain. Small weight gain often leads to more, which could have a negative impact on your health. It is also important to mention the cost of new clothes, which you may not be able to afford.
If you find many simple tasks or activities, like walking up a flight of stairs, difficult, you may want to think about losing weight. Of course, becoming out of breath from simple activities may not necessarily just be a weight problem, but there is a good chance that it is. When you lose weight, even just a little bit of it, you will likely find it easier to do many of the activities that you love or even the tasks that you need to do, like take your kids to the park.
The above mentioned signs are just a few of the many signs that you may need to lose weight. Should you wish to lose weight, you are advised to proceed with caution. There are a number of weight loss products on the market, like diet pills or exercise equipment, which do not work. To save yourself money and to protect your health, you may want to consider consulting with your physician before starting any weight loss program, even one that you develop yourself.
Word Count 558
Tags: exercise equipment;, healthcare professionals;, Healthy Diet, Losing Weight, obesity;, physician, United States;, weight loss products; —
pH miracle diet and weight loss
One of the biggest benefits of the pH miracle diet is weight loss. Many people have turned to this diet to lose weight as well as to improve their overall level of health The pH miracle diet is especial efficient at removing extra weight.
Obesity is a nationwide epidemic. According to recent studies, over 59 million adults over the age of 20 are obese ( 30 or more pounds overweight ). One in three Americans have a some degree of being overweight that puts them at medical risk for many different conditions, including heart ailment, heart attack, diabetes and hypertension. Even more startling is the number of spawn that qualify as overweight and obese. In the key 1990s the National Center for Health Statistics found that 15 percent of children between 6 and 19 were overweight, which was twice as much as the results found in the early 1980s. The numbers hold grown equivalent more representative. Today, 9 million children are at introductory 15 pounds overweight with many millions qualifying as obese.
What is to blame for these alarming bulk rates? The environment of highly acidic foods and high levels of stress have fabricated for a bad combination. The more acidic a body becomes, the more fat the body will store. Overweight conditions result from too much acid in the body. Eliminating acid from the diet with the pH miracle diet cede help you lose weight.
The league of fat is in reality the bodys attempt to deal protect the long levels of acid waste. Bountiful people think that fat is bad and that fat is the adversary that needs to be attacked. Fat is just a symptom of a larger problem acidity. You may be surprised to find out that your fat is saving your life. Hulking is actually protecting your habitus from rising levels of acidity. When you eat massive amounts of sugar, starches, red meat, dairy products and other acidic foods, your body uses fat to bind to the acid to protect your cells.
The acidic path in your body functions in the touching way. When you eat foods that produce acid when they are digested, this acid builds up in your body. When the acid is not eliminated in a timely concoct, it can disturb other cells and get in the way of their deal. Pretty soon, many cells in the body are being negatively affected by the presence of acid. However, the body has a line of defense in the form of fat. Dietary and body fat are both used to neutralize the acid. The acid bound fat is either eliminated or stored, depending on how much there is. The body can only rid itself of so much acid edge fat, so when you eat a lot of acidic foods you will store a lot of fat.
So people who are overweight and obese are actually showing signs of being too acid. Their diets are too much for their body to handle, so body fat is being used as a line of defense. Fat is a symptom, not the main problem. Many people begin to think that eliminating fat from their diets is the key. However if they are calm eating acidic foods they are actually robbing their bodies of the ability to protect themselves. Woebegone – carbohydrate and high protein diets keep high levels of fat, but the people on these diets need that fat because their diet is highly acidic ( animal protein has acidifying effects ).
The dietary solution for weight loss is to follow a program that is high in alkaline foods. The pH miracle diet balances out the acidity that you have been developing in your figure and will restore you to your ideal weight.
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Tags: 1980s, Acid Waste, Acidic Foods, Acidity, Adversary, Atkins, Body Functions, dairy products;, Diet To Lose Weight, Eating Habits, Epidemic, Habitus, Health Diet, Healthy Diet, Heart Ailment, heart attack;, hypertension;, Levels Of Stress, Losing Weight, Massive Amounts, Medical Risk, National Center for Health Statistics;, obesity;, Ph Miracle Diet, Red Meat —
Diabetes and the pH miracle diet
Diabetes is the third leading cause of death in the United States. Even more chilling, it is the first leading cause of death for children. The rising rates of obesity in this nation have also led to rising rates of type II diabetes ( also called adult assault diabetes ). Today, matchless in 12 adults are unprosperous with the disease. This means that over 16 million people have the disorder, with 6 million of them walking around undiagnosed and unaware of their sensitive insulin mark.
Type II diabetes is created by increased aging, obesity, poverty-stricken nutrition, high stress and palpable inactivity. All of these conditions can be traced back to one sourcehigh acidity. Because – acid lifestyles and food choices have negative impacts on health, which is shown by the fast increasing diabetes rates in the country.
Diabetes is an old disorder. It has been known about for thousands of oldness and yet it is only today that it has become an epidemic. Part of the nut is that the nature of diabetes is a mystery, even to educated adults. People do not understand what insulin does in the body and how the insulin metabolism affects the health. Even current medical science has some misconceptions about the true nature of the disorder.
For example, many in the medical thing believe that obesity is the cause of diabetes. However, obesity is a result of increased consumption of complex carbohydrates and simple sugars. The uplifted rate of consumption of these products ( which are made from the acidifying foods of sugar and processed wheat ) leads to high acidity in the body. The habit attempts to deal with the increase of waste acids by using fat to neutralize the acid. The fat is then stored as a safeguard for the cells in the body.
Competent is also a belief that insulin is needed to regulate blood sugar levels in the bodies. The period insulin dependent was created in the 1950s to create the impression that muscle and fat require insulin to take up glucose ( the sugars created by eating high carbohydrate and sugary foods ). However, current studies show that many different things in the body transport glucose. Cells require glucose for their cell respiration process. The body makes sure that the cells receive that, no matter how much insulin in present.
Insulin resistance, which is a precursor to quality II diabetes, is brought on fini a highly acidic lifestyle and acidic food choices. It occurs in the liver, muscles and fat cells. Excess caffeine, chocolate, sugar and carbohydrates stimulate these veritable organs and tissues. As the body is on fire, the cells begin to release their glucose and this leads to the elevated levels of blood sugar that people see when they create blood sugar testing. The body cells are disorganized and the highly acidic state can lead to a host of problems overtime including premature aging, high rosy pressure, inhibition of the eternal rest of glycogen from the liver, and the inhibition of the burning of fat.
Over stimulation of the bodily tissues through acidic foods can effect a lot of damage, and type II diabetes is just a symptom of an acidic lifestyle. In order to bring the body back into balance, you must include alkalizing green vegetables, green drinks and good fats in your diet. Plant proteins from grains and legumes also help restore the bodys previous homeostasis. The pH miracle diet includes a balanced plan for eating with your body, instead of against it. With the application of the principles of the diet, controlling and preventing diabetes is a simple matter of alkalized eating and living.
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Tags: Acidity In The Body, Adult Diabetes, Atkins, Blood Sugar Levels, Cause Of Death, Cause Of Diabetes, Complex Carbohydrates, Diabetes Diet, Diabetes Rates, Diet Diabetes, Eating Habits, food choices;, Fruits And Vegetables, Healthy Diet, Inactivity, Insulin, Leading Cause Of Death, Medical Science, Misconceptions, obesity;, Ph Miracle Diet, Sug, True Nature, Type Ii Diabetes —
Weight Loss Plans For The Youth Of Today
Being overweight is bad. It is bad for your health it is bad for your self esteem and feelings of self worth. When you are a teenager you have enough other things going on that are hard to deal with, adding obesity and the resultant feelings of insecurity to the mix is not a good thing. The good news is that there are weight loss plans for the youth of today that can help anyone get on a more healthy road.
Virtually anything is harder when you are overweight. It is harder to move, it is harder to meet new people and strike up a conversation. Not to mention the very real toll being overweight takes on your overall health.
Finding the best weight loss plans for the youth of today can really be a fairly simple process, here are some ideas of how to go about it:
1. If you are trying to help your teenager get in better shape, why not lead by example? Do you eat a healthy diet? Do you get enough exercise? If not why not use this as an opportunity to help both your child and yourself?
2. For some who are morbidly obese the best solution may be some sort of weight loss surgery. It is important to get all the facts first though. Your teen must understand that even with weight loss surgery, lifestyle changes will need to be made.
They will need to watch what they eat and they will need to start, and stick with, an exercise plan. Of course, every type of surgery does present risks so this is another thing to consider.
3. For a teen who is only “a little” overweight, say 20 -50 lbs. it can be relatively easy for them to lose that weight them self. Just eating less calories, eating more fresh fruit and vegetables, drinking more water and getting more exercise can make a big impact in a relatively shore amount of time.
Some people find that just changing one small bad habit can make a ton of difference. I have a friend who just gave up drinking soda for a month (and she didn’t even really drink that much, just a couple of cans a day. There are people who drink a lot more than that) and she lost 10 lbs. in just about 30 days.
Think of your habits, is there one thing that really stands out that you may be able to change pretty easily? Even if that one thing isn’t enough to help you lose all the weight you need to lose, it can be a great way to jump start your efforts.
Any journey will require you to take the first step. There are a lot of weight loss plans for the youth of today that are available to anyone who needs a little help. Just find one that appeals to you and go for it. It will take time and there may be times when you get discouraged, but you can do it!
Tags: Amount Of Time, Bad Habit, Being Overweight, Best Solution, Calories, Cans, Eating Habits, Exercise Plan, Feelings, Fresh Fruit And Vegetables, Fruit And Vegetables, Fruits And Vegetables, Healthy Diet, Insecurity, Lifestyle Changes, Losing Weight, obesity;, Self Esteem, Self Worth, Soda, Weight Loss Plans, Weight Loss Surgery, Youth Of Today —